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114. The number of North American children who are obese-that is, who have more body fat than do 85 percent of North American children their age---is steadily increasing, according to four major studies conducted over the past 15 years.

If the finding reported above is correct, it can be properly concluded that

(A) when four majors studies all produce similar results, those studies must be accurate

(B) North American children have been progressively less physically active over the past 15 years

(C) the number of North American children who are not obese increased over the past 15 years

(D) over the past 15 years, the number of North American children who are underweight has declined

答案是C      如果总数不变的话,胖子多了那么不胖的孩子应该减少才对....NN指点

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114. The number of North American children who are obese-that is, who have more body fat than do 85 percent of North American children their age---is steadily increasing, according to four major studies conducted over the past 15 years.

If the finding reported above is correct, it can be properly concluded that

(A) when four majors studies all produce similar results, those studies must be accurate

(B) North American children have been progressively less physically active over the past 15 years

(C) the number of North American children who are not obese increased over the past 15 years

(D) over the past 15 years, the number of North American children who are underweight has declined

答案是C      如果总数不变的话,胖子多了那么不胖的孩子应该减少才对....NN指点


因為注意文中是寫The number of North American children who are obese....is steadily increasing





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