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Thomson Prometric Test Center





点评人:yaxin21 - 2006-9-4

New Jerseye

ast orange





点评人:jojokitty - 2006-8-2

Paname (PA)


thomson prometric test center


看到在这考的asia face不是很多,staff基本nice,我中途break想提前进去,结果一个黑mm说我还不到10分钟,不让我进去,说是policy,不知道其他人遇到的情况是怎么样的.

点评人:cici1979923 - 2006-6-22


thomson prometric test center (981 North Wales Rd, #15 North philadelphia)


总体来说还不错,冷气很冷,幸亏穿了个小薄外套. 工作人员也算和蔼可亲,有个小黑MM虽然开始一直板着脸没什么笑容,后来我走的时候倒是笑了一下。考场不大,一格一格的电脑台,靠得比较近,我用的电脑还好,一直听话没有出问题。我是第一个被放进去的,开始还挺高兴,因为被安排到最里面,其实并不好,因为我开始做阅读了,后面的人也陆续进来了,调麦克的声音四起,我完全不能专心看阅读,第一篇做得一塌糊涂。旁边的俄国GG说话象打雷一样,他一说话我就要吓得一愣。反正互相影响是不可避免的了,但是如果要我选,我宁可晚点进去,这样做听力的时候别人说口语我还可以调麦克的声音,觉得没那么困扰。

点评人:sabrina_ai - 2006-6-22

Philadelphia, 费城

Thomson prometric test center。 Thomson是专业负责考试的承包公司,美国各个城市都有.





比如我考tofel前去考了gre, 因为考前生病,所以想监考官申请多休息几分钟,表面上监考官A说可以,后来另一个监考官B却很坏地这个监考官A document了我的行为。一直到考完我都没有意识到她们是披着文明化羊皮的狼,因为她们一直对我微笑直到我考完。其实每个考生在考后7天内都可以投诉考场。她们这样表面一套背后一套的行为,让我当时根本没有觉察到麻烦。
可想而之,我千辛万苦考到的好分数以为可以放松了,却在数周后收到E.ts要取消我分数的通知因为对其它考生不fair。我去Thomson考场问,监考官A也告诉我监考官B补充了很长的内容来落井下石,还在documentation里撒谎说:叫了我好几次都没有回去等等(监考官这样说也是用来表明她们工作是多么地负责)。监考官A说监考官B就是这样写的,她也没有办法改变。之后,我又用了数周去向E.ts argue,e.ts有专门处理考试安全问题的一个队伍,他们那里有录象开会讨论等等,最后分数是非常艰难地拿回来了,过程我就不说了,整个人都觉得大病一场。而且影响了我准备toefl的时间。

点评人:wloy - 2006-8-1

Washington, DC

Thomson prometric test center


总体来说还不错。每人一小间用隔板隔开,而且干净整洁,房内温度适中(因为看到前人的总结,所以专门带了一件小外套,刚好合适)。Staff 都还比较friendly and helpful。好像没有歧视亚裔的情况,至少我没有感到受到歧视。



点评人:Kristine - 2006-8-15


Fork Union


考点设在一个军校的图书馆(但是要从Abor rd进去)
从Charlottesville大概1个小时车程 教室类似学校的小型机房,仅一排而已,可容纳19个人。LCD,但是没有隔板。Fountain和restroom出考场就是,所以比较方便。

点评人:jingxoo - 2006-10-19



Columbia International College


the condition is not bad but each room have 24 seats. and my room is full!!!

a little tip, you can rest for more than 10 min if u want,cause the computer wont start until the supervior set it.

点评人:kikihelen - 2006-9-11


1, guy-concordia



点评人:doomgeneration - 2006-8-28


1, Alborz educational Center(STN11573A). Address: 20 tangreen crt, tronto.


all the guys wanting to book ibt in toronto must be careful, if you have options, plz do not try this center.

  1. the facilities are sucks: the test was in one big classroom, the front half is a regular classroom, lots of chairs mess around, and the second half are the computers which are used to do the test. all of these scattered around, 90 percent of them are very old used pc, and there is not any sparate stuff like frame between each computer. when taking the test the whole room was so noisy. Honestly, i just finished my gmat monthes bofore and this is my second to take toefl, trust me, remember this center and do not try it!
  2. i never tried such a bad service before no matter where i took the ets tests:
    • the test supposed to be start at 6pm, some of people came here at around 5pm. All the testers stayed in one small classroom which is so dirty and no air-conditioning for the next two hours.
    • because of network problems like every other centers, we waited there till more than 6:30pm. during this period, what they told us is 5 more minutes, and 5 more minutes. And the worest thing is when one of the guys and i went to the testing room to check it out what was going on there, one of the examiner suddenly yelled at me : get out of here, get out of here. i think everyone could what we felt under such condition.
    • during the test: during the time all the people focused on the listening, different noise keeping around us, the teachers walked back and forth calling louldy for password kind of things, and some of the teachers even do not turn off their cell phone, let their cell phone kept singing and then talked with his friends just out side the room.

Anyway, i will call ets on monday, i can not put up with spending nearly 200 bucks for such kind of service, it is shame of ets!

finally, i hope anybody who took the same test with me gvie me support, and let more people know do not try this center!!!!!!

点评人:kevinchaung - 2006-9-10


1, University of Victoria


30 people took the test in one room, a little bit noisy, but the staff were so nice. the computers, desks and chairs were in good conditions and comfortable.

点评人:yinzheng66 - 2006-6-22

2, Franklin English Language colllege



点评人:frankmiao - 2006-6-22

Greater China









点评人:gift - 2006-9-16


我下午3点半到的考场,地点是北师大的曾宪梓楼的302(STP80031A),结果被告知要五点才能开始,等阿等~~~,其间和考场的管理人员争取了更多的铅笔和草稿纸(居然是粉色的~~),那边 说只有一支铅笔和3张纸,我是勉强够了。
四点半的时候终于让进了,只能带证件和当时填的声明那张纸,考务人员先用摄像头照相,然后分配座位,有领位的,坐好后就可以考试拉~~~!!和网上的ETS的样题界面一样,但顺序做题就成啦,中间随时有事可以叫老师。说说那里的条件吧,电脑的屏幕是CRT 17的,看时间长了很难受,下次去的同志们可以带上眼药水,我做完阅读眼睛就疼得不行了,趁听力念direction 的时候休息了一下下。

点评人:chenhaoa - 2006-9-15







点评人:charmant - 2006-9-16




考场老师都还算nice, 有一个同学只带了一个证件,也允许他考试了,不错不错。

点评人:心香一瓣 - 2006-9-15




耳机是美国KOSS (?)好像是这个牌子,带上去感觉不错,隔音效果还算好,不过当然不可能完全隔音了,但是因为没考成所以没听到效果

点评人:tabris17 - 2006-9-15







点评人:gin118 - 2006-9-15





点评人:飘来飘去 - 2006-9-15



点评人:天冥翼 - 2006-9-16



点评人:anasituogalu - 2006-9-17



点评人:gift - 2006-9-24



点评人:xiaoqi809 - 2006-12-2




总的说来那里的环境不错, 电脑是联想的, 感觉很新, 显示器也很柔和, 眼睛不会感觉很累. 椅子是兰色的, 带靠背的.

