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GWD-10-Q15 查过,细节不懂,求助

Which of the following most logically completes the argument below?


Although the number of large artificial satellites orbiting the Earth is small compared to the number of small pieces of debris in orbit, the large satellites interfere more seriously with telescope observations because of the strong reflections they produce. Because many of those large satellites have ceased to function, the proposal recently been made to eliminate interference from nonfunctioning satellites by exploding them in space. This proposal, however, is ill conceived, since     .


A   many nonfunctioning satellites remain in orbit for years

B   for satellites that have ceased to function, repairing them while they are in orbit would be prohibitively expensive

C   there are no known previous instances of satellites’ having been exploded on purpose

D   the only way to make telescope observations without any interference from debris in orbit is to use telescopes launched into extremely high orbits around the Earth

E   a greatly increased number of small particles in Earth’s orbit would result in a blanket of reflections that would make certain valuable telescope observations impossible  主要就是空间知识不懂,the orbit, orbiting ~~~

大家帮我讲讲,卫星orbit, in the orbit , orbiting 都是怎么回事?


e中的意思好像暗示我们,卫星本身是不在the earth's orbit 上 ,那题目里面的satellites orbiting the Earth  说的是什么意思呢?卫星绕着地球转,地球绕着自己转,原体里面说by exploding them in space.  更是荒唐,卫星不在space 里面?

我这道题错了,绝对就是被卫星弄糊涂了,d 是无关我现在知道了,大家帮我看看e吧

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Explode large satellites in space => produce small particles (pieces of the satellites) in

Earth's orbit

E. The small particles will render certain telescopes useless => exploding large satellites in space

isn't a good proposal.

Note: "satellites orbiting the Earth " => satellites orbits around the earth => satellites are on

earth's orbit

Also note: The earth's orbit is still in space.







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