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HELP: 大全-20-4

大全-20-4: Samples from a ceramic vase of found at a tomb in Sicily prove that the vase was manufactured in Greece. Since the occupant of the tomb died during the reign of a Sicilian ruler who lived 2,700 years ago, the location of the vase indicates that there was trade between Sicily and Greece 2,7oo years ago.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A. Sicilian potters who lived during the reign of the ruler did not produce work of the same level of quality as did Greek potters.

B. Sicilian clay that was used in the manufacture of pottery during the ruler's reign bore little resemblance to Greek clay used to manufacture pottery at that time.

C. At the time that the occupant of the tomb was alive, there were ships capable of transporting large quantities of manufactured goods between Sicily and Greece.

D. The vase that was found at the Sicilian tomb was not placed  there many generations later by descendants of the occupant of the tomb.

E. The occupant of the tomb was not a member of the royal family to which the Sicilian ruler belonged.

Answer is D. I chose C. However, I didn't quite understand choice D after word "placed"

Could anyone please explain me?
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Be more specific, I don't understand the function of the word "there" in choice D. This is the reason made me confused.


Why no one answers me?


"there" is refered to " the place where vase was placed at the tomb". The meaning of this sentence is that" the vase was not placed at the tomb by the decendants of the occupant of the tomb many years after the occupant died." That is, the vase was ‘there’as the same time as the occupant died.


Thank you, for the explanation on the meaning of Choice D. However, I am still having a little trouble of making choices between C and D.

According to your strategies,

因为--(1) occupant died 2,7000 years ago
trade between Sicily and Greece 2,700 years ago

所以---vase was manufactured in Greece


    因为——Actions happened in 2,7000 years ago

    所以——Vase manufactured in Greece.


    Actions=Manufactured in Greece

Is that how your analyzing process is? Please make comment or correct me if I made any errors.

Thank you very much!



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