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scienceand technology 发展很快,学校是不是要多多teachingscience and technology, less teaching arts and huminties(不记得咋拼了,大该就是人文的意思吧)


原题:“Since science and technology are becoming more and more essentialto modern society, schools should devote more time to teaching science andtechnology and less to teaching the arts and humanities.”37


Becausescientific knowledge is increasingly important in our technological world andin the practical world of jobs and careers, schools should devote sufficienttime to teaching mathematics and science. This is notto say, however, that schools should devote less time to the arts orhumanities. To the contrary, in a technologicalage the study of arts and humanities is probably more important than ever—forthree reasons.

Firstof all, studying the arts and humanities can help students become better mathematicians and scientists. For example, recentstudies of cognitive development show thatstudying music at an early age can strengthen a child’s later grasp of mathematics.And understanding philosophical concepts has helped scientists recognize theirown presuppositions, and frame their centralquestions more accurately.

Secondly,studying the creative and intellectual achievement of others helps inspire ourown creativity and intellectual questioning. This is particularly important inan era dominated by technology, where we run a serious risk of becoming automatons who fit neatly into the efficientfunctioning of some system.

Finally,technology is valuable as an efficient means to our important goals. Butneither technology, nor the science on which it is founded, decides which goalsare best, or judges the moral value of the means we choose for theirattainment. We need the liberal arts (文科)
to helpus select worthwhile ends and ethical means.

Inconclusion, schools should not devote less time to the arts and humanities.These areas of study augment and enhance learningin mathematics and science, as well as helping to preserve the richness of ourentire human legacy while inspiring us to further it. Moreover, disciplineswithin the humanities provide methods and contexts for evaluating the moralityof our technology and for determining its proper direction.

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v1.环境保护是goverment责任还是eachindividual person滴责任


上月机经 2

原题:“Responsibility forpreserving the natural environment ultimately belongs to each individualperson, not to government.”13





a tug ofwar拔河,两派间的激烈竞争
a political tug of war between those in favorof the new legislation and those against it.

large in scaleparticipation participate ensure preservation individual

on behalf of 为了 at large 逍遥自在不受限制的;全体地普遍地

Experience tellsus that individuals tend to act on behalf of their own short-term economic andpolitical interest, not on behalf of the environment or the public at large.

completeelimination emission automobile nevertheless不过 manufacturer manufacture because voluntarilyvolunteer voluntary volunteer voluntary voluntarily sacrifice accomplish

regulatory调整的 enforcement impose necessarystandard ensure achieve aside from inherently inherent pandemic全国流行的 epidemic流行的
traverse border environment environmentalhazard enemy analysis authority authoritative possess attainment agreed-upon 意见一致的

Theproponents of this assertion may argue that the natural environment ultimatelybelongs to each individual person, therefore, it is reasonable to attribute toeach person the responsibility for preserving it. a, 必须要承认的是,我们共同使用环境资源,thecondition of the environment may have directly effect on each person。所以,人人都hasthe obligation to protect the environment from being polluted. b, 只有人人都积极地保护环境,

However,to leave all the responsibility to individuals is hardly a wise decision.Despite of the argument above, we should still not lose the sight of the factthat individuals have strong propensity of self-interest and short-termconsideration. 没有政府的监督,很少有人自愿作出牺牲以保护环境(
voluntarily make sacrificeto protect the environment.)比如如果政府不forbidden smoking in publicsmokersmay enjoy their cigarettes whenever they want.Deforestation kill excessively

很多情况下,重大fatal的保护环境举措,没有政府的支持做不到。比如工厂dumpingnoxious water into the river/ deforestation/ kill excessively…以上那些行动,个人的力量根本不能阻止prohibit.

Optional words:

Preserve/conserve/ maintain

Thesissentence: While individual person can do a lot to protect our naturalenvironment, the responsibility of preservation the overall environment lies inthe hands of government with help form each individual in the society.

View1: Experiencetells us that individuals tend to act on behalf of their own short-termeconomic and political interest, not on behalf of the environment or the publicat large.

View2:thegovernment has certain advantages in preserving the environment.


thegovernment can place certain regulations on the wastes and pollutants towardsenvironment emitted by industries.