屋子里面很暖和,不用穿外套, 进去的时候老师会给你一个钥匙, 你可以把你自己的东西锁到外边的小柜里, 然后去写协议, 最后大家很有秩序的进去, 老师会给每个人照相, 然后会告诉你座位号, 直接过去就可以了.中间的时间可以自由出入,卫生间就在教室对面, 很方便.

那里的老师也很好,特别和蔼,如果有什么不清楚,都可以问他们, 在整个考试过程中,屋子里的秩序都很好,只是在口语那会稍稍有些吵, 不过我觉的不碍事.对了, 考试的地点是在一号楼603室, 上楼的时候上到五楼以后, 一定要向左拐,进到一个门后再上六楼. 我当时就是走错了, 到五楼向右拐了, 结果弄错了.

点评人:冰山恋雪 - 2006-12-18



广州 仲凯农学院



  • 15寸CRT显示器,非Dell品牌,屏幕刺眼,阅读到后来我眼睛都睁不开了,但也可能是晚上11点多了的原因;
  • 桌子深度和宽度不够,使我记笔记时得偏在一隅,好像是以前大学时代抄同学作业一样鬼鬼祟祟。桌子下面有挡板,放主机,所以会搁住你的胫骨,我被碰了好几下;
  • 灯光亮度尚可,但照明布局明显不行,没有辅光源的日光灯照射,长时间后人容易疲劳。考试教室环境色冷调,偏灰蓝;
  • 空调运行温度较低,需要另外带长袖衣服进去保持体温;
  • 隔音效果不行,带着耳机做听力时受到邻座极大的口语干扰,考试出来还有人赞扬我口语好,说我说得流利,可见我也影响他了,虽然我有意让自己说得轻一点不要影响别人;
  • 我数了一下,一共有位置36个左右。


  • 老师态度都很好,也很严格。我做口语之前,还被老师用一种很迂回的方式检查了一下机器里的照片是不是我本人。
  • 学校食堂伙食糟糕,这么难吃的东西也能叫夜宵,想想广州遍地的小吃,我寂寞了。
  • 校园环境非常漂亮,一位北京来的光头考生告诉我,在广州你就算往草地里插根筷子都能活。这里的植物非常茂盛,考试的楼在最高层,一圈楼当中围了种好多植物,头上蓝天,让我感觉不来考试该多好。但校园雕塑不行,何香凝什么的,用料和形式感都欠功夫。
  • 学校学生都很单纯很友善,很多女孩子都在军训,很可怜,不知道我们国家为什么要女孩子也接受这样无聊又无趣的单调训练,她们这时候应该去恋爱的。
  • 校址比较偏僻,听有考生家长说连出租车司机都不知道它在哪儿,只知道具体方位。其实它就在广州珠江的南岸,靠近中山大学那里的。
  • 校园内部考试方位指示牌做得多,让我方便得找到考场位置,但最后一块放得有点问题,结果我跑到另外一幢楼的同号码房间,遇到一位戴眼睛的木讷老师。

点评人:siegfriedshi - 2006-10-1

广州 广东外语外贸大学



点评人:xyluis - 2006-11-19






  1. 将个人证件出示(一定要符合ETS的要求),然后他会在身份证(我用的是身份证)的背面贴一个白色的小纸条(方便后面写你的座位号码,稍后会提到).然后进入旁边的侯考室等候(可以上网,呵呵)
  2. 抄写誓词(同GRE),老师说可以修改-_-!!,他基本不会看.只要把他要求的几个地方(除了左上角的State不要填)都填好就行了.此处要求比较松.老师也没什么经验.可能以后会加强吧.
  3. 等到考试时间到了之后,由老师带着上二楼,然后排队入场.(很慢).先核对你的证件,然后拍照.是站着拍的.(拍出来的效果不太好,有点暗)
  4. 拍完照后会分配给你一个座位,并将座位号写在刚才贴的白纸条上.然后你就将你的包放下.(目前还没有专柜).
  5. 到此为止,你可以进入考场了.




点评人:leeaoran - 2006-9-15


第一 很乱,考场和准考证上的都不一样,管理人员对保密协议怎么写不知道,对要求反复更改了几次,汗!
第二 不人道,要求十分钟休息期间不得离开座位,不得上卫生间,只能做着等10分钟
第三 只有一位技术人员,忙得不亦乐乎,还是搞不定

点评人:freeofspirit - 2006-9-15



点评人:icdicm - 2006-9-16



点评人:lijx_helen - 2006-9-23


华东师大 文科楼407




点评人:domothy - 2006-10-10




点评人:xiaozhouzhou - 2006-9-15



点评人:bigbelly - 2006-9-15



点评人:longhornx - 2006-10-14







点评人:richard_jian - 2006-9-16




流程:由老师带入考场(3点半)—— 检查证件并签保密协议(3点45左右)——由老师带去存东西,上厕所,并带到考场门口等待(4点)——依次进入考场(4点半)




中途休息的10分钟上下厕所然后喝点水,我是吃了个面包然后含了两片西洋参。托福是体力活不得不承认,建议大家不要选下午4点开考的,这个时段是人一天最困的时候。其实早上8点还相对好点,但要保证头天晚上不能因为太兴奋或者太紧张睡不着。Anyway,I'm surviving!





