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27政府为了减少污染排放,禁止开设什么新的plant,于是A 公司计划申请一个新工程,它采用一种什么新技术,利用什么OCEAN 的advantage。结果是能提供该州8000户家庭用电,然后说这个计划可能会失败,问原因。





我选了答案 VC不会对阻碍老年人摔倒的各种因素其阻碍作用





32(不完整)汽车司机在开车时使用手机很容易引发事故accident,但是摩托车司机却能在出事故是用手机求救,所以禁止在公路上使用手机只能prevent safy accident,问什么我忘了

33(不完整)有一道是说蚁后负责繁殖后代,但是工蚁有cooperative behavior而且他们为了保证下一代也能有cooperative的能力,所以要尽量确保蚁后所产的后代也能有这个能力具体记不大清楚了。。。



12.         说一间motorcycle公司在儿童杂志卖广告,但有人认为儿童不能买,而且说服父母买了也不能坐,所以waste of money,问weaken,应该是该公司希望令小朋友对他们有好感,准备明年推出的儿童单车

13.         说什么service industry相对重工业显得越来越重要,而重工业是carbon dioxide emission的主要原因,所以carbon dioxide的总排放量减少。问logic有什么问题,应该是confusion between relative decline and absolute decline.

14.         心理学家认为有些人常以为有人在后面看他们,其实是当他们认为有人看他们的时候,他们会turn their heads and that this action will attract attention from nearby people to look at them。所以人以为有人在后面看他们并不是真的,问evaluate,我选了,when there are someone behind them, as well as when no one behind them, how frequent will they turn their heads

15.         一种动物的主要threat是hunter和与人类接触是感染的fatal disease,有人提议限制tourist和human living near the habitat of the animal,  保育团体说这会更危险,问reason,我选了hunter在有tourist和有人居住的地方不敢猎杀该动物

16.一家家私店的sales很不错,但是profit不高(很像我的argument题目),然后就采取用part-time employee代替full-time的,薪水减少、benefits减少,问undermine,我选的是,裁剪full-time对于会使那些跟这些employee有良好关系的customer流失,因为家私买卖靠得是关系(社会生存就是靠关系嘛)。



17.一个政府靠卖烟草赚钱,但是烟草盛行使得health care的费用增加。有人建议禁烟,但是建议没有被采纳。问其中的assumption




21. 戒烟人士用尼古丁PATCH去戒烟。现在的尼古丁PATCH是处方药。将来某一个品牌将推出非处方的尼古丁,价钱便宜很多。结论是这个品牌的尼古丁PATCH会leading the market.

问削弱。我选了insurance company only pay the cost of the prescription medication.

22. 一个减肥餐中有cereal,试验证明吃了cereal的人减了10斤和减少很多疾病risk。所以cereal是有益身体的。我选的选项的意思是本来是因为cereal有益才加入餐单中,但是现在却说这个餐单证明了cereal有益选项(五个选项都是很抽象的概述,要么argument support 等等 就是没有出现cereal diet等具体的词)(待作者查证)



23. 政府可以借LOAN给中小企业者促进经济,专家认为成功的企业交的税会弥补政府借LOAN的COST。 问Evaluate: 我选the proportion of the successful business company among all the companies that take the loan


25 XXX rate of higher education increase faster than the fluctuate rate. 说efficiency 的提高,lead to cost of most service and product industry decreased. But for higher education, efficiency 就是要sacrifice teaching quality, which will not be acceptable. 问weaken.

A. study shows that the most efficient teachers are those who teach the fewer students. (感觉是加强)

B. service and product company 提高效率降低成本也会有顾客不满意质量的风险。(选了这个,不确定)

这个感觉原JJ作者选的可能不对,如果结论是提高efficiency 就是要sacrifice teaching quality,那么问削弱就应该是说教育效率的提高不代表教育质量的下降,但B选项说的是service and product industry,跟教育部门没有关系-楼主注

26. 油价上涨。公司A, 本来生产truck, 现在生产新型hybrid SUV(应该就是那种油电混合的SUV吧)。这种新SUV,有更好的mileage for its size. 但是A公司年底销量报告不好,说新SUV的销量比A公司的其他SUV低。问explanation.

A.   SUV的大势不好。

B.   A 公司这新的SUV的mileage is inferior to the mileage of smaller size SUV from competitor

C.   mileage is not a determining factor for the buyers of the other SUV of A (选这个)

注意mileage的意思:The mileage of a vehicle is the number of miles that it can travel using one gallon or litre of fuel-楼主注

版本二:因为gas 价格提高,有个生产vehicle的厂sales下降,于是这个厂就设计了一种叫做ElectronSUV,这种新产品mileage高,可是发现这种SUVsales还是没有其它SUV好,问为什么?(我犹豫很久,pace前面慢了些,后面做到这题时已经快要崩溃了,所以看了很久还是随便选得~就不误导大家了)(7.29更新)



7.         好像是说只要是得诺贝尔文学奖的书都会成为畅销书,然后有一个书店老板说那些畅销书也通常都是得奖的书,问以下哪个正确?答案是有一些畅销的书并不是得奖的书(确定)

8.         某车险公司打算把常规的年险换成以里程计算的险种(开得少的可以少付保险),然后该公司财务主管就说这样会让所有投常规年险的顾客都改为新的险种,问weaken?我选的是新险种要求那些有多辆车及两个驾驶员的家庭才能投保