Finesdeprived from corporations and individual ones that disobey the environmentalregulations can be used on many ways such as preserve the forests, plantingtrees, create conserved areas that will improve our current situations.


Whilenearly everyone would agree in principle thatcertain efforts to preserve the natural environment are in humankind’s bestinterest, environmental issues always involve a tug ofwar (n. 拔河, 两派间的激烈竞争)
amongconflicting political and economic interests. For this reason, and because seriousenvironmental problems are generally large in scale,government participation is needed to ensure environmental preservation.

Experiencetells us that individuals (and private corporations owned by individuals) tendto act on behalf of their own short-termeconomic and political interest, not on behalf of the environment or the publicat large. For example, current technology makespossible the complete elimination of polluting emissions from automobiles.Nevertheless, neither automobile manufacturers nor consumers are willing orable to voluntarily make the short-term sacrifices necessary to accomplish thisgoal. Only the government holds the regulatory and enforcement power to imposethe necessary standards and to ensure that we achieve such goals.

Asidefrom the problems of self-interest and enforcement, environmental issuesinherently involve public health and are far too pandemicin nature for individuals to solve on their own.Many of the most egregious environmental violations traverse state andsometimes national borders. Environmental hazards areakin to those involving food and drug safety and to protecting bordersagainst enemies; individuals have neither the power nor the resources to address these widespread hazards.

Inthe final analysis, only the authority and scope of power that a governmentpossesses can ensure the attainment of agreed-uponenvironmental goals. Because individuals are incapable of assuming thisresponsibility, government must do so.



the effectiveness depends more on the quality of other studentsthan the quality of the teacher.



让学生学习effectively,other studentsteachers 哪个重要

V3How effectively one learns in a classroom is determined more by the quality ofother students than by the quality of the teacher. Agree or not?


itis duty for an employee to put needs of a company first





考的是环境那篇,科学家定义的对环境有益的standard一直在变,问问公司要不要resistchanging their product and process in reponse to new recomendation  untilthe recommendation has been the government's regulation.

上月机经 3

原题:“Scientists are continually redefining the standards for what isbeneficial or harmful to the environment. Since these standards keep shifting,companies should resist changing their products and processes in response toeach new recommendation until those recommendations become governmentregulations.”42





split the difference lagevaluate

View1: Therecommendations given by scientists are usually controversial or have inconsistentperspectives on same questions, thus can not provide clear directions onactions that companies should adopt,

View 2: changingproducts and processes too often will inevitably increase cost and lowerproductivity. Therefore do harm to the companies .

View3: whilewaiting for government regulations may draw back the processes of solving theproblems, it is relatively a better strategy for companies to follow. We cancount on the authorities to speed up the process of conversion betweenscientific discoveries and official regulations.


Thespeaker argues that because scientists continually shift viewpoints about howour actions affect the natural environment, companies should not change theirproducts and processes according to scientific recommendations until thegovernment requires them to do so. This argument raises complex issues aboutthe duties of business and about regulatory fairnessand effectiveness. Although a wait-and-see (adj. 观望的) policy may helpcompanies avoid costly and unnecessary changes, three countervailingconsiderations compel me to disagree overall with the argument.

First,a regulatory system of environmental protection might not operate equitably. At first glance,a wait-and-see response might seem fair in thatall companies would be subject to the same standards and same enforcement measures. However, enforcement requiresdetection, and while some violators may becaught, others might not. Moreover, a broad regulatory system imposes generalstandards that may not apply equitably to every company. Suppose, for example, thatpollution from a company in a valley does more damage to the environment thansimilar pollution from a company on the coast. It would seem unfair to requirethe coastal company to invest as heavily in abatement or, in the extreme (adv.非常, 极端), to shut down the operation if the company cannot afford abatement measures.

Secondly,the argument assumes that the government regulations will properly reflectscientific recommendations. However, this claim is somewhat dubious. Companieswith the most money and political influence, not the scientists, might in somecases dictate regulatory standards. In other words, legislators may be moreinfluenced by political expediency and campaign pork (pork:government money, jobs, or favors used by politicians as patronage) thanby societal concerns.