点评人:Heng8866 - 2006-9-16



点评人:sqiurrel - 2006-9-15







  • 天津大学里面有42斋 南开大学有静园 情况怎么样不太清楚
  • 我住在天宇酒店 步行10+分钟, 再客房能够看到考场。 站在天大东门能看到的最高建筑就是,很好找。不过比较贵[4星],客房1000的话400就能拿下[先去网上查价格]

  • 天大东门对面有 上岛咖啡 名典咖啡 KFC 巴西烤肉
  • 学校有食堂


  • 天津大学综合实验楼617,按照ETS提供的是找不到的。
  • 签保密协议[自己带非铅笔]----照相考试[东西放小柜子里,手表都不让带]
  • 一开始去问的时候说中间10分钟只能在自己座位,不能吃喝拉撒。后来考场出现问题,考试延后,我是4:50开始考[考场一共48人,我基本属于中间],9点考完。 考场最晚的要到11点[老师说的]。 后来中间10分钟老师给买了矿泉水和蛋糕派,吃喝拉撒随便了。
  • 考场环境还不错,90台以上的电脑,地上没地毯,考生之间隔一排。个子高的同学不是很爽,能看到前面的人半个脑袋,屏幕和键盘也比较矮[我183cm]。每个人肯定能看到自己同一排的人。显示器不是液晶,平时用液晶的同学注意,我当时是感觉有点不太适应。 考场影响不是很大,戴上耳机照样能听到别人的口语,但是比我想象的好很多[我最在角落里,周围人都比我晚到,所以没什么影响,不知道坐在中间什么感觉]。键盘按键不是很硬,声音不大。
  • 环境不错,老师也很安静,还给我们买矿泉水和食品。口语有影响但不大。
  • 学校不负责给你寄送成绩,必须去天大领[是不是必须本人我没问]。

点评人:安静vs寂静 - 2006-9-16









点评人:angelandtt - 2006-12-11


杭州 浙江教育大厦




  1. 大厦那是相当华丽..,考场在3楼,ms也是雅思的考场,环境很好。
  2. 进楼后,先到306,工作人员会给你发放誓言表,填好就是。然后是漫长的等待拍照进程(考试在310举行),等待过程中可以在306休息。
    [Tips] 有关电脑:DELL机子,真正考试的时候(就是在310室)是17寸LCD,键盘也不错的。鼠标和键盘都放在键盘架上,鼠标无法拉到桌面上。系统是win2000,不过处理过了,你点无关的地方都是没有反应的。无关话(-_-):iBT在线系统是JAVA写的...,进入考试状态后就全屏显示考题了。310内靠墙的电脑桌是单人座,中间是2人并排的ms,如果你可以抽到靠墙,可能受到边上人的影响就小一些,lucky you! 挡板比较高,隔绝性还不错。工作人员都很kind且friendly。
  3. 然后,按照姓氏顺序叫人(name list贴在门上),进场拍照,入位,准备考试。
    [ATTENTION!!!] 入座后请不要马上一路continue,就开始做题。why? 这时候,许多人还在检入,场面吵杂,极度不利于首个section,也就是reading的发挥。其实什么时候开始答题是你控制的,你continue了就开始。所以请耐心观察考场秩序基本稳定后再开始考试。我今天就有些吃亏,当工作人员说可以开始的时候,其实场面还不是很安静,导致我第一篇阅读就没有怎么看进去,唉!阅读还是我拿手好戏呢,sigh... 所以,我想提醒大家务必注意这点。务必务必。

点评人:leeaoran - 2006-9-15



点评人:leeaoran - 2006-9-15






点评人:nala_wan - 2006-11-19








点评人:candrow - 2006-9-12

Other Areas


Berlin, Alexander Str.7(Alexanderplatz 5.), D-10178




到了以后领表抄保证,有个房间专门存放自己的物品,然后就等。负责的是一个MM和一个GG。MM看上去很Punk,鼻子上扎洞洞那种,不过很nice, 等待期间她向大家讲解了考试流程,还问我有没有明白她说的德文。GG管拍照,大家排队,一个一个照相,交表和ID那张纸,然后就进场考试了。



点评人:Fernweh - 2006-11-18




地点在rue de rivoli上,闹市,很好找,到的时间比较大众的话,门口有很多人排队,因为门小,不到时间不开门,

点评人:voila_vivianne - 2006-10-30




我是第一个进考场的.照相,找电脑,考试都在一个房间进行.所以,考阅读的时候完全无法集中注意力.本人考场的电脑还特别烂. 好几个主机不行,要抱出去换新的.结果从5点我进入考场开始,到7点,最后一个人都还没坐下来考试.而那时候我已经开始听力了..所以,阅读可以说是完全不知所云.

并且到听力的时候还无故黑屏,重新启动.妈妈呀!我以为要打包回家了.谁知,居然被STAFF调到重新接上听力,开始.到后来去BREAK,居然发生所有人都需要重新启动的事.才能接着口语. 口语的时候同志们的声音都此起彼伏,完全无法集中精力放在自己想说的东西上.幸好,说的时间短.咱速战速决.



总之,同志们要做好心理准备! 别期望一个PLEASANT的考试EXPERIENCE

点评人:shining_chai - 2006-9-14




新加坡的考场还真是不错。秉着要早到的优良传统,我不到三点就到考场,结果大门紧锁,工作人员那个时候出去吃饭了,我只好坐在门外等阿等,快三点半的时候工作人员终于到了,她还说我来得太早了,然后就是填保密协议,我四点就进去考试了。在这里想澄清两个问题,因为之前看帖子,有人说早到能占个好位置,但实际上你是不能选位置的,位置都安排好了。 另还有人说考试不会开始的太早,比如说一般在5点左右考,实际上我4点进去就可以直接考试了。不知道国内的情况是怎样的。我是当时第一个进去的, 当时还觉得早进去能早考完,至少可以少受点干扰

点评人:corrinepea - 2006-9-16



新托福开始了,很多朋友将参加这一新的挑战。兵家一直有“兵马未动,粮草先行”的说法,对于托福考试,最基本的粮草,就是词汇了,是整个备考环节中最先开始的也是最基础的一环。目前新托福的词汇量要求,根据考过的xdjm反映,有所增加(但之前传言要求8000的说法,好像还不至于)。如果要扎实准备,目前新东方四大词汇书中,王玉梅的应该是首选,但是40个list ,5000出头的词汇,不是那么容易对付的。考过G的朋友,基本都知道有一个“17天搞定GRE单词”的办法,作者是新东方的杨鹏老师。将此法移花接木,拿来搞定王玉梅的托福单词,不是为一个良方。












Note-taking in the Independent Task
    该部分要求考生就某一自己熟悉的话题阐述自己的观点。一类问题是自由回答间题(Free-choice Response),如:If you could have any job in the world, what would it be? Use details to support your. response;另一类是选择类问题(Paired-choice Response),如:Do you like to try new kinds of food or eat the same kind of food all the time? Use details and examples to support your response,准备时间为15秒,回答问题时间为45秒。问题会被朗读出来,且同时出现在屏幕上。考生可以不用理会电脑的朗读,迅速阅读完问题。这样可以争取大概5秒,那么在这大约20秒内,考生可在草稿纸上迅速记下自己所要表达的关键信息。这里记笔记的方法为“TST表格”。TST ( Topic-Supporting ideas--Transitions)意思是考生须在草稿纸上用一到两个词写下欲表达的Topic(主题),Supporting ideas(分论点)和Transitions(信号词)。下面试举一例: 

Where would you want to be professionally in ten years? Use details to support your response. 
考生应迅速在纸上写下own bus...masterwork com...start等信息见以下TST( Topic—Supporting ideas—Transitions )表格。

Topic statement:  own bus... (I would like to own my own business)
Supporting ideas:   ( How I will work toward owning my business)

*  master (Will get master's in business )
*  work com... (Will work in company while planning my business)
*  start (Will start my own business when I am ready)
Transitions: 10 next because 3 within 10 y (可用y代替 years) 

Sample Answer
In ten years I would like to win an import business of my own. Next year, I will be starting a master's program in business with a specialization in entrepreneurship. I will be getting this degree because I hope to start my own business and make it successful some day. After I finish my master's degree three years from now, I will most likely take a position in another company for a few years to make some money and to spend some time planning my own business. Within ten years, I hope to own my own company and be on the way to making it a success.


