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Some United Stages psychologists have concluded that one specific set of parental behaviors toward children always signifies acceptance and a second set always signifies rejection, for there is remarkable agreement among investigators about the maternal behaviors designated as indicative of these parental attitudes. The conclusion of the psychologists mentioned above logically depends on the assumption that A.most maternal behaviors have been interpreted as conveying either acceptance or rejection B.the maternal behaviors indicating acceptance or rejection are exhibited by fathers as well C.the behaviors of fathers toward children have been studies as carefully as have the behaviors of mothers D.acceptance and rejection are the easiest to recognize of all parental behaviors E.parental attitudes are best conveyed through behaviors that the parents have consciously agreed on


结论:父母的行为表示接受或拒绝 原因:母亲的行为能表明父母的行为 那么premiem应该是母亲的行为表示接受或拒绝(如A)才对啊 对于,B(父亲表现出与母亲相同的行为)已经包含在原因里了 我的想法错在哪里呢?

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