- 精华
- 1
- 积分
- 599
- 经验
- 599 点
- 威望
- 10 点
- 金钱
- 916 ¥
- 魅力
- 510
来源:[ 搜狐教育 ]
(2003年1月24 日, 上海)英国《金融时报》近日发布一年一度的MBA院校排名,位于上海的中欧国际工商学院又一次进入世界百强,仍然是中国大陆唯一一家进入世界权威排名的商学院。
中欧国际工商学院今年的排名较去年有所提高,而在一些关键指标中也分别取得较好的名次。中欧的毕业生就业情况和薪水增幅十分理想, “毕业后三个月内受聘”这项指标中欧依然高居榜首;在占总评分20%比重的“薪水提高幅度”这项指标上,中欧以177%的比例排在第26位, 比去年有较大的提高;读中欧的三年投资回报率达到3.2%, 排名急速上扬至第9位。中欧的国际化程度也在日渐提高,国际学生的比例从2001年的2%大幅提高到14%;超过50%的学生与世界一流商学院的学生交换学习,这使得中欧的国际交换学生等体现学院国际经验的排名上升到第7位。
去年一月,中欧国际工商学院MBA项目首次入榜,是有史以来进入这个国际权威排名的最年轻的商学院。去年10月, “经济学人”集团的《Which MBA?》杂志将中欧评为全球50强。
作为一所国际化商学院,中欧国际工商学院无论是在师资、课程、生源,还是教学内容和方式等各方面都努力向国际化水准看齐。今年,学院将进一步改革MBA招生流程, 要求所有申请者提供GMAT成绩,但取消了最低分数线。对申请者的考察将更为全面, 以期多招收真正具有良好个人素质和发展潜力,又符合市场需求的学生。此外,学院将继续提高国际学生的招收比例和学生质量,预计2003级MBA国际学生比例可达20%。
中欧国际工商学院院长博纳德(Bert Bennett)博士说,“在自豪和欣慰的同时,更多的感觉是新的压力。我们将借鉴国内外商学院的各种经验和教训,不断超越自我,为培养能适应全球经济一体化的优秀高级工商管理人员做出新的贡献。这是我们永远的责任和使命。”
培养高级管理人员,促进中国经济的发展。经过8年的发展,作为亚洲最好的商学院之一,中欧国际工商学院正在全面进入世界一流水平。中欧国际工商学院拥有世界一流的师资; 学校开设的全日制MBA、非全日制EMBA和各种非学历的高层经理培训课程(Executive Education) 先后被包括英国《金融时报》在内的世界权威机构评为全球百强。
CEIBS’ MBA Programme Moves up in the World
(2003-01-24, Shanghai) In the recent annual world MBA ranking released by the prestigious British newspaper Financial Times, the Shanghai based CEIBS (China Europe International Business School) made incremental gains among the world’s top 100 MBA programmes. CEIBS is ranked third in Asia, and is the only business school in mainland China included.
The ranking table, compiled from the responses to questionnaires returned from business schools, leading corporations, and MBA alumni, is based on 21 diverse evaluation criteria including current salary, salary growth rate, career progress, aims achieved, international experience, etc.. The Financial Times rankings have a reputation for authoritativeness and impartiality.
CEIBS ranked 1st in the world for the percentage of its graduates finding employment within three months of graduation, 9th for “value for money”--the rate of return for each dollar spent from matriculation until three years after graduation, and 26th for the average salary increase three years after graduation compared with salary upon entering the programme.
CEIBS appeared on the rankings for the first time in January, 2001--the youngest business school to have ever made the rankings. In October, 2002 CEIBS was ranked among the world’s top 50 MBA programmes by The Economist. Also in that month, the EMBA programme of CEIBS reached world top 50 in a separate ranking by Financial Times.
Professor LIU Ji, the Executive President of CEIBS said, “We are very pleased with this recognition as it demonstrates our strong capabilities in MBA education. As a very young institution with a history of only 8 years, we have achieved what many business schools can only aspire to be.
“The key driver behind our achievement has been the school’s tenacity and dedication towards internationalization,” said Dr. Bert Bennett, President of CEIBS. Since its establishment in 1994, CEIBS has taken great pains to attain international standards in its faculty, curriculum, students and facilities. Over the course of year 2003, CEIBS will take further steps toward internationalising its MBA programme by increasing its admission of non-mainland students to 20% and by strengthening its exchange relationships with leading international business schools.
“As a result of this ranking, we feel new pressures as well as genuine pride and gratification. We will continue to benchmark to both the domestic and international business schools and will make every effort to surpass these achievements and contribute even more to the economic development of China. This is our enduring mission.” Dr. Bennett concluded.
Jointly founded by the Chinese government and the European Union in 1994, CEIBS is the first and only independent international business school in China. As a not-for-profit organisation, the school aims at serving China’s economic development and its business community by bringing students the latest knowledge in international management with its state-of-the-art facilities and a world class faculty. With a history of only eight years, CEIBS has been recognised as a leading international business school, with its MBA, EMBA and Executive Education programmes all being included in the World Top 100 rankings. |