Sometimes students have to write papers. Sometimes they have to give oral presentations. Which activity do you think is better for students, and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.
考生应迅速在纸上写下papstrong read write examsmore time think deeply等信息。见以下TST( Topic—Supporting ideas—Transitions )表格::

Topic: pap (writing papers is better for students)
Supporting ideas: (Why writing papers is better)

* strong read write exams (need strong writing skills for reading and writing and prepare for exams)
* more time think deeply   (show understanding for more time to explain and think deeply)
Transitions: firstly because, so also 

Sample Answer

I think writing papers is better for students. Firstly we need to develop strong writing skills. We go to school mainly to learn reading and writing, so we need a lot of practice. Examinations require a lot of writing, so writing papers is good reparation. Also, I think writing is a better way to show that I understand. When I write a paper, I can think deeply because I have more time to explain my ideas.  



1.  Describe a place that you consider to be beautiful. Explain why certain qualities of this place make it beautiful. Include details and examples to support your explanation.

2. Some people relax by staying home. Others relax by going out. Which type of relaxation is better for your and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.-

3.  Describe an occasion when you were surprised. What happened to you, and why did you feel surprised? Include details and examples in your explanation.

4.  Some students prepare for tests by studying alone. Others prepare for tests by studying with other students or a tutor. Which study method do you think is better, and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.

5.What type of home would you like to live in? Describe the characteristics of such a home and explain why you would like to live there. Include details and examples in your explanation.

6. Some people exercise early in the morning. Others exercise in the afternoon or evening. Which time of day do you think is better for exercising and why? Include details and examples in your explanation. 

Note-taking in the Integrated Tasks

1. Reading—Listening—Speaking

3题和第4题以试题中的阅读和听力材料为基础,要求考生回答相关问题。即ReadingListeningSpeaking,具体步骤是首先要求考生在45秒内阅读一篇短文,一般只含一个段落,随后短文隐去,播放一段与短文相关的对话或课堂演讲,其长度大约为1分半钟(比listening section中的材料篇幅要短)。最后,要求考生根据先前阅读的短文和所听到的材料回答相关问题,考生有30秒钟的准备时间,然后进行60秒钟的回答。而第5题和第6题要求考生先听一段听力材料,然后回答相关问题。即Listening-Speaking,听力材料通常有一段是情景对话,另一段是课堂演讲,其长度大约为1分半钟。

考生有20秒钟的准备时间,之后进行60秒钟的回答。在综合口语任务里,你所需要记笔记的内容就是在读短文和听材料的过程中记下材料中的“main points”、“examples”、“reasons”等等。.而是否能很快识别“信号词”(Signal Words)成为其中的关键。“信号词”(Signal WordsTransitions)是我们用来“追踪”说话人的思路的词汇,它就像“路标”一样指引着旅行者的方向。有了信号词,我们就知道说话人何时要举例子,何时要下结论,何时要解释原因等等。





在第3和第4题中你会碰到两篇阅读短文,你所需要记笔记的内容就是在读短文的过程中记下材料中的“main point”以及“examples”和“reasons”等等。切忌写下过多的细节,或为了记笔记而忽略了中心思想。见下例(注意加黑处的信号词):
 Isaac Asimov 
Isaac Asimov (1920-1992) was an amazing author who wrote an astounding amount of material on an even more astounding variety of subjects. His literary studies included line-by-line analyses of all of the play of Shakespeare; his historical research included works on the history of Greece, the Roman Empire, England, and France; he also wrote well-researched tomes on physics, chemistry, and astronomy. What he is most likely best known for today, however, is science fiction: his Foundation series on a galactic empire inspired by Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire and the / Robot series about a future society where humans and robots coexist. In total, Asimov wrote more than 500 books on this wide variety of subjects. 

Main points about Asimov
* wrote a huge amount of material (more than 500 books);
*wrote on a wide variety of topics (literary analysis, history, physics, chemistry, astronomy, science fiction) 




在听讲座或对话时,你需要关注主要观点(major points)以及为了支撑其观点所使用的例子(examples)和原因(causes 

Listening Passage:

(Professor): Now I'm sure you're all wondering how Asimov managed to write so much. Well, the simple answer's that he did almost nothing except writing because that's what he was driven to do.
Asimov's normal routine was to spend time, a lot of time, writing every day. He usually got up at 6 o'clock in the morning; he was at work writing by 7:30 in the morning, and he wrote until 10 o'clock in the evening. That's a lot of time to spend writing. This desire to spend so much time writing prompted Asimov himself to say "Writing is my only interest. Even speaking is an interruption."

TOPIC OF LISTENING PASSAGE: how Asimov wrote so much

Main points about topic:
* Asimov wrote from 7: 30 in the morning to 10 o'clock in the evening.
* Asimov said,  "Writing is my only interest."  

4)整合笔记,最终开口(Speaking 以上我们讨论过如何在读文章和听材料时做笔记,现在我们已经拥有两份笔记,可以开始答题了,不过答题以前,需要明确以下几点:
*在答题时不要涉及个人观点,不要说例如“I think”之类的话。你的回答应该仅仅跟所读的文章和所听的材料有关。






*表达必须连贯一致,符合逻辑顺序,适当使用Signal Words, 如下:

The man's opinion is that...
The woman believes that...
According to the lecture...
The professor made the point that...
The reading states that... 










