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狒狒135-108 这是怎么理解的做法?

108. Terry: If you want to get a decent job, you should go to college.

Mark: That is not true. There are other reasons to go to college than wanting to get a good job.

Mark’s response shows that he interpreted Terry’s remarks to mean that

A.        college is one of many places to get trained for a job

B.        decent jobs are obtained only by persons who have gone to college

C.        wanting to get a decent job is the only reason for going to college

D.       training for decent jobs is available only at colleges

E.        all people who want decent jobs go to college


思路:一般对Mark 的观点取非就可以了。

A.        无关


C.         取非的结果,本题的关键在于other reasons

D.        支持Terry的观点,不合本题要求。

E.         无关

不理解   另外我发现很多的做法我好像不知道 请大牛告诉我资料的出处吧 我砸锅卖铁也要买~~~
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Why you don't understand that?

Mike says "there are other reasons..." so it means he thought Terry said that

the only reason to go to college is to have a good job.

So the answer is C


天 我的意思是说 :为什么 思路:一般对Mark 的观点取非就可以了。

是不是 这种题直接上来就把第二个人的话取非就是答案???

不是就题论题   :)


Frankly, I don't do those 取非

For those dialog questions, I just try to understand what that person really wants to say.  Just like you are having a talking with another Chinese and you try to understand what he/she says.   It's all from natural.


Coopers,your icon is so pure.....seems i need to change my butterfly...


"Mark’s response shows that he interpreted Terry’s remarks to mean that "请问这个问题是什么意思?

to mean 是指谁to mean啊?从选项看应该是terry,可是原句好像是mark interpreted terry's remarks 目的是mean 。。。。?我的理解哪错了呢?


我也不明白,是否选项C少了一个not呢? 加上NOT,似乎更合逻辑,觉得应是Mark mean that.

C. wanting to get a decent job is NOT the only reason for going to college



把这题挖一下 顶起来

B.        decent jobs are obtained only by persons who have gone to college
好工作只给上了大学的人-> 要有好工作,必然要上大学=If you want to get a decent job, you should go to college
C.        wanting to get a decent job is the only reason for going to college




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