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Prompt 2, Option D
Emory University has a strong commitment to building community. Tell us about a community you have been part of where your participation helped to change or shape the community for the better. (150 words)
This prompt tasks you with describing a community that has both helped you grow, and given you the opportunity to shape its future. Unlike the previous prompt, this is not a “Community Service” essay, as your job is not to talk about how you served a community, but rather how you fit into one.
Brainstorming Your Topic:
“Community” can be defined in many different ways. It can be an extracurricular that you’ve been involved with for many years, an aspect of your identity that you feel is important to you, a cultural, religious, or ethnic background you share with others, or something else you’ve sought out as a way to belong. Community is what you define it as, so don’t limit yourself when brainstorming your topic. Instead, think about what you would say to someone who asked you to introduce yourself and explain the kind of things you’re interested in. What comes to mind? What could you not imagine living without? Or, who could you not imagine living without?
You could also approach the prompt by thinking about some of your personal achievements that you’ve been proud of. This is a two-pronged prompt: you’re tasked with describing not just a community you’re a part of, but also your own contributions to that community. If anything, the second piece of the prompt is the more important one, as Emory admissions officers want to know how you’ll contribute to their overall campus community and the smaller communities that exist all across the college. So it’s imperative that whichever community you choose to write about is one that you’ve been actively engaging with for some time.
As such, it’s perhaps better to do away with writing about family or anything else that you don’t plan to take with you to Emory. While sharing that you and your family’s weekly Shabbat dinners have been a stable outlet for you to lean on your family and get in touch with your religion and wider religious community shows a thoughtful, touching sentimentality, it doesn’t actively exemplify how you’ve changed or shaped a community at large.
That being said, perhaps you’ve invited friends from school to your dinners, or attended some of theirs. You could write about how what started as a family tradition eventually led you into a much broader community, and how you hope to attend Shabbat at Emory Hillel to broaden your Jewish community even further.
Tips for Writing Your Essay:
As with many other prompts, starting with an anecdote is a surefire way to quickly engage the reader and put them into your shoes. You can write about the time you found or joined the community, a time you felt most proud of your community, or a time you felt most indebted to or grateful for your community. Whatever you choose to do, remember details – what did you see, feel, taste, smell, and so on and so forth.
“Standing on stage, with our foreheads sweating under the bright spotlights, I looked around at my castmates and felt I was home.”
Without having to say it explicitly, it’s obvious that the student’s chosen community is a theater group, and that the community gives the student a sense of great pride and comfort. Now it’s time to dive into greater detail about the significance of this community.
“But it’s hard not to think about how recently I was a freshman in the ensemble, feeling in over my head, not knowing a single soul, but feeling they were all more talented than me. But the seniors, who were all cast as leads, made it a point to make me and the other freshman feel not just included, but like an essential part of the machine.”
Here, the student starts to explain not just what the community is, but how it has helped them grow, and which lessons they’ll take from their experiences in it to college. To continue answering these more specific questions, they might go on to say something like:
“When I became an upperclassman myself, I knew I had big shoes to fill. Whether it be by organizing movie nights outside rehearsal, having younger cast members lead warmups, or even just encouraging the cast to sit together at lunch, my goal is that whenever any member of our group looks at the stage, they’ll know they’re a part of a community that will last forever.” |