  Read faster

  •学会使用眼睛余光(peripheral vision)覆盖信息;

  Use contexts


  Make inferences


  Skim and Scan


  Make Connections

  •注意TOEFL文章中的其它5种常见过渡方式(transitional methods)。


  •了解学术化文章的基本结构,注意plan of development现象,通常是一个主要观点有三个重要点支持,而每个段落的中心又会有二到四个要点支持。

  Taking Notes









   主旨题和细节题主要是考察考生对于基本信息的理解能力(basic comprehension),除此之外ETS所要考察考生的另外两种能力分别是对于语用信息的理解(pragmatic understanding)和整合信息、对全文结构把握的能力(connecting information)。而基本信息的理解就占到50%的比重,可见主旨题和细节题的重要性。

   对于细节题,大家不要走入误区,觉得所有的细节100%会考到,所以去关注每一个小的细节点,以至于舍本逐末,只见树木,不见森林。对于细节题,大家要把握两个原则:第一、ETS只会考察我们和主旨有关的重要细节。过于偏细节的实在没有听到,大可不必惋惜,影响后面的发挥;第二,牢牢把握住往往和考点向联系的重要信号词。比如说表示因果的accordingly, thus等词对应于细节题中常考察的因果题。而常见的和信号词相关的考点有逻辑时间顺序、举例、列举、相似或者对比、转折、强调、因果、总结、定义、建议、数字等。



   4态度/ 推断



   5组织结构题 / 分类信息题

   6内容连接题 / 排序题





   因为时间有限,所以建议大家把时间都花在课堂演讲部分,至少每天练习3小时听力,材料的选择可以是官方指南、朗文、近年老托福PART C部分(除了时间过短之外,是很好的练习材料)。一定要做笔记!纪录关键重点词(因为往往和考点有关)!可以每天听抄一篇,然后跟读,培养语感!时间足够充裕的同学,可以看看段子的专业词汇。








   口语三至六题还是与听力练习相结合。从某种意义上讲,这部分的得分多少取决于考生听力功底。在听的过程中,记下一些关键词(形容词,动词,数字,例子),20-30秒内将笔记整理标号,在60秒内“读”出答案就可以了。除了背一些开头语和口语模板之外,还可以准备一些常见过渡词(the first reason is, besides, in my opinion)来显现各个要点之间的连贯性。这部分练习应在平时重点演练,在冲刺阶段再练练眼,耳,口,手并用,保持一种考试状态。


   新托福作文包括两个部分,一是综合写作部分,即integrated task,另一部分为独立写作部分,即independent task.

   对于综合写作部分,由于考察的TOPIC一定是一些academic topic,一般考生不会太熟悉,因此,考生在锤炼其听力和阅读的基本功的基础上,应集中强化突破在lecture里和reading 中记笔记的能力.尤其应注重对阅读文章结构和思路的清晰把握.听力材料一般都针对阅读文章的观点或细节进行反驳,反驳的切入点多为三点. 听力反驳的要点一般都在阅读材料中明确提及,一般不会涉及阅读中完全未涉及的细节.因此,在阅读做笔记的过程中,要读清作者的论证思路,这样在听听力时才能够有的放矢,在听力材料播放过程中准确抓住我们需要的细节并做简单的笔记. 在具体写作的过程中,注意以听力材料中反驳的要点为主线组织全文结构,每一个要点的阐述过程中注意与阅读中的相关细节或观点关联. 各段落的结构及一些套路性的语言事先应该准备好。

   对于独立写作部分,极其类似于老TOEFL中的TWE. 该部分的写作特别应注重结构.开头段,中间段及结尾段落的常见结构及写法要很熟悉.在结构"八股"的同时,应避免文章内容的千篇一律.文章展开的理由和层次尽可能的要personal一些,尽量不要都去套用一些空乏的东西. 展开的层次和理由一定要有细节支持,细节可以是例子,解释,对比等. 同时,文章的主题一定要明确,突出.动笔之前一定要花两三分钟把提纲事先列好.在内容充实的前提下,文章字数尽可能多写一些。最后,语言要做到多样.用词句式要多变。






  而根据我考TSE(TEST OF SPOKEN ENGLISH)的经验,其实口语考试分数的高低(注意这里仅仅是指考试分数)几乎完全取决于你到底背了多少段落。因为口语的TOPIC是覆盖面非常广泛的:教育、文化、历史、生物、科技、艺术等等,所以这就从客观上决定了考生必须背大量的段落,而实际上背的过程中也就是把不涉及过于具体内容的话背下来,到考试的时候再把听到或看到题目要求的具体内容往里面加。一定要注意是从背具体的段落到提炼抽象的魔板最后再回到具体的段落:








  Integrated Writing Task

  How the Integrated Writing Task is phrased:

  If the lecture challenges the information in the reading passage, the writing task will usually be phrased in one of the following ways:

  ØSummarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they cast doubt on specific points made in the reading passage.

  ØSummarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they challenge specific claims/arguments made in the reading passage.

  ØSummarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to specifically explain how they answer the problems raised in the reading passage.

  Showing Challenge

  In the lecture, the professor made several points about______________. The professor argues that__________________.

  However, the reading contends that________________.

  The professor’s lecture casts doubts on the reading by using a number of points that are contrary to___________________________.

  The first point that the professor uses to cast doubt on the reading is that_________________.

  According to the professor,________________________________.

  _______________ differs from the reading in that the reading states _______________________________.

  The point made by the professor casts doubt on the reading because_______________________.

  Another point that the professor uses to casts doubt on the reading is ___________________________________.

  The professor claims that______________________________________.

  However, the reading states _____________________________________.

  This point is contradicted by_____________________________________.

  Finally, the professor stated that, on the contrary of the reading, _____________________________________.

  In other words,______________________________________.

  This directly contradicts what the reading passage indicates, because___________________________.

  In conclusion, the points made in the lecture contradict the reading.

  _________________and_______________ demonstrate that ___________is in doubt.

  If the lecture supports or strengthens the information in the reading passage, the writing task will usually be phrased in one of the following ways:

  ØSummarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to specifically explain how they support the explanations in the reading passage.

  ØSummarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to specifically explain how they strengthen specific points made in the reading passage.

  Showing support

  In the lecture, the professor made several points about_______________.

  The professor argues that______________________________.

  The points made by the professor agree with________________.

  In fact, the examples used by the professor support_________________.

  The first point that the professor uses to support the reading is that_______________________.

  According to the professor,_____________________________.

  _______________________supports the reading, which holds that_______________________.

  The point made by the professor supports the reading because_____________________.

  Furthermore, the professor bolsters the reading by stating that_______________.

  The professor claims that_________________________________.

  This point agrees with the reading, which contends that______________.

  __________________ shows the truth of the reading because___________.

  Finally, the professor stated that, in support of the reading, ______________________________.


  This perfectly reinforced what the reading passage indicates, because___________________________.

  In conclusion, the points made in the lecture support the reading.

