Carlson及Tippie MBA 新鲜出炉面经 [2012-12-28]
1carlson (with peter)
这个人极nice,不断给我很多提示和建议,问题很常规- experience and Contribution to carlson
- career goal
- why carlson
- what kind of leader you are
- what kind of teamwork you involoved, what's your role in it?
- ethic dillema
- what you will do when you are a team leader, and your projects was in emergency? forced your employee to do it even overtime?(gosh, he just try to push me in the leadership style related question.....)
- any other efforts you did for your career development
- question.....
2.tippie(with colleen)- what your specific job you did in a formal week?
- you have a excellent backgroud, there are a lot of other top programs you can choose in US, why tippie?
- what you think about teamwork
- contribution to the community
- career goal
- what you think the leadership is?
- give an examples of a leader that have the leadership you mentioned.
- books you recently read
- I felt you are a really social guy(我狂汗),what extracurricular activity you want to invovle in tippie?
- other school.....
- question
(40分钟) |