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以下是引用topbuilder在2005-3-13 12:07:00的发言:

Hi, Mr. Wang, I am in the process of writing a B-school essay with a 500 word limit. This essay has three specific questions that need to be answered. Does one write a conclude in B-school essays? I was always told that its essential to conclude and summarize the points. However, I have also read that since B-school essays have a word limit it is not necessary to summerize but rather make sure to answer the specific questions within the word limit. So what is the general practice?

There isn't a "general practice" - just do the 500 words on topic. 500 is short enough that if they have forgotten what you were saying by the end (and so need a summary) then you're dead in any case.

Good luck! Wang

Your future. Our mission.
MySpace: http://forum.topway.org/sns/?11416
Weibo:  laowang_topway


我本科是读cs,好不容易gt都考完了。现在打算申请business school,比较中意accounting 和finance。但是我对这两个方向都知之甚少,所以还在这两个项目之间摇摆不定,希望您给点意见和知识,关于难度,学习内容,就业前景等等都可以。先谢过了。


To Sanpao:I wonder if you have work experience related to accounting or finance. Since your major is in CS, you may better apply to such IT programs as MIS or math or economic related programs. It is difficult for you to make such a sharp transition to finance or accounting, unless you have accumulated relevant experiemce. And of course, the career in these two fields are definitely promising! Best wishes! H.S. Wang

Your future. Our mission.
MySpace: http://forum.topway.org/sns/?11416
Weibo:  laowang_topway


thanks,wang.  it seems i have to reconsider my study palns. [em06]


HI, Wang, this question is projecting into the future, concerning admissions to MBA program at Harvard Business School for Fall 2006: Given the following profile, what are the chances of being admitted to Harvard? BS in Applied/Pure Mathematics (May 2005) University of ZJU GPA: 3.7 MA in Mathematical Finance (May 2006) Boston University GPA: 4.0 GMAT: 720+ (is this a good score to aim for? If not, please be more realistic) Research in symmetries of nonlinear partial differential equations (Summer 2004) Excellent Reccomendations from top MathFinance professors.


以下是引用shje在2005-4-2 0:29:00的发言:

HI, Wang, this question is projecting into the future, concerning admissions to MBA program at Harvard Business School for Fall 2006: Given the following profile, what are the chances of being admitted to Harvard? BS in Applied/Pure Mathematics (May 2005) University of ZJU GPA: 3.7 MA in Mathematical Finance (May 2006) Boston University GPA: 4.0 GMAT: 720+ (is this a good score to aim for? If not, please be more realistic) Research in symmetries of nonlinear partial differential equations (Summer 2004) Excellent Reccomendations from top MathFinance professors.

Thanks for your question! It seems like you lack some solid work experience. These are some of the profiles I've seen in my friends: one friend who went to HBS had ~4 years of work experience, including 2 years entrepreneurial exp. through taking a brand of cosmetic into another country; one who got into HBS And Stanford Bus had 4 years of Management consulting experience at a top firm with 1 year overseas. (BA from top 5 school); another who went to HBS had 5 years work experience with 3 as actuary, 2 as investment banker.

Two of them have US work experience, only one from mainland. So I suggest you'd better acquire some WE in the next couple of years. After all, getting into HBS needs you to make utmost efforts!

Best wishes to you! H.S. Wang

Your future. Our mission.
MySpace: http://forum.topway.org/sns/?11416
Weibo:  laowang_topway


Hi Mr Wong,

I need some help, really. I am an engineering grad from Taipei, and applied to three schools. Here is the status:

a) Yale: Waitlist.
b) UMich: Waitlist.
c) CMU: Admitted.

What i was looking out was basically a well rounded experience with scope for improving my interpersonal and communication skills. But from what I see at Tepper (CMU) and the comments that I read at Financial Times, I see that the class at Tepper is composed largely of engineers and technocrats, and the graduates from Tepper do not score well in their interpersonal skills as the graduates from other top B-schools. I am totally confused. Is that true? Is Tepper limited in diversity?

If you were to rate the above three programs, how would you rate them? What do you suggest I do? Drop a year and apply again? Or take up the CMU offer?

Your suggestions shall be appreciated.



以下是引用Errick在2005-4-2 23:26:00的发言: Hi Mr Wong, I need some help, really. I am an engineering grad from Taipei, and applied to three schools. Here is the status: a) Yale: Waitlist. b) UMich: Waitlist. c) CMU: Admitted. What i was looking out was basically a well rounded experience with scope for improving my interpersonal and communication skills. But from what I see at Tepper (CMU) and the comments that I read at Financial Times, I see that the class at Tepper is composed largely of engineers and technocrats, and the graduates from Tepper do not score well in their interpersonal skills as the graduates from other top B-schools. I am totally confused. Is that true? Is Tepper limited in diversity? If you were to rate the above three programs, how would you rate them? What do you suggest I do? Drop a year and apply again? Or take up the CMU offer? Your suggestions shall be appreciated. Thanks!

Errick, according to your expectation from MBA studies, you will get less from CMU than from Yale and Michigan. You have a good chance to get into Michigan, since it enrollment rate is not so high as other magic schools. And Yale is defintely your best choice, but since it is an Ivey school your chance will be less than Michigan.

So if you really dissapoited about CMU, you can put your stake on Michigan and try to get off from its waitlist. As for Yale, ou may need to re-apply next year.

Best luck! H.S.Wang

Your future. Our mission.
MySpace: http://forum.topway.org/sns/?11416
Weibo:  laowang_topway


hi, Wang

How competitive would you say I am:

25 yr old
3-yrs experience investment bank
620 GMAT
3.6 GPA at non-top school


[此贴子已经被作者于2005-8-4 1:59:34编辑过]









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