  ________________ and ________________________demonstrate that ________________________is invalid.


  Getting the Templates

  The first point the professor makes that casts doubt on the reading is his point about the behavior of stags. The professor shows how the actions of animal can be interpreted in different ways. For example, some people interpret the stag’s actions as being for the “good of the species,” but the professor shows that the stag is actually acting in self-interest. This casts doubt on the reading because it appears that the crickets’ behavior can be interpreted as helping only individual crickets and not the group as a whole. The professor then talks about the results of the experiment, which seems to indicate the crickets are acting only in self-interest.

  Another point the professor makes that casts doubt on the reading is his point about the intelligence of animals and insects. As he states, it would seem to require a lot of intelligence to evaluate how a behavior will affect an entire species. This makes the explanation in the reading seem less likely; a cricket is probably unable to think of the consequences of its actions. It is more likely that the cricket is only acting out of self-preservation, as the professor indicates.

  The first point the professor makes that casts doubt on the reading is his point about__________________________________.

  The professor shows that_____________________________________.

  For example, ______________________________, but the professor shows that_______________________________________.

  This casts doubt on the reading because it appears that_________________________________.

  The professor then talks about_________________________, which seems to indicate that___________________________.

  Another point the professor makes that casts doubt on the reading is his point about__________________________________.

  As he states, it would seem to___________________________.

  This makes the explanation in the reading seem less likely;_____________________________________.

  It is more likely that________________________, ad the professor indicates.














  1. 开头段

  In this argument, the arguer concludes that sending the mechanics of GAA to a two-week QCS on proper maintenance procedures will automatically lead to improved maintenance and to greater customer satisfaction along with greater profits for the airline. To support the conclusion, the arguer points out that the performance of the maintenance crews in the automobile racing industry improved markedly after their crews had attended the seminar. In addition, the arguer reasons that since the maintenance crews of the automobile racing industry and the mechanics of GAA perform many of the same functions, the airlines will gain similar benefits from the training program. This argument suffers from several critical fallacies.

  In this argument, the arguer recommends that C should advise its citizens to install both air conditioners and fans for cooling in order to reduce the cost of electricity. To justify this claim, the arguer provides the evidence that many citizens of C suffer from the rising costs of electricity. In addition, he cites the result of a recent study that using fans alone costs more than using air conditioners alone, and that using both fans and air conditioners costs less than either using fans or air conditioners alone. A careful examination of this argument would reveal how groundless the conclusion is.

  In this analysis, the arguer claims that P University should offer employment to the spouse of each new faculty member that they hire. To substantiate the conclusion, the arguer cites the example of B College where professors prefer to have their spouse employed in the same geographical area. In addition, the arguer assumes that this offer of possible job for their spouse on the campus, no matter whether it will be accepted, is the only factor that new professors consider in deciding whether to accept a university position. This argument is unconvincing for several critical flaws.

  In this argument, the arguer advocates that the C Corporation should hire DF, a family owned local company that offers varied menu of fish and poultry, instead of GT Company, the present supplier of food in C’s employee cafeteria. The recommendation is based on the observation that the GT is expensive, that its prices have kept rising, that it does not serve special diets, and that three employees complained about it. Meanwhile, the arguer assumes D to be a better choice for C because a sample lunch of this company that the arguer happened to taste was delicious. This argument is problematic for two reasons.

  The conclusion in this argument is that F College can expect to increase enrollment by promising to find jobs for students after graduation. In support of this prediction, the arguer claims that college-bound students are increasingly concerned about job prospects after graduation. Moreover, the arguer assumes that this attempt has three benefits: (1) to enable F to compete with more famous schools; (2) to encourage students to start career preparation early; (3) to encourage students to complete their coursework. This argument is fraught with vague, oversimplified and unwarranted assumptions.

  2. 中间段

  First, the argument is based on a false analogy. The arguer simply assumes that airplane mechanics and automobile maintenance crews perform many similar functions, but he does not provide any evidence that their functions are indeed comparable. As we know, the structure, operation and function of airplanes and those of automobiles differ conspicuously. It is true that both the airplane and the automobile need refueling and engine maintenance, but even here there exist fundamental differences: the structure and the building materials of each other’s engines are different, so is the oil they use. Therefore, even though the two-week Quality-Care Seminar proved effective in improving the performance of the maintenance crews in the automobile racing industry, there is no guarantee that it will work just as well for airplane mechanics

  Second, the arguer commits a fallacy of hasty generalization. Even if the maintenance of the airline has been improved as a result of sending its mechanics to the Seminar, which is, of course , unwarranted assumption, it does not follow that there will be greater profits as well as greater customer satisfaction for airline. As we know, customer satisfaction depends on several major factors other than good maintenance of the airplane. For instance, customers are generally concerned about the punctuality, the on-board service, the ticket price, the luggage handling procedure and even the discount, all of which are ignored by the arguer. Besides, the arguer does not provide any solid information concerning how the airplane can improve its profits. Unless Get-Away Airlines can significantly increase its customers or passengers and at the same time cut down its costs, both of which are unknown from this argument, there is no guarantee that it will “inevitably” harvest greater profits. Actually, the arguer’s recommendation of investing in this training program a the only way to increase customer satisfaction an profits would most probably turn out to be ineffective and misleading.

  In the first place, the arguer fails to take into account the geographical factors in the analysis. While we informed that there are wide geographical differences in the nation of Claria, and that many citizens are experiencing rising costs of electricity, the arguer fails to make clear the exact number of those citizens or their percentage in the national population, as well as the geographical distribution of these citizens. If only a small portion of the whole population are experiencing the rising costs of electricity while most familiars do not have similar experience, then the reason might be that the former do not use electricity sparingly. In this case, the rising costs of those families have nothing to do with what kind of electric appliance they use to cool their house. Or if only families living in hot areas are spending more money on cooling, then it is unwise to require citizens living in temperate and frigid zones to install both fans and air conditioners, in the absence of all this information, it is impossible for us to install both fans and air conditioners. In the absence of all this information, it is impossible for us to evaluate the recommended policy that is intended to help every household nationwide to reduce their electricity cost.

  In the second place , the comparison in this argument is incomplete and selective, the arguer discovers that using fans alone is more cost effective than using air conditions alone, and that using both fans and air conditioners are the least expensive way of cooling. However, the arguer fails to provide any information regarding the actual amount of time for using, respectively, fans alone, air conditioners alone, and both fans and air conditioners in those three groups of surveyed families. It is very likely that these three groups of families are located in three very different climatic regions of Claria, and hence the amount of days of the year during which they need to cool their houses varies significantly. Families living in cooler areas of the nation certainly cool their houses for fewer hours and hence use less electricity than families living in hot areas, no matter what cooling appliance they use. Unless we are certain that the surveyed families ling in the same climatic region, or that they need to cool their houses for the same amount of hours in the same year although they live in different regions, which is very unlikely, we have every reason to doubt the trustworthiness of this comparative study. Furthermore on electricity may be using more electricity for purposes other than cooling. Unless the arguer also takes this factor into consideration, the comparison is unconvincing.

