Cable-television spokesperson: Subscriptions to cable television are a bargain in comparison to "free" television. Remember that "free" televi-sion is not really free. It is consumers, in the end, who pay for the costly advertising that supports "free" television.
Which of the following, if true, is most damaging to the position of the cable-television spokesperson?
(A) Consumers who do not own television sets are less likely to be influenced in their purchasing decisions by television advertising than are consumers who own television sets.
(B) Subscriptions to cable television include access to some public-television channels, which do not accept advertising.
(C) For locations with poor television reception, cable television provides picture quality superior to that provided by free television.
(D) There is as much advertising on many cable-television channels as there is on "free" tele-vision channels.
(E) Cable-television subscribers can choose which channels they wish to receive, and the fees vary accordingly.
这样, 读完原文就知道其逻辑推理过程: consumers pay for advertising (C) --> free TV not cheap (B) --> cable is a bargain (A). 还要知道所牵涉的事物: advertising, TV, cable, COST
weaken题型有很多类型, 可以否定原文的依据, 如:没有或有不多advertising, 或advertising已经不costly, 或者不是consumers pay for advertising. 这种题都是直接针对premises, 否认其真实性或可靠性, 其它的例子还有否定问卷调查的结果 by questioning the objectivity or representativeness of the survey.