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In the United States, of the people who moved from one state to another when they retired, the percentage who retired to Florida has decreased by three percentage points over the past ten years.  Since many local businesses in Florida cater to retirees, this decline is likely to have a noticeably negative economic effect on these businesses.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?

A.        Florida attracts more people who move from one state to another when they retire than does any other state.
B.        The number of people who move out of Florida to accept employment in other states has increased over the past ten years.
C.        There are far more local businesses in Florida that cater to tourists than there are local businesses that cater to retirees. 无关比较,还是说明会有不良的经济影响。
D.        The total number of people who retired and moved to another state for their retirement has increased significantly over the past ten years. Total*%=the number of people who retired to F,应该以在F养老的人总数为衡量标准,因为百分比会因分母变大而变小,不具纵向参考性,横向比较才有参考性)
E.        The number of people who left Florida when they retired to live in another state was greater last year than it was ten years ago.[D] 百分比和绝对数的换算
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Kate:  The recent decline in numbers of the Tennessee warbler, a North American songbird that migrates each fall to coffee plantations in South America, is due to the elimination of the dense tree cover that formerly was a feature of most South American coffee plantations.
Scott:  The population of the spruce budworm, the warbler’s favorite prey in North America, has been dropping.  This is a more likely explanation of the warbler’s decline.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously calls Scott’s hypothesis into question?削弱第二人

A.        The numbers of the Baltimore oriole, a songbird that does not eat budworms but is as dependent on South American coffee plantations as is the Tennessee warbler, are declining. 排除第二人提出的原因,第一人论断仍然成立
B.        The spruce-budworm population has dropped because of a disease that can infect budworms but not Tennessee warblers.前提的原因,无关
C.        The drop in the population of the spruce budworm is expected to be only temporary. 前提的情况无关
D.        Many Tennessee warbler have begun migrating in the fall to places other than traditional coffee plantations.无关。结论的特殊性
E.        Although many North American songbirds have declined in numbers, no other species has experienced as great a decline as has the Tennessee warbler.[A]结论的特殊性,无关


Guidebook writer:  I have visited hotels throughout the country and have noticed that in those built before 1930 the quality of the original carpentry work is generally superior to that in hotels built afterward.  Clearly carpenters working on hotels before 1930 typically worked with more skill, care, and effort than carpenters who have worked on hotels built subsequently.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the guidebook writer’s argument?

A.        The quality of original carpentry in hotels is generally far superior to the quality of original carpentry in other structures, such as houses and stores.
B.        Hotels built since 1930 can generally accommodate more guests than those built before 1930.无关
C.        The materials available to carpenters working before 1930 were not significantly different in quality from the materials available to carpenters working after 1930. 支持
D.        The better the quality of original carpentry in a building, the less likely that building is to fall into disuse and be demolished. 言下之意1930年袋之前质量不好的carpentry都fall into disuse or be demolished了。异因同果
E.        The average length of apprenticeship for carpenters has declined significantly since 1930.[D]支持


Lightbox, Inc., owns almost all of the movie theaters in Washington County and has announced plans to double the number of movie screens it has in the county within five years.  Yet attendance at Lightbox’s theaters is only just large enough for profitability now and the county’s population is not expected to increase over the next ten years.  Clearly, therefore, if there is indeed no increase in population, Lightbox’s new screens are unlikely to prove profitable.
Attendance 和population 决定要不要加screen
Which of the following, if true about Washington County, most seriously weakens the argument?

A.        Though little change in the size of the population is expected, a pronounced shift toward a younger, more affluent, and more entertainment-oriented population is expected to occur.人口数不等于上座率
B.        The sales of snacks and drinks in its movie theaters account for more of Lightbox’s profits than ticket sales do.
C.        In selecting the mix of movies shown at its theaters, Lightbox’s policy is to avoid those that appeal to only a small segment of the moviegoing population.
D.        Spending on video purchases, as well as spending on video rentals, is currently no longer increasing.
E.        There are no population centers in the county that are not already served by at least one of the movie theaters that Lightbox owns and operates.[A]


Wind farms, which generate electricity using arrays of thousands of wind-powered turbines, require vast expanses of open land.  County X and County Y have similar terrain, but the population density of County X is significantly higher than that of County Y.  Therefore, a wind farm proposed for one of the two counties should be built in County Y rather than in County X.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the planner’s argument?

A.        County X and County Y are adjacent to each other, and both are located in the windiest area of the state.
B.        The total population of County Y is substantially greater than that of County X.
C.        Some of the electricity generated by wind farms in County Y would be purchased by users outside the county.
D.        Wind farms require more land per unit of electricity generated than does any other type of electrical-generation facility.
E.        Nearly all of County X’s population is concentrated in a small part of the county, while County Y’s population is spread evenly throughout the country.[E]分布不均


Over the past five years, the price gap between name-brand cereals and less expensive store-brand cereals has become so wide that consumers have been switching increasingly to store brands despite the name brands’ reputation for better quality.  To attract these consumers back, several manufacturers of name-brand cereals plan to narrow the price gap between their cereals and store brands to less than what it was five years ago.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously calls into question the likelihood that the manufacturers’ plan will succeed in attracting back a large percentage of consumers who have switched to store brands?