  First of all, the argument is based on a hasty generalization. According to the cited studies, professors at Bronston College are happier living in small towns when their spouses are also employed in the local area than when their spouses work in distant areas, which is understandable. This fact tells very little about what actual conditions the professors often consider as important when they choose where to work. Even if we accept the arguer’s assumption that whether their spouse can find a job in the local area Is the only important question that new professors consider when they decide whether to accept is it likely that the professor will consider accepting the university’s offer. Consequently, it is unwarranted to assume that new professors will accept Pierce’s offer whether their spouse can find satisfactory employment in the local area.

  In addition, the arguer fails to consider several other relevant factors that may influence professors’ decision. For instance, since Pierce’s location is not ideal, the pay it offers should be high enough to be attractive. New gifted professors are also concerned about the position they can have and the courses they supposed to teach in the new university. What’s more, what researchers care most about might be the university’s research conditions such as laboratory equipments, adequate research funds, etc.

  Finally, the arguer hints that the morale of Pierce’s entire staff is low, but he fails to analyze the causes. Is it because the management of the university is poor, or because the pay is too low, or because the local area stuffers from economic depression, or because the local environment is severely damaged by industrial pollution? Under these circumstances, offering employment to the spouse would be ineffective at all for the purpose of attracting more new professors. Furthermore, if these problems do exist, even if Pierce succeeds in hiring many of the most gifted teachers and researchers of the country, the general moral of the whole faculty would remain low.

  The major problem with this argument is that the arguer fails to convince us that Cedar’s present supplier the Good-Taste should be fired. First, the fact that the Good-Taste is the second most expensive caterer in the city may be due to its better foods, quality service and high reputation in this industry. Second, the fact that it prices have been rising for the last three years may be due to nationwide inflation or the rising cost in the food industry. Third, the fact that Good- Taste refuses to serve special diets does not indicate that it cannot meet the needs of Cedar Corporation unless the arguer can demonstrate that Good-Taste served special diets at first and now it refuses to do so hence disappointing Cedar’s employees complained, which makes it impossible for us to e valuate the overall service of Good-Taste. Maybe these three people are those few on special diets. Even if they have every reason to complain about the foods or service of the supplier on a certain day, these three people’s opinion lacks the necessary representativeness based on which we can make any general judgment concerning the overall performance of Good-Taste.

  Another point worth considering is the arguer’s hasty generalization. We are informed that Discount serves fish and poultry, but we do not know whether Cedar’s employee all prefer this limited menu. We can believe that one sample lunch that the arguer happened to taste was indeed delicious, but based on this slim information, we can never evaluate the overall performance of Discount.

  One major assumption in short of legitimacy is the causal relationship claimed between college-bound students’ increasing concern abut job prospects after graduation and their expectation on the university to find jobs for them. Students’ increasing concern about job prospects may mean that when they choose which university to go to they prefer those universities that can offer the majors most likely to lead to more job opportunities and higher income after graduation. They may also be more interested in prestigious universities because their students are more competitive and more welcomed in the job market. As is known to everyone, in a market economy, promising to find jobs for students is impractical and hence rather doubtful. This strategy may prove misleading and counterproductive in the end. Instead of promising jobs to students, Foley College should devote its resources and efforts to offering more majors with good job prospects as well as attracting more prestigious professors to enhance its reputation.

  In addition, the conclusion is based on a gratuitous assumption that promising students jobs will make students more conscious in their study. This, however, is unwarranted. When students do not have to worry about their employment after graduation, they feel no pressure in their study; as a result, they will become more passive and dependent and gradually lose the initiative to improve themselves. Although it is more likely that they will complete their coursework, but when they graduate, no company would like to employ them. By then the university’s promise will turn not to be meaningless.

  3. 结尾段

  In summary, the conclusion reached in this argument is in valid and misleading. To make the argument more convincing, the arguer would have to prove that college-bound students are most concerned about the promise of jobs after graduation and the F College can keep its promise in the end. Moreover, I would suspend my judgment about the credibility of the recommendation until the arguer can provide concrete evidence that promising students jobs can actually encourage them to work harder in their study. Otherwise, the arguer is simply begging the question throughout the argument.

  To conclude, the argument is not persuasive as it stands. Before we accept the conclusion, the arguer must present more facts that GT has indeed to meet the requirements of C Corporation. To solidify the argument, the arguer would have to produce more evidence concerning the foods and service of D and how they can better meet the needs of C’s employees.

  As it stands, the argument is not well reasoned. To make it logically acceptable, the arguer would have to demonstrate that an offer of employment to the spouse is the only condition that new professors consider on accepting P’s offer. Additionally, the arguer must provide evidence to rule out other possible causes of the low staff morale at the university.

  To sum up, the conclusion lacks credibility because the evidence cited in the analysis does not lend strong support to what the arguer maintains. To strengthen the argument the arguer would have to provide more evidence concerning the percentage of the affected families and their geographical distribution. To better evaluate the argument, we would need more information regarding the electric expense relevant to the actual amount of time for cooling among, respectively, the three groups of households and the amount of electricity used for other purposes in all three groups of families under survey.

  In conclusion, the arguer fails to establish a causal relationship between sending Get-Away’s mechanics to the Quality-Care Seminar and improved maintenance, greater customer satisfaction and greater profits for the airline. To strengthen the argument, the argument, the arguer would have to provide evidence that automobile maintenance and airplane maintenance are similar in every aspect. To better evaluate the argument, we would need more information about the relationship between improved maintenance and greater customer satisfaction along with greater profits.


  1. In this argument, the arguer concludes that .To support the conclusion, the arguer points out that .In addition, the arguer reasons that .This argument suffers from several critical fallacies.
  First, the argument is based on a false analogy.

  Second, the arguer commits a fallacy of hasty generalization.

  In conclusion, the arguer fails to establish a causal relationship between and . To strengthen the argument, the arguer would have to provide evidence that . To better evaluate the argument, we would need more information about .

  2. In this argument, the arguer recommends that . To justify this claim, the arguer provides the evidence that .In addition, he cites the result of recent study that . A careful examination of this argument would reveal how groundless the conclusion is.

  In the first place, the arguer fails to take into account the geographical factors in the analysis.

  In the second place, the comparison in this argument is incomplete and selective.

  To sum up, the conclusion lacks credibility because the evidence cited in the analysis does not lend strong support what the arguer maintains. To strengthen the argument, the arguer have to provide more evidence concerning . To better evaluate the argument, we would need more information regarding .

