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91.        1078 GWD-10-Q17:Boldface(原题)
An arrest made by a Midville police officer is provisional until the officer has taken the suspect to the police station and the watch commander has officially approved the arrest. Such approval is denied if the commander judges that the evidence on which the provisional arrest is based is insufficient. A government efficiency expert has found that almost all provisional arrests meet standards for adequacy of evidence that watch commanders enforce. The expert therefore recommends that the watch commander’s approval should no longer be required since the officers’ time spent obtaining approval is largely wasted. This recommendation should be rejected as dangerous, however, since there is no assurance that the watch commanders’ standards will continue to be observed once approval is no longer required.
In the editorial, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles? A. The first is a recommendation made by the editorial; the second acknowledges a potential objection against that recommendation.
B. The first is a proposal against which the editorial is directed; the second is a judgment reached by the editorial concerning that proposal.
C. The first provides evidence in support of a recommendation that the editorial supports; the second is the conclusion reached by the editorial.
D. The first is a position that the editorial challenges; the second is a judgment that was made in support of that challenged position.
E. The first is a recommendation that the editorial questions; the second provides evidence against that recommendation.


92.        1079 GWD-1-Q18:
It is illegal to advertise prescription medications in Hedland except in professional medical journals or by mail directly to physicians.  A proposed law would allow general advertising of prescription medications.  Opponents object that, in general, laypersons lack the specialized knowledge to evaluate such advertisements and might ask their physicians for inappropriate medications.  But since physicians have the final say as to whether to prescribe a medication for a patient, the objection provides no grounds for concern.
  Which of the following would it be most useful to establish in order to evaluate the argument?
  A.      Whether nonprescription medications can interact with and block the action of any prescription medications that could be advertised to the general public
B.       Whether most prescription medication advertisements directed at the general public would be advertisements for recently developed medications newly available by prescription
C.       Whether prescription medication advertisements directed at the general public would appear on television and radio as well as in print
D.      Whether physicians are more likely to pay attention to advertising directed to the general public than to advertising directed to physicians
E.       Whether physicians are likely to succumb屈服于 to pressure from patients to prescribe inappropriate medications


93.        【版本1】1080.GWD-21-Q40×
A manufacturer of workstations for computer-aided design seeks to increase sales to its most important corporate customers. Its strategy is to publish very low list prices for workstations in order to generate interest among the buyers for those corporations
【版本2】A manufacturer of workstations for computer-aided design seeks to increase sales to its most important corporate customers. Its strategy is to publish very low list prices for workstations in order to generate interest among the buyers for those corporations.
Which of the following, if characteristic of the marketplace, would tend to cause the manufacture’s strategy to fail?
A.     The proposed list prices would seem low to a typical buyer for the manufacturer’s most important corporate customers.
B.     The capabilities of workstations suitable for given jobs are not significantly different among various manufactures.
C.     The manufacturer’s most important corporate customers employ as buyers persons who are very knowledgeable about prices for workstations for customer-aided design.
D.    customers differ significantly in the percentage of resources they can devote to computer workstations.  
E.     Buyers for corporations that purchase workstations for computer-aided design receive bonuses for negotiating large discounts from the list price.


94.        1081GWD-25-Q2
In two months, the legal minimum wage in the country of Kirlandia will increasefrom five Kirlandic dollars(KD5.00) Per hour to KD5.50 per hour. Opponents of this increase have argued that the resulting rise in wages will drive the inflation rate up. In fact its impact on wages will probably be negligible, since only a very small proportion of all Kirfandic workers are currently receiving less than KD5.50 per hour.

95.        √Marconi conceived of the radio as a tool for private conversation that could substitute for the telephone; instead, it has become precisely the opposite, a tool for communicating with a large, public audience.(不完整)

96.        √1082 经济家:债太高会导致经济collapse政治家:如果要减少国家的债的话就得减少政府开支,which will cause massive unemployment.


97.        √1083售货员: 买电脑的话就要买比需要的feature多的多的,要不2-3年就被淘汰了。问顾客要考虑什么。
A. 能否准确估计现在所需要的feature
B. 能否准确估计2-3年后所需要的feature
C. 会不会feature再好也更新电脑
D. 电脑业在几年内的发展情况

98.        1084 铺地。浅色的比较耐热,深色的容易坏。公司想省钱,就决定要换深色地的时候就换铺浅色,问需要考虑什么。
A. 铺浅色花的时间是不是比铺深色时间长
B. 补浅色地板是不是比补深色地板贵
C. 能不能十年内全换完


99.        √1091题目是说在某国,一些制药公司生产儿童用的药,但是只在成人身上做测试,并不在儿童身上做测试。然后药品专利对制药公司是很重要的。为了鼓励制药公司在儿童身上做测试,该国政府可以延长这些药的专利期,如果他们在儿童身上做测试的话。然后问下面哪个问题对evaluate这个措施最有效 我选的是,在专利过期之前,这些药会不会被新的药所替代。

100.        √1098有个杂志弄了个实验,说什么让人blind( 记不住那个词,大概就是把眼睛蒙起来吧),然后XXXX。问评价。我选了个 whether 弄杂志的声音 audible. 应该是这个没错。