Thirdly,waiting until government regulations are in place canhave disastrous effects on the environment. A great deal of environmentaldamage can occur before regulations are implemented. This problem is compoundedwhenever government reaction to scientific evidence is slow. Moreover, the EPA (EnvironmentalProtection Agency 美国环保署) might beoverburdened with its detection and enforcement duties, thereby allowingcontinued environmental damage by companies who have not yet been caught or whoappeal penalties.

Inconclusion, despite uncertainty within the scientificcommunity about what environmental standards are best, companies shouldnot wait for government regulation before reacting to warnings about environmentalproblems. The speaker’s recommended approach would in many cases operateinequitably among companies: moreover, it ignores the political-corruptionfactor as well as the potential environmental damage resulting frombureaucratic delay.


6.        portray violent in entertainment product bring commercial benefits so the those who creates entertainment product should continue incorporate violence in their product.



上月机经 4

原题:“With the increasing emphasis on a global economy and internationalcooperation, people need to understand that their role as citizens of the worldis more important than their role as citizens of a particular country.”40





代替取代supersede compatible be compatible with...citizenship domain This one person would be acting consistently as a citizen ofcommunity, state, nation and world. Admittedly, conflicting/clashing/discordantobligations sometimes arise as a result of our new dual citizenship.obligatoryIn sum, although our "dual" citizenship may at times lead toconflict, one role need not automatically take precedence over the other. moreoften than not The relationship between the two roles is, more often than not,a complementary one, and can even be synergistic. synergistic coactivecomplementcomplementary supplement

有时, 很多问题是全球性的,需要世界公民的角度考虑,而非只站在一国角度.比如,环境问题,能源问题,等等.人们应该为整个地球负责任,而不仅仅是为了一个民族或国家.因为,如果是后者,则很有可能只解决自己的问题,而把危害转移到别的国家.shift the burden and threats from one nation to another…比如:出口垃圾,比如大量进口发展中国家的木材.虽然自己的国家暂时解决了问题,但长远看,没有国家孤立地存在,不能short-sightand narrow mind, 因为interdependent.

但这不意味着人们就要discard orweaken their role as citizens of one nation. 其实两者并不是incompatible, 更多时候,可以作为
complementary one—and can even be synergistic.比如the preservation of traditionalculture, 人们作为一国公民,保护自己独特文化的同时, 实际上也为全球的diversityof culture作出了positive effort. 比如, 为一个国家的public service付出努力的同时,很可能激发起公民的社会责任感和compassionand responsibility, 参与到国际public service ,比如很多charitarian就开始从对本国的慈善事业subsidizethe school in one nation也激发起对attention to the education in theinternational scope.

View1: people’s role as citizens of the world is become moreand more important in the modern society.

View2: Without the awareness of being citizens of a particularcountry, people will find no roots to behave on the stage of the world.

View3: these two roles, national and international, are notmutually exclusive alternatives. They can be properly combined.


Withthe growth of the global economy and the need for international cooperation,every human being has assumed a role as citizen of the world. Does this meanthat our roles as citizens of our respective nations are thereby superseded by our role as world citizens, as thespeaker suggests? Not at all. Good citizenship at one level is often compatiblewith good citizenship at another. In fact, being agood citizen in one social domain can help one be a better citizen in another.

Goodglobal citizenship is not incompatible with good citizenship at other levels. Consider, for example, one’s effortsas a citizen to preserve the natural environment. One particular person might,for example: (1) lobby legislators to enact laws preserving an endangered redwood forest, (2) campaign for nationally-electedofficials who support clean air laws, and (3) contribute to international rainforest (n. 雨林) preservationorganizations. This one person would be acting consistently as a citizen ofcommunity, state, nation and world.

Admittedly,conflicting obligations sometimes arise as aresult of our new “dual” citizenship. For example, a U.S.military official with an advisory role in a United Nations peace-keeping forcemight face conflicting courses of action—one that would secure U.S.military interests, and another that would better serve internationalinterests. However, the fact that such a conflict exists does not mean thateither action is automatically more obligatory—that is, that one’s role aseither U.S.citizen or world citizen must invariably supersede the other. Instead, thissituation should be resolved by carefully consideringand weighing the consequences of each course ofaction.

