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In @ UCLA with $$$

10/20 submit;
12/2 interview invite
12/15 interview
2小时前接到电话通知,貌似对方在电话中比我还要兴奋。专门安排了在decision date到印度洋某处度假,强迫自己不去想结果,但当看到海外号码时还是有预感it could be positive.. 听到他那句充满激情的congratulations,我还真被他感染了,差点当场就想回复他接受这个offer...Just confirmed that the fellowship amount is 30K for two yrs. best wishes to all admits!

- 毕业学校:南方重点本科毕业(全国Top 10, 属于985院校),文科类非商科专业
- W/E: Marketing @ FMCG of fortune 500 for 5 yrs after undergraduate
- GMAT: 710+4.5
- TOEFL: 102 (speaking 22, others are 25+)
- GPA:3.5
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