Pumps A, B, and C operate at their respective constant rates. Pumps A and B,operating simutaneously, can fill a certain tank in 6/5 hours; pumps A and C, operating sumutaneously, can fill the tank in 3/2 hours, and pumps B and C, operating simutaneoursly, can fill the tank in 2 hours. How many hours does it take pumps A, B and C, operating simutaneously, to fill the tank?
我算是算出来了,用的A/x + A/y=1,这个万用公式,列了三个式子,解出A、B、C单独的,然后再算ABC一起的,得出1。
问题是, 这个方法是在是太费劳力了,完全体力劳动。。。 算出来,也浪费时间了
大家都是用什么方法算的呢?除了“劳力法”以外。。。 谢谢嘿~ |