PS:在三楼有官方给出的关于语法出题的转变,明确表示不能只依靠which 和being 就排除答案
22.版本一:有一道题, B选项 .sth...based from that fact that he was....按理来说base应该跟on,但是其他所有的选项的on 后面不是the fact his being 就是the fact of he being.不知道哪个更akward一点...大家考虑一下...
版本二:一道是考being的,意思是 一个人被选为经理 是因为他更有经理的样子(more of a manager)而是其他人的是什么样子的(what other people were) 选项记不清了,有一个好像是这样的 because of he being more of a manager than what other people were
版本三:The choice of M(sb) for the position of N(company) is based mostly on his being more of a manager than the other competitors(or applicants).
A, mostly on his being more of a manager than the other competitors(or applicants). B. from that he is more of a manager than other… C. mostly on his being more of manager than on other… D. on more that …… than on …. E. more on that he being ……than 个人建议答案为A。
23. 句子结构大体是这样的
A adveritised its coffee,(which B can not afford to do);blablabalabla...
只记得选项中有:unaffordable by B;最后我选了题干括号中的那个选项,因为我觉得do的表示很明确,指的是advertise,所以which没有修饰coffee的歧义。
24. 只记得有道题很短,划线部分也很短,选so ... as to ...就对了
25. 考到了has great demand for resources, 还是has many demands on its resources. 我犹豫很久,最后选了has great demand for resources,但是不确定对不对。这个题我托朋友问过美国人,他们也不是很确定该选哪个。
26. 又想起一道语法来:就是说文学评论家把一个人的作品归类成浪漫小说,我选的是“classified 那个人的作品.as 浪漫小说”。英文的部分是考点,有几种不同词汇的表述,我选了这个classified ...as...
27.说一个部落靠打猎为生(Hunting),------,which mainly comes from deer skin什么的。
下面的选项里都是关于打猎目的主要是为吃肉(meat)还是为穿衣(clothing). 我主要纠结的是这道题的逻辑关系,思量半天还是选了主要为穿衣,那个clothing在后面,跟上which,我选的是not so much for meat as for clothing,不知道对不对。
28. Because Japanese government, unlike European governments, …
A. Because Japanese government, unlike European governments,
B. Unlike European governments, because Japanese government,
反正后面是不划线部分,就是单数谓语,宾语都修饰japanese government, 其他选项应该都可以排除,A,B的不同就是两个短语顺序交换,我就结了一下,选了A,但是也不大确定。(有750牛牛确认选A)
29.英国的XXX,(has an alignment of 32 xxed, xxed cars buried at xxx ) so as to represent the Solar's xxx and xxx.
还有一个选项是,has 32 xx-ed, xx-ed cars buried at xxx and aligned xxx
想来想去选了这个alignment of的,觉得更通。
30. As the only divison supporting (不是这个词) the company's other 10 divisions, the information technology office has ()
好几个人提到这道题。我想来想去选了great demand for resources。
其他好像有,many demands on its resources;many demands on their resources;
31.XXX, the file maker 某某 intended to make the scene feel both XX的 and humous; and it does.
32.有一道题,之前很长的句子之后一个引号,大致是说xx index只有49.4:the reading index below 50 indicates the manufacture xx is (slowing; above 50 it is growing)。
注意 33题到42题出自非700分MM。她说她的JJ作参考。大家可以讨论。同样谢谢她给我们带来了这么多语法JJ。 |