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Institutional freshman retention rate:
97  %

Business students who graduate within four years:
93  %

Business students who graduate within 6 years:
99  %


Credit hours required for graduation:

Degree: BBA
Hours: 120

Other degree requirements:
Fourteen required business core courses (36 credits total) in Accounting; Business Economics; Business Information Technology; Law, History and Communications; Operations and Management Science; Finance; Marketing; Management and Organizations; Strategy. Minimum of 9 credits of business elective courses. Minimum of 54 credits of non-business courses, including 4 credits of Macroeconomics. Distribution requirement (complete 3 of 4): Foreign Language (4th semester proficiency), Humanities (9 credits), Natural Science and/or Mathematical and Symbolic Analysis (9 credits), Social Science (9 credits). GPA requirements: 2.00 min GPA in all courses while in the program. 2.00 min GPA in all business courses while in the program. Fourteen required business core courses (36 credits total) in Accounting; Business Economics; Business Information Technology; Law, History and Communications; Operations and Management Science; Finance; Marketing; Management and Organizations; Strategy. Minimum of 9 credits of business elective courses. Minimum of 54 credits of non-business courses, including 4 credits of Macroeconomics. Distribution requirement (complete 3 of 4): Foreign Language (4th semester proficiency), Humanities (9 credits), Natural Science and/or Mathematical and Symbolic Analysis (9 credits), Social Science (9 credits). GPA requirements: 2.00 min GPA in all courses while in the program. 2.00 min GPA in all business courses while in the program


Average class size in required business courses:

Average class size in business electives:

Average class size in non-business electives required for admission to business program:

Class size:

Classes with fewer than 20 students: 10  %
Classes with 21 to 50 students: 48  %
Classes with more than 50 students: 41  %

Required business courses that reached maximum enrollment by the first day of class, previous academic year:
81  %

Required business courses that had waiting lists, 2008-09:
5  %


Number of elective courses available in business program:

Electives added in current academic year:

Business Thought and Action
Real Estate Finance and Investment
Financial Trading
Macroeconomic Analysis of Capital Markets
Alternative Investments

Year of the last major change to the business program's core curriculum:

Leading areas of study:







Special programs for business students:
Carson Scholars – Washington Campus BBA: LHC 488 (Business and the Public Policy Process) is an intensive, one-week course in Washington, D.C., designed to provide students with the frameworks, concepts, and tools needed to incorporate the public policy dimension into managerial decision making and strategic planning. For additional information please see: http://www.bus.umich.edu/Academi ... ashingtonCampus.htm Carson Scholars – Washington Campus BBA: LHC 488 (Business and the Public Policy Process) is an intensive, one-week course in Washington, D.C., designed to provide students with the frameworks, concepts, and tools needed to incorporate the public policy dimension into managerial decision making and strategic planning. For additional information please see: http://www.bus.umich.edu/Academi ... ashingtonCampus.htm

  Business program offers work study or co-op opportunities:

Work study opportunities description:

  Business program offers study abroad opportunities:

Study abroad program description:
International BBA Summer Program: As an undergraduate in the BBA program, students have a unique opportunity to study abroad at prestigious universities in Asia or Europe during their sophomore or junior year. The International BBA Summer Program enables undergraduates with an interest in international business to travel to Beijing, China, San Jose, Costa Rica, or Koblenz, Germany, for three weeks of intensive study and exploration. All students receive three credits for participating in this study abroad program in May and June. For additional information, please see: http://www.umich.edu/~cibe/students/exchangeBBA.htm


Volunteer work and community service opportunities:

Volunteer opportunities description:
At the Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, the Net Impact Undergrad chapter was selected as one of 12 other schools to pilot a Net Impact Undergrad chapter during the 2007-2008 school year. Net Impact chapter’s focus is to cultivate the most influential network of undergraduate leaders interested in using business to make a positive impact! Its members' interests and its organizational focuses include, among other things, Corporate social responsibility; Social entrepreneurship; International development; Nonprofit and public management; and Environmental sustainability. At the Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, the Net Impact Undergrad chapter was selected as one of 12 other schools to pilot a Net Impact Undergrad chapter during the 2007-2008 school year. Net Impact chapter’s focus is to cultivate the most influential network of undergraduate leaders interested in using business to make a positive impact! Its members' interests and its organizational focuses include, among other things, Corporate social responsibility; Social entrepreneurship; International development; Nonprofit and public management; and Environmental sustainability.

Business clubs and extracurricular activities:

Marketing Club
Finance Club
Healthcare and Life Sciences Club
Michigan Business Women
Black Business Undergraduate Society
Michigan Interactive Investments
Consulting Club



Largest on-campus organizations for business students:

Michigan Consulting Club
Michigan Finance Club
Michigan Accounting Club
Net Impact
Interactive Investments Club

  Freshmen are required to live on campus:

  Business students are grouped in learning communities:



Full-time faculty : 60
Adjuncts and visiting faculty: 15
Permanent/tenured professors: 19
Percentage of permanent/tenured professors who are women: 21
Percentage of permanent/tenured professors who are underrepresented minorities: 0

Prominent faculty:

CK Prahalad
Jim Walsh
Dana Muir


Total number of undergraduate business program graduates since inception:

Total living alumni:

Percent of alumni who gave, 2008-09 academic year:
20  %

Mean alumni gift 2008-09:
$  4,327

Median alumni gift, 2008-09:
$  100

  Single donation in excess of $10 million in 2008-09?

Prominent alumni:

Name: Stephen M. Ross
Title: Chairman & CEO The Related Companies
Name: Sanford Robertson
Title: Founding Partner Francisco Partners
Name: J. Ira Harris
Title: Chairman J.I. Harris Associates


Percent of 2009 graduates who provided employment information:
74  %

Seeking full-time employment in business: 92  %
Not seeking full-time employment in business: 8  %

Number of companies recruiting undergraduate students on campus in previous academic year:

Companies posting full-time job offers on school job boards, previous academic year:

Career services provided for business majors:

Job offer results, 2009 graduates:

Received first job offer by graduation: 76  %
Received first job offer in three months following graduation: 5  %
Received first job offer more than 3 months after graduation: 0  %
Did not report having received a job offer: 19  %
Accepted first job offer by graduation: 69  %
Accepted first job offer in three months following graduation: 8  %
Accepted first job offer more than 3 months after graduation: 0  %
Did not report having accepted a job offer: 23  %



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