5.1 交通及地址
- By Metro: line 1, station: LA DEFENSE GRANDE ARCHE (zone 2)
- By RER (regional train区域性的火车,类似城乡火车的概念): line A, station LA DEFENSE (zone 3)
- By Tramway: line T2, station LA DEFENSE GRANDE ARCHE
- By Bus: Many routes go to LA DEFENSE (check on the website)
Thecampus is situated in the modern Pôle Léonard de Vinci, in La Défense. An areawith 150,000 employees, 1,500 companies (15 out of the first 50 worldwide) and20,000 inhabitants. Near Pariscentre (10 minutes from the Champs-Elysées and 20 minutes from the Eiffel Tower).
Paris La Défensecampus
Pôle Universitaire Léonard De Vinci, Esplanade Mona Lisa - Courbevoie - 92916 ParisLa Défense Cedex
+33 (0)1 41 16 74 61
5.2 住宿问题
(巴黎的住房比较紧俏,大家拿到OFFER就快点弄住宿)Itis important to take care of accommodation as soon as possible as there is avery high demand for student housing in Paris, that’s why it is difficultto find a place to live. SKEMABusiness School Paris accompanies its future and current students in theiraccommodation search via its Housing Service, accessible: Forcontinuing students, via the YEP (Your Education Portal)
For newly enrolled students,
viathe Welcome Pack directly sent by e-mail by the school followingthe declaration of admission.
Housing centres:
Bureaudes Voyages de la Jeunesse (BVJ) - 20 rue J.J. Rousseau- 75001 Paris
Tel:+33 (0)1 53 00 90 90
MaisonInternationale des Jeunes (International Youth Home)
4,rue Titon - 75011 Paris- Tel: +33 (0)1 43 71 99 21
CentreInternational de séjours à Paris (InternationalCentre for Sojourning in Paris)
FoyerInternational d'Accueil à Paris (nternational Reception Foyerof Paris)
30,rue Cabanis - 75014 Paris- Tel: +33 (0)1 43 13 17 00
Youth hostels 青年旅社:
Youthhostels in Paris
Aloha- 1, rue Borromée - 75015 Paris - Tel: +33 (0)1 42 73 03 03
Budget hotels:
HôtelLe Village - 20, rue d'Orsel - 75018 Paris - Tel: +33 (0)1 42 64 22 02
Youngand Happy - 80, rue Mouffetard - 75005 Paris - Tel: +33 (0)1 47 07 47 07
Aguarantor: a person or organisation which may guarantee the payment of the rentand any bills in case of default on your part. Their financial resources must correspond to three times the amount ofthe rent.
Private student residences:
SKEMAhas two partner residences near the La Défense campus with Nexity Studéa and Pythagore Grande Arche.Otherwise you also have:
CitéInternationale Universitaire de Paris - 17 boulevard Jourdan -75014 Paris Subway orte d'Orléans - RERB: Cité Universitaire
StudentServices Office - Housing Service
11-13Rue Serpente - 75006 Paris
Tel:+33 (0)1 55 42 80 80 - Subway: St Michelor Cluny laSorbonne
Renting Agencies:
Manyof them exist in and around Paris. Agency fees, a guarantor and three months’rent are usually required.
Host family or accommodationowned by a private individual:
Youmay be put up by French families selected by organisations (please see below).
Atome- Partnership with the Edufrance Agency and the CIUP (membership: |