A.        There is no significant difference among manufacturers of name-brand cereals in the prices they charge for their products.(反前提)
B.        Consumers who have switched to store-brand cereals have generally been satisfied with the quality of those cereals.(在未含前提的情况下,提出他因)
C.        Many consumers would never think of switching to store-brand cereals because they believe the name brand cereals to be of better quality. (无关)
D.        Because of lower advertising costs, stores are able to offer their own brands of cereals at significantly lower prices than those charged for name-brand cereals. (无关)
E.        Total annual sales of cereals—including both name-brand and store-brand cereals—have not increased significantly over the past five years. [B] (无关)


Five years ago, as part of a plan to encourage citizens of Levaska to increase the amount of money they put into savings, Levaska’s government introduced special savings accounts in which up to $3,000 a year can be saved with no tax due on the interest unless money is withdrawn before the account holder reaches the age of sixty-five.  Millions of dollars have accumulated in the special accounts, so the government’s plan is obviously working.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?

A.        A substantial number of Levaskans have withdrawn at least some of the money they had invested in the special accounts.(取非不会支持)
B.        Workers in Levaska who already save money in long-term tax-free accounts that are offered through their workplace cannot take advantage of the special savings accounts introduced by the government.(无关)
C.        The rate at which interest earned on money deposited in regular savings accounts is taxed depends on the income bracket of the account holder. (无关)
D.        Many Levaskans who already had long-term savings have steadily been transferring those savings into the special accounts. (从长期账户转存至特别账户,存款总量没有增加)注:即使长期账户的政府可控期限没有特别账户长,但特别账户不收利息税,此消彼长,不影响该选项的削弱力
E.        Many of the economists who now claim that the government’s plan has been successful criticized it when it was introduced. (无关)


An overwhelming proportion of the most productive employees at SaleCo’s regional offices work not eight hours a day, five days a week, as do other SaleCo employees, but rather ten hours a day, four days a week, with Friday off.  Noting this phenomenon, SaleCo’s president plans to increase overall productivity by keeping the offices closed on Fridays and having all employees work the same schedule—ten hours a day, four days a week。Which of the following, if true, provides the most reason to doubt that the president’s plan, if implemented, will achieve its stated purpose?

A.        Typically, a SaleCo employee’s least productive hours in the workplace are the early afternoon hours.
B.        None of the employees who work four days a week had volunteered to work that schedule, but all were assigned to it by their supervisors.
C.        Working ten hours a day has allowed the most productive employees to work two hours alone each day in their respective offices relatively undisturbed by fellow employees. 最有效率的工人每天多工作两小时能提高生产力是因为不受其他员工干扰,若将所有员工的作息时间都调到一样就会使这个好处消失,弄巧成拙)
D.        Employees at SaleCo are compensated not on the basis of how many hours a week they work but on the basis of how productive they are during the hours they are at work.
E.        Those SaleCo employees who have a four-day workweek do not take any of their office work to do at home on Fridays.


Of patients over 65 years old who survived coronary bypass surgery—a procedure widely prescribed for people with heart disease—only 75 percent benefited from the surgery.  Thus it appears that for one in four such patients, the doctors who advised them to undergo this surgery, with its attendant risks and expense, were more interested in an opportunity to practice their skills and in their fee than in helping the patient.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the argument?

A.        Many of the patients who receive coronary bypass surgery are less than 55 years old.
B.        Possible benefits of coronary bypass surgery include both relief from troubling symptoms and prolongation of life.
C.        Most of the patients in the survey decided to undergo coronary bypass surgery because they were advised that the surgery would reduce their risk of future heart attacks.
D.        The patients over 65 years old who did not benefit from the coronary bypass surgery were as fully informed as those who did benefit from the surgery as to the risks of the surgery prior to undergoing it.(无关)
E.        The patients who underwent coronary bypass surgery but who did not benefit from it were medically indistinguishable, prior to their surgery, from the patients who did benefit.反对隐含假设。方法不达目的
2。D的意思为收益和没收益的两批人都被告知手术的危险性。而结论是医生对没受益的动机不纯。显然D WEAKEN不了结论。医生完全可以说一套做一套。
Analysis: If the doctors had no idea whether a patient would benefit from the surgery prior to the surgery, as in the case of E,  then it's baseless to accuse that the doctors performed the surgery only for their own interest, because it could very well be that the doctors recommended the surgery out of their true belief that it's best for the patient.


Printwell’s Ink Jet Division manufactures ink-jet printers and the ink cartridges they use.  Sales of its ink-jet printers have increased.  Monthly revenues from those sales, however, have not increased, because competition has forced Printwell to cut the prices of its printers.  Unfortunately, Printwell has been unable to bring down the cost of manufacturing a printer.  Thus, despite the increase in printer sales, the Ink Jet Division must be providing the company with much smaller than it used to.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?

A.        Ink-jet printers in regular use frequently need new ink cartridges, and Printwell’s printers only accept Printwell’s ink cartridges. printer的销量增加,由于它的printer只能采用自己的墨盒,所以,虽然printer的价格降低,但仍然有可能通过销售出去更多的墨盒而比以前更挣钱,所以这就weaken了结论。互补品
B.        Unlike some competing companies, Printwell sells all of its printers through retailers, and these retailers’ costs account for a sizable proportion of the printers’ ultimate retail price.
C.        Some printer manufacturers have been forced to reduce the sale price of their ink-jet printers even more than Printwell has.
D.        In the past year, no competing manufacturer of ink-jet printers has had as great an increase in unit sales of printers as Printwell has.和别人比较没有意义,这里只关注公司内部成本收入等等的关系。不能横向比较
E.        In the past year, sales of Printwell’s ink-jet printers have increased more than sales of any other type of printer made by Printwell.
C is irrelevant. Let me give you an example: A's salary is cut, therefore A's total income must be less. You can argue by saying B's income is cut even more because the original argument is not about comparing A and B. Back to the question. If the conclusion is that the company must be worse than other companies, C will be relevant.



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