Moreover,being a good citizen in one social context can often help one be a bettercitizen in another. For example, volunteering to help underprivileged childrenin one’s community might inspire one to work for an international child-welfareorganization. And inculcating civic values—such as charityand civic pride—may give rise to personaltraits of character that transfer to all social domains and contexts.

Insum, although our “dual” citizenship may at times lead to conflicts, one roleneed not automatically take precedence over theother. Moreover, the relationship between the two roles is, more often thannot, a complementary one—and can even be synergistic.


8. 本月2次


Themost effective way for a businessperson to maximize profits over a long periodof time is to follow the highest standards of ethics.

V2 : the mosteffective business leaders are who maintain highest ethical standards.





支持者会认为,高道德会赢得reputationand trust; 第一, 高道德生产高质量的产品以及service,顾客稳定stableshare of the market; 第二, 高道德会让员工满意度提高(公平,平等).从而attractthose applicants with high ability and keep the employees loyal to thecompany---最终导致高的productivity.

例子Bayer, one ofthe largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, announced that the companywould cease production of one of its major products, because of the hazardousingredients it contained. By doing so, the company suffers great loss onprofitability, but gains strong public support and understanding, which cancontribute to the long-term success of the company.

但在更多的情况下,高道德也许不equalto maximal profit. 比如,a, 如果把道德放在第一位的话,企业的executive很可能无法执行裁员活动completethe normal administration, such as raising the price, reducing thesuperabundant staff…
b, 高道德的话,很可能采用最高标准的环保生产——这样很不是cost-effective.
总之,Following such undue concern aboutethics, the company may find it impossible to survive in the radicalcompetitive market, let alone to gain large profit.

View1:the definition of highest standards of ethics varies from person to person andtime to time. Therefore, it is impractical to find and then stick to thehighest standards of ethics.

View2:the regulations and laws of authorities are more feasible and suitablestandards to follow.

View3:while waiting for government regulations may draw back the processes ofeliminating the ill actions, we can count on the authorities to speed up theprocess of refining the laws and regulations.


Thespeaker claims that following high ethical standards is the best way tomaximize profits in the long run. However, this claim seems to be more of a normative statement than an empirical observation.The issue is more complex than the speaker suggests. In my observation, the twoobjectives at times coincide but at other times conflict.

Inmany ways behaving ethically can benefit a business. Ethical conduct will gaina company good reputation that earns repeated business. Treating suppliers,customers and others fairly is likely to result in their reciprocating. Finally, a company that treats itsemployees fairly and with respect will gaintheir loyalty which, in turn, usually translates into higherproductivity.

Onthe other hand, taking the most ethical course of action may in many casesreduce profits, in the short run and beyond.Consider the details of a merger in which both firms hope to profit from a synergy (n.最佳协合作用,企业合并后的协力优势) gained thereby. Ifthe details of the merger hinge on (v. ..转动, ..为转移)
theethical conviction that as few employees as possible should lose their jobs,the key executives may lose sight of the fact that a leaner, less labor-intensive organization might be necessary forlong-term survival. Thus, undue concern with ethics in this case would resultsin lower profits and perhaps ultimate business failure.

Thismerger scenario points out a larger argument that the speaker missesentirely-that profit maximization is per se the highest ethical objective inprivate business. Why? By maximizing profits, businesses bestow a variety ofimportant benefits on their community and on society: they employ more people,stimulate the economy, and enhance healthy competition. In short, the profitmotive is the key to ensuring that the members of a free market society surviveand thrive. While this argument might ignore implications for the naturalenvironment and for socioeconomic (of, relating to, or involving a combinationof social and economic factors) justice, it is a compelling argumentnonetheless.

Thusthe choice to follow high ethical standards should not be made by thinking thatethical conduct is profitable. While in some cases a commitment to high ethicalstandards might benefit a company financially, in many cases it will not. Inthe final analysis, businesses might best be advised to view their attempts tomaximize profits as highly ethical behavior.



v1.Technologies tend to seperate and alienate people rather thanbring people together.

V2.technology ultimately alienates and seperates people more thanbrings people together


10.        Innovation and changes are as likely do damage to an organization as do good to it. 大意就是创新和变化能够给一个组织带来的不良影响并不比好的影响少。



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