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Credit hours required for graduation:

Degree: BSBA
Hours: 122
Degree: BSIB
Hours: 122
Degree: BScIT
Hours: 122

Other degree requirements:
Liberal Arts Minor is required. Minimum G.P.A. is required in three categories: Overall (cumulative G.P.A.), Major/Concentration G.P.A, and Minor G.P.A


Average class size in required business courses:

Average class size in business electives:

Average class size in non-business electives required for admission to business program:

Class size:

Classes with fewer than 20 students: 10  %
Classes with 21 to 50 students: 90  %
Classes with more than 50 students: 0  %

Required business courses that reached maximum enrollment by the first day of class, previous academic year:
57  %
0  %


Number of elective courses available in business program:67

Electives added in current academic year:

GSCM301: Supply Chain Management Concepts
ENT380: Entrepreneurial Marketing
ENT381: Entrepreneurial Finance
GSCM310: Supply Chain Integration
GSCM320:Information Technology in Supply Chain Management

Year of the last major change to the business program's core curriculum:

Leading areas of study:




General Management

International Business


Supply Chain Management



Computer Information Systems; Information Technology; Financial Services

Special programs for business students:
1) Bryant University Archway Fund is a student managed investment fund integrated into a two-course sequence – Securities Analysis and Portfolio Management. 2) Elevator Pitch competition where first-year students present their business plans and are judged by business professionals. 3) Sophomore International Experience (SIE): a 3-credit international study tour for sophomores led by faculty offered in the winter and summer terms.

  Business program offers work study or co-op opportunities:

Work study opportunities description:
Federal Work-Study Program – Part-time employment opportunities are made available to students who demonstrate eligibility for federal assistance. Hourly compensation will not be less than the current minimum wage.

  Business program offers study abroad opportunities:

Study abroad program description:
Bryant University study abroad opportunities include semester-long, summer, and full academic year programs of study. Students choose from hundreds of academic institutions in 46 countries. International academic study tours led by Bryant faculty are also available.


Volunteer work and community service opportunities:

Volunteer opportunities description:
Opportunities for service learning and community service for business students include a community service project in the required business core course MGT200: Management Principles and Practice, a Sociology and Service Learning minor, and volunteer activities through campus organizations.

Business clubs and extracurricular activities:

Accounting Association
Bryant Marketing Association
Collegiate Entrepreneurs Organization (CEO)
Delta Sigma Pi Business Fraternity
Finance Association
International Business Association
Society for Human Resource Management
Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE)



Largest on-campus organizations for business students:

Accounting Association
Finance Association
Collegiate Entrepreneur Organization (CEO)
Students inFree Enterprise (SIFE)
International Business Association

  Freshmen are required to live on campus:No

  Business students are grouped in learning communities:Yes




Full-time faculty : 75
Adjuncts and visiting faculty: 37
Permanent/tenured professors: 43
Percentage of permanent/tenured professors who are women: 26
Percentage of permanent/tenured professors who are underrepresented minorities: 14
Percentage of permanent/tenured professors who are also members of company boards of directors or of advisors: 13
Percentage of permanent/tenured professors who are business owners: 25

Prominent faculty:

M Cary Collins PhD Associate Professor Trustee Professor of Entrepreneurship
Michael Roberto PhD Associate Professor Trustee Professor of Management
Peter J Nigro PhD Sarkisian Chair and Professor of Finance


Alumni Affairs & Careers


Total number of undergraduate business program graduates since inception:33,360

Total living alumni:30,729

Percent of alumni who gave, 2008-09 academic year:12  %

Mean alumni gift 2008-09  419

Median alumni gift, 2008-09  50

Single donation in excess of $10 million in 2008-09?No

Prominent alumni:

Name: David M. Beirne '85
Title: General Partner, Benchmark Capital Partners
Name: Kristian P. Moor '81
Title: President and CEO, Chartis Insurance
Name: Joseph Puishys '80
Title: President, Honeywell Environmental and Combustion Controls



Percent of 2009 graduates who provided employment information:55  %

Seeking full-time employment in business: 89  %
Not seeking full-time employment in business: 11  %

Number of companies recruiting undergraduate students on campus in previous academic year: 144

Companies posting full-time job offers on school job boards, previous academic year:140

Career services provided for business majors:
Self Assessment Testing, Career Counseling, Academic Internship Program, Corporate Recruiting Program, Career Planning 101 course, Mock Interviews, Workshops on a variety of career development and job search tactics, Careers In…series, Site visits to corporations and not-for-profit agencies, Company Information Sessions, Walk Down Wall Street event in NYC, Boston, New York, and Hartford Alumni/Student Networking events, Shadow Program, Alumni Career Link, Senior Career Week, Federal Government Career Day, and Career Fair

Job offer results, 2009 graduates:N/A


Top hiring firms: PricewaterhouseCoopers

Ernst & Young
Wells Fargo
Target Corp.
Bank of America Corp.

Other Hiring Firms:

Liberty Mutual
Hanover Insurance
Amica Mutual Insurance
Fidelity Investments
Hertz Rent-A-Car
Nothwestern Mutual Financial Network
State Street Corporation
American Power Conversion
Amica Mututal Insurance
Hartford Financial Services
Barnum Financial Group
TJX Companies



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