一个是全球化,我们应该把自己当做世界公民而不是某个国家的公民。 上月机经 4次 原题:“With the increasing emphasis on a global economy and internationalcooperation, people need to understand that their role as citizens of the worldis more important than their role as citizens of a particular country.”(40) 提供观点: 1.
两者并不是完全对立的环保 2.
事实上两者可以相互促进一个人在一个国家做慈善工作很可能也会有一天为别的国家的人服务 3.
当两者冲突的时候哪个更重要取决与不同的情况。 代替取代supersede compatible be compatible with...citizenship domain This one person would be acting consistently as a citizen ofcommunity, state, nation and world. Admittedly, conflicting/clashing/discordantobligations sometimes arise as a result of our new dual citizenship.obligatoryIn sum, although our "dual" citizenship may at times lead toconflict, one role need not automatically take precedence over the other. moreoften than not The relationship between the two roles is, more often than not,a complementary one, and can even be synergistic. synergistic coactivecomplementcomplementary supplement 1.
有时, 很多问题是全球性的,需要世界公民的角度考虑,而非只站在一国角度.比如,环境问题,能源问题,等等.人们应该为整个地球负责任,而不仅仅是为了一个民族或国家.因为,如果是后者,则很有可能只解决自己的问题,而把危害转移到别的国家.shift the burden and threats from one nation to another…比如:出口垃圾,比如大量进口发展中国家的木材.虽然自己的国家暂时解决了问题,但长远看,没有国家孤立地存在,不能short-sightand narrow mind, 因为interdependent. 2.
但这不意味着人们就要discard orweaken their role as citizens of one nation. 其实两者并不是incompatible, 更多时候,可以作为complementary one—and can even be synergistic.比如the preservation of traditionalculture, 人们作为一国公民,保护自己独特文化的同时, 实际上也为全球的diversityof culture作出了positive effort. 比如, 为一个国家的public service付出努力的同时,很可能激发起公民的社会责任感和compassionand responsibility, 参与到国际public service 中,比如很多charitarian就开始从对本国的慈善事业subsidizethe school in one nation也激发起对attention to the education in theinternational scope. View1: people’s role as citizens of the world is become moreand more important in the modern society. View2: Without the awareness of being citizens of a particularcountry, people will find no roots to behave on the stage of the world. View3: these two roles, national and international, are notmutually exclusive alternatives. They can be properly combined. 北美范文: Withthe growth of the global economy and the need for international cooperation,every human being has assumed a role as citizen of the world. Does this meanthat our roles as citizens of our respective nations are thereby superseded by our role as world citizens, as thespeaker suggests? Not at all. Good citizenship at one level is often compatiblewith good citizenship at another. In fact, being agood citizen in one social domain can help one be a better citizen in another. Goodglobal citizenship is not incompatible with good citizenship at other levels. Consider, for example, one’s effortsas a citizen to preserve the natural environment. One particular person might,for example: (1) lobby legislators to enact laws preserving an endangered redwood forest, (2) campaign for nationally-electedofficials who support clean air laws, and (3) contribute to international rainforest (n. 雨林) preservationorganizations. This one person would be acting consistently as a citizen ofcommunity, state, nation and world. Admittedly,conflicting obligations sometimes arise as aresult of our new “dual” citizenship. For example, a U.S.military official with an advisory role in a United Nations peace-keeping forcemight face conflicting courses of action—one that would secure U.S.military interests, and another that would better serve internationalinterests. However, the fact that such a conflict exists does not mean thateither action is automatically more obligatory—that is, that one’s role aseither U.S.citizen or world citizen must invariably supersede the other. Instead, thissituation should be resolved by carefully consideringand weighing the consequences of each course ofaction. Moreover,being a good citizen in one social context can often help one be a bettercitizen in another. For example, volunteering to help underprivileged childrenin one’s community might inspire one to work for an international child-welfareorganization. And inculcating civic values—such as charityand civic pride—may give rise to personaltraits of character that transfer to all social domains and contexts. Insum, although our “dual” citizenship may at times lead to conflicts, one roleneed not automatically take precedence over theother. Moreover, the relationship between the two roles is, more often thannot, a complementary one—and can even be synergistic. |