101.        √1099说得是酿酒的葡萄都是大个的,但是今年由于某种原因葡萄都变小了,但是有人预测说今年收入跟去年会持平,问为什么,我好像选的是摘小葡萄用的劳动力花费少,不知道对错,参考吧。


102.        1103In the nation of Partoria, large trucks currently account for 6 percent of miles driven on Partoria’s roads but are involved in 12 percent of all highway fatalities.  The very largest trucks—those with three trailers—had less than a third of the accident rate of single-and double-trailer trucks.  Clearly, therefore, one way for Partoria to reduce highway deaths would be to require shippers to increase their use of triple-trailer trucks.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
A Partorian trucking companies have so far used triple-trailer trucks on lightly traveled sections of major highways only.
B No matter what changes Partoria makes in the regulation of trucking, it will have to keep some smaller roads off-limits to all large trucks.
C Very few fatal collisions involving trucks in Partoria are collisions between two trucks.
D In Partoria, the safety record of the trucking industry as a whole has improved slightly over the past ten years.
E In Partoria, the maximum legal payload of a triple-trailer truck is less than three times the maximum legal payload of the largest of the single-trailer trucks.

103.        √1104感染某种病是因为吃了生的食物或接触动物,研究表明作为宠物的乌龟是罪魁祸首,因此美国禁止买卖乌龟,但现在先进的技术能够保证不带这种病的乌龟,因此取消禁止不会对人有危害, 问削弱


104.        1107TT-9-Q29 :The emission of sulfur dioxide when high-sulfur coal is burned is restricted by law.  New coal-burning plants usually comply with the law by installing expensive equipment to filter sulfur dioxide from their emissions.  These new plants could save money by installing instead less expensive cleaning equipment that chemically removes most sulfur from coal before combustion.
Which of the following, if known, would be most relevant to evaluating the claim above about how new coal-burning plants could save money?
A Whether existing oil-burning plants are required to filter sulfur dioxide from their emissions
B Whether the expense of installing the cleaning equipment in a new plant is less than the expense of installing the cleaning equipment in an older plant
C Whether the process of cleaning the coal is more expensive than the process of filtering the emissions
D Whether lawful emissions of sulfur dioxide from coal-burning plants are damaging the environment
E  Whether existing plants that use the filtering equipment could replace this equipment with the cleaning equipment and still compete with new plants that install the cleaning equipment


105.        1108TT-17-Q30: 给小费 “ Thank you “ 题 ,
In a study conducted in Pennsylvania, servers in various restaurants wrote “Thank you” on randomly selected bills before presenting the bills to their customers.  Tips on these bills were an average of three percentage points higher than tips on bills without the message.  Therefore, if servers in Pennsylvania regularly wrote “Thank you” on restaurant bills, their average income from tips would be significantly higher than it otherwise would have been.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument relies?
A The “Thank you” messages would have the same impact on regular patrons of a restaurant as they would on occasional patrons of the same restaurant.
B Regularly seeing “Thank you” written on their bills would not lead restaurant patrons to revert to their earlier tipping habits.
C The written “Thank you” reminds restaurant patrons that tips constitute a significant part of the income of many food servers.
D The rate at which people tip food servers in Pennsylvania does not vary with how expensive a restaurant is.
E Virtually all patrons of the Pennsylvania restaurants in the study who were given a bill with “Thank you” written on it left a larger tip than they otherwise would have.

106.        √1110"the general idea was that in a recent flooding a lot of ppl in some area didn't have the flood insurance though it was provided by the government very cheaply. The argument then states that the percentage of ppl who buy such insurance will increase, because ___________
the one I selected has something to do with a trend of ppl without flood experience moving into flood zones decreasing."


107.        √1111根据垃圾的次数fine,  导致每次倒的垃圾数增加因为这样做可以是收益大于成本问assumption 我选的A 倒垃圾的企业没有被要求清理那些已经倒的垃圾
【版本1】政府以前对企业倾倒垃圾的罚款不能遏止乱倒垃圾的行为,于是改为对每次都处以较高罚款,但是仍然无效,反而增加,问ASSUMPTION。 答案好象是次数减少了,且不是每次都被抓住。
【版本2】公司非法道垃圾,对它们进行罚款,它们倒垃圾次数减少了,每次倒的量增加了。然后有说要加大罚款力度,使每次罚款超过公司因非法倒垃圾而节省的钱,而且也要尽量去执行( 意思是要抓住非法倒垃圾的公司),问evaluate。

108.        【版本1】1133对两车追撞的车祸分析中,驾small car 的人受伤的程度较驾large vehicle 的人还严重. Therefore 将来驾large vehicle的人会增多. 问weaken. 参考答案是 (A) 在撞上人行道pedestrian 的事故中,驾large vehicle 的人受伤程度更严重. “
【版本2】“对traffic accidents进行分析,发现受伤的人当中驾驶small car的人比驾驶large vehicle的人多,然后就说将来驾驶large vehicle的人会增多,问weaken,我选的是在大车车祸中pedestrian伤者要多.” (感谢Gracez 8月24号)



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