9.         说 Lead 是存在于gasoline emmission 中而通常会堆积在railroad旁的土. 从一些1970~1980 间有大车流量的路上能发现到旁边的土有Lead堆积.所以当科学家发现某段路段的土旁有Lead 堆积 mostly likely 这路段在1980前有大量车流. 问这个statement 犯了什么问题 (这啥? 从来没看过CR有这样考的):    选项有A)把一个reason for one situation applies to another situation.. (大概就是不管其它原因把曾经发生过的一种现象的原因apply to another 现象regardless other factors)
  选项B) or C) generalize a factor attibuted to certain cause of a situation to another situation with the same cause. (以偏盖全的样子)。其中印象最深的是 D) 倒果为因(这段英文可饶舌了,中文还是威阿) 反正我选了A... 但是V太烂我也不好发言, 感觉GMAC储存了六月到7/17(我到死都会记住这天...TMD害我从7/1一直期待到7/15. 直到看到7/16都还是旧题我整个就绝得一定是20+后换..好傻好天真阿..) 的能量整个改过考题型态. 像这种类型的题考了两个.

10.     说一个Bay support 少量的一种grouper 鱼,他的sandy bottom 会对habitat 造成不好影响所以grouper吃的其它鱼(prey)减少了(or 因为渔夫乱补).  为了增加population of grouper, 政府打算放artificial reef 在bay 的边边以制造出适合grouper 吃的东东的生活环境, weaken. 我选了渔夫和其它的东西会往 the type of fish concentration 多的地方去. 不知道对错..麻烦考证

11.     corn 的价钱因为某国大量用corn 去生产ethonol, 一种替代能源, 而上升. 因此造成本国的农夫全部跑去种corn 而放弃soy bean. 因此soy bean的价格上升. 隔壁国(墨西哥还是某个南美国)的农夫就卯起来种soy bean. 虽然说种这soy bean 对雨林- friendly 但是专家说尽管如此, 雨林还是会受影响. why? 我选了因为地都拿去种soy 了, 那些ranger 和放牧的就要搬迁(文中没有直接提到 ranger 会对雨林有坏处) 但是其它的都不像只好选这..
  这题我不确定是不是两题我搞混在一起了.. 烦查证.



1.         GWD:一个是老鼠眼病那道。GWD-13-40

In response to viral infection, the immune systems of mice typically produce antibodies that destroy the virus by binding to proteins on its surface.  Mice infected with a herpesvirus generally develop keratitis, a degenerative disease affecting part of the eye.  Since proteins on the surface of cells in this part of the eye closely resemble those on the herpesvirus surface, scientists hypothesize that these cases of keratitis are caused by antibodies to herpesvirus.

Which of the following, if true, gives the greatest additional support to the scientists’ hypothesis? 

  1. Other types of virus have surface proteins that closely resemble proteins found in various organs of mice.
  2. There are mice that are unable to form antibodies in response to herpes infections, and these mice contract herpes at roughly the same rate as other mice.
  3. Mice that are infected with a herpesvirus but do not develop keratitis produce as many antibodies as infected mice that do develop keratitis.
  4. There are mice that are unable to form antibodies in response to herpes infections, and these mice survive these infections without ever developing keratitis.
  5. Mice that have never been infected with a herpesvirus can sometimes develop keratitis.

2.         GWD:一个是牛肉过剩,价格下降,牛肉饲料价格上涨,但是短期内肉价还会下降,问原因  GWD-7-Q37

Escalating worldwide demand for corn has led to a sharp increase in the market price of corn, and corn prices are likely to remain high.  Corn is extensive used as feed for livestock, and because profit margins are tight in the livestock business, many farmers are expected to leave the business.  With fewer suppliers, meat prices will surely rise.  Nonetheless, observers expect an immediate short-term decrease in meat prices.

Which of the following, if true, most helps to justify the observers’ expectation?

  1. The increase in corn prices is due more to a decline in the supply of corn than to a growth in demand for it.
  2. Generally, farmers who are squeezed out of the livestock business send their livestock to market much earlier than they otherwise would.
  3. Some people who ate meat regularly in the past are converting to diets that include little or no meat.
  4. As meat prices rise, the number of livestock producers is likely to rise again.
  5. Livestock producers who stay in the business will start using feed other than corn more extensively than they did in the past.

3.         转基因玉米,一般是变大,也有变小的,问为什么要变小?答案是防风

4.         要建电厂在一个地方,煤量大,所以成本便宜,但是本地电力富裕,要往外输,往外输要钱。还是预计能赚钱。问加强

5.         政府推行戒烟,来减少医疗开支,专家说戒烟后人会发胖,发胖更容易引发疾病,所以没用。问削弱。

6.         说一个水域有某种鱼要从下游到上游去产卵,然后由于什么原因造了一个大坝,原来每年有几千条鱼在产卵期游到上游,结果修坝以后只有几百条去上游了,结论说大坝有缺陷,问weaken。  记得答案有一个说那些到上游产卵的鱼产完就没游回去;另一个说因为造坝的关系,某些有毒物质污染了下游的河水(我选的是这个,原因是大坝并没有缺陷,而是因为造坝导致的关系,不知道对不对)



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