今天遇到很多jj,sc jj里也有很多. 我的感想是前面几题好好做, 后面出来的都是jj.完全不觉得有换题 库.后面考的别太担心了哦~ cr: .1.说公司executives的头衔不利于公司内部管理层和员工的communication.于是有人建议取消title.但 是executive跟公司外部的人打交道有头衔比较好办事,于是就建议可以对外用,公司内部就不要用title 了。问support. 对外部使用title让内部员工知道后不会prohibit internal communication 好像是c 2.. 说patent granting . 除非申请那个field, 审核的officer是相关领域的expert, 不然许多patents 其实没有innovation也会被批准. 问削弱(还是assumption?) 答: 这些field的officer 没相关expert的 advices 3.. 现在developing countries 要从外国进口 oil, 因为没有迹象显示developed countries有开采到更 多oil 的trends, 所以专家预测未来会有oil shortage. 问assumption 选: developed countries 未来对oil的 demand不会下降 4
12.(3) 灯泡刚刚发明的时候人们不喜欢,因为人们觉得眼睛看着灯泡后使周围的东西变黑了。后来人们 知道灯泡不是用眼睛直接盯着看的,而是看它照亮的周围,才慢慢接受了灯泡而且普遍使用灯泡了。问这 段话说明了下面哪个generalization? invention有时和导致adapted人们生活习惯有关… 5. 4、医生刊登广告的比不刊登广告要perform more medical procedure,explain现象。 不确定,我选择:通常要病人相信有必要perform more medical procedures,他们才会同意perform。更 正答案: 应该是 有许多人因为看了广告, 原本不觉得要看病也因此跑去看病了 rc: 阅读jjj已经很详细了, 补充一些没有的题目吧 1. stakeholder model stakeholder 不会因为哪一项成为 falling victim? 选了: 公司通过XXX 来制定pension plan 和… (不确定) 2. scout girl 主题题 : 我选了 提出findings contradict to a controversial assumption 3. symbol ecnomy 1)问日本TRADE情况那么好,什么让作者surprising。Although the foreign trade is prosperous in Japan, what is the domestic situation in Japan? 选: employment chances did not increase 2. What is purpose of the author mentions the transaction in London is 80 trillion? My Answer: the strength of the symbol economy 3) 主题题,我选:.世界经济关系发生巨大变化 4) 传统理论认为capital transfer什么的会是:...回第2段定位: 由flows of goods 所影响的结果 4) 传统理论认为capital transfer什么的会是:...回第2段定位: 由flows of goods 所影响的结果
4. gray market
逻辑,问哪个可以削弱retailer revenue increase的reasoning。。 选了: 过去10年越来越多顾客都变的price sensitive, and the trend will continue,。(不确定) awa
AI. 32. “You can tell the ideas of a nation by its advertisements.” AA. 108. The following appeared in a memorandum from the director of research and development at Ready-to-Ware, a software engineering firm. “The package of benefits and incentives that Ready-to-Ware offers to professional staff is
too costly. Our quarterly profits have declined since the package was introduced two years ago, at the time of our incorporation. Moreover, the package had little positive effect, as we have had only marginal success in recruiting and training high-quality professional staff. To become more profitable again, Ready-to-Ware should, therefore, offer the reduced benefits package that was in place two years ago and use the savings to fund our current research and development initiatives.” “The package of benefits and incentives that Ready-to-Ware offers to professional staff is
too costly. Our quarterly profits have declined since the package was introduced two years ago, at the time of our incorporation. Moreover, the package had little positive effect, as we have had only marginal success in recruiting and training high-quality professional staff. To become more profitable again, Ready-to-Ware should, therefore, offer the reduced benefits package that was in place two years ago and use the savings to fund our current research and development initiatives.”