  3. In this analysis, the arguer claims that . To substantiate the conclusion, the arguer cites . In addition the arguer assumes that . This argument is unconvincing for several critical flaws.

  First of all, the argument is base on a hasty generalization.

  In addition, the arguer fails to consider several other relevant factors that may influence .

  Finally, the arguer hints that , but he fails to analyze the causes.

  As it stands, the argument is not well reasoned. To make it logically acceptable, the arguer would have to demonstrate that . Additionally, the arguer must provide evidence .

  4. In this argument, the arguer advocates that . This recommendation is based on the observation that . Meanwhile, the arguer assumes . This argument is problematic for two reasons.

  The major problem with this argument is that the arguer fails to convince us that .

  Another point worth considering is the arguer’s hasty generalization.

  To conclude, this argument is not persuasive as it stands. Before we accept the conclusion, the arguer must present more facts that . To solidify the argument, the arguer would have to produce more evidence concerning .

  5. The conclusion in this argument is that . In support of this prediction, the arguer claims that . Moreover, the arguer assumes that . This argument is fraught with vague, oversimplified and unwarranted assumptions.

  One major assumption in short of legitimacy is the causal relationship claimed between and .

  In addition, the conclusion is based on a gratuitous assumption that .

  In summary, the conclusion reached in this argument is invalid and misleading. To make the argument more convincing, the arguer would have to prove that . Moreover, I would suspend my judgment about the credibility of the recommendation until the arguer can provide concrete evidence that .


  例题一:The following appeared in a memo from the mayor of the town of Hopewell.

  “Two years ago, the town of Ocean View built a new municipal golf course and restore hotel. During the past two years, tourism in Ocean View has increased, new businesses have opened there, and Ocean View’s tax revenues have risen by 30 percent. The best way to improve Hopewell’s economy, and generate additional tax revenues, is to build a golf course and restore hotel similar to those in Ocean View.


  1. 在两个事物之间进行的弱类比——错误类比(False analogy)/不全面比较或有选择比较(incomplete comparison or selected comparison)

  题目通过与类似事物的比较得出关于某一事物的结论(城市、学校、公司)但表层的共性并不能否定更深层次的差异。/比较两个事物时, 只比较少数几个方面,或只比较对自己的观点有利的方面,同时忽略或压制其他重要方面。


  改错模板:The argument relies on what might be a false analogy between OV and H. In order for a new municipal golf course and restore hotel in OV to serve as models which H should emulate, the major must assume that all the relevant circumstances involving the general and initial economy are essentially the same. However this assumption is unwarranted. For example, the argument overlooks the possibility that the increase of OV’s tax revenues was motivated by other factors/concerns besides the new building in OV. Perhaps those in power changed some policies regarding OV’s tax revenues. As for 30 percent, perhaps the starting point is very low. Or perhaps the improvement of OV’s tax revenues is only because a dominant geographical location in OV.


  关键判断词:Two years ago/during the past two years

  改错模板:The argument is based on a known correlation between building a new municipal golf course accompanied by a restore hotel and the enhancement of OV’s tax revenues, that the latter is attributable, at least partly, to the former. Yet the correlation alone amounts to scant evidence of the claimed cause-and–effect relationship. Perhaps the growth of OV’s tax revenues can be caused by other factors as well, which are absent in these particular states but present in all the others. Moreover, the argument overlooks the fact that two years doesn’t mean forever. The arguer has not accounted for the possibility that the geographical and demographic differences might even lead to opposite result. If this is the case, then the conclusion that H should follow the example of OV would lack any merits whatsoever.


  关键判断词:Two years ago/during the past two years

  改错模板:The arguer’s claim unfairly infers form OV’s comparatively promotion of tax revenues in the past that H should copy/indiscriminately imitate. Absent evidence to support this inference, it is just as likely that the global economy had been gliding. For that matter, perhaps the OV’s experience would contribute less to H or even nothing. Any of these assumptions, if true, would serve to undermine the claim that H should do the same thing as OV.

  例题二:Now is the time to invest in a PLG franchise so that you can profit from opening one of our gyms in your town. Consider the current trend: PLG is already popular among customers in 500 locations, and national surveys indicate increasing concern with weight loss and physical fitness. Furthermore, last year’s sales of books and magazines on personal health totaled more than $50 million and purchases of home exercise equipment almost doubled. Investing now in a PLG franchise will guarantee a quick profit.



  关键判断词:your town,500 locations

  改错模板:The argument assumes that the general trend that PLG is already popular among customers infers the trend in specific regions upon which the argument relies. Yet, the brochure fails to offer any evidence to substantiate this crucial assumption. Absent such evidence, it is just likely that PLG may not be so popular in the proposed town as it in the 500 locations; for that matter, perhaps in the mentioned region the people’s hobbies are just on the contrary, in which event the arguer’s recommendation would amount to especially poor advice.




  改错模板:The recommendation depends on the assumption that no alternative means of influencing people’s concern on personal health are available. Yet no evidence is offered to substantiate this assumption. Admittedly, the last year’s sales of books, magazines and home exercise equipment are some evidence that could ensure a quick profit in some sense. However, it is entirely possible that other relevant factors might result in no profit at all. Perhaps a much quicker profit should result from investing in another program. Without considering and ruling out these and other alternative means of reducing profit, the arguer cannot confidently conclude that PLG franchise is a wise investment.


  (1) What procedure is used?

  调查的结果是否具有代表性(representative),是否遵循了随机性原则(the principal of random ):全体成员有同样的机会(the same opportunity)被抽到不能事先把一部分成员排除在外。

  (2) How large was the sample?

  抽样调查必须保证从调查对象的总体(the whole)中抽取足够大(adequate/sufficient)的样本,否则,调查的结果就缺少可信度(credibility)。

  (3)Are the statistics misleadingly vague?

  调查过程与结果的叙述应该使用明确的数字,如:具体的数字、比例或百分比。而不要模糊如:many, majority,以及不知道底数的百分比。

  (4)Are the statistics complete?


  (5)Are the statistics important?


  (6)When was the survey conducted?


  关键判断词:National surveys

  (样本不具备代表性)改错模板:(1) One problem with the argument involves the cited statistics about sales of books and magazines. It is unreasonable to draw any conclusions about their sales in the future based on statistics regarding last year’s. Depending on the total number of books and magazines, it is entirely possible that those on personal health are not representative of the whole. For example, perhaps the sales regarding sports totaled more than $50 billion. If so, then the arguer’s recommendation might amount to poor advice for us.

  (收集数据过程有误)改错模板:(2)The survey methodology might be problematic in two aspects. First, we are not informed whether the survey required that respondents choose their concern between alternatives. If it did, then the results might distort the preferences of respondents, who might very well prefer a certain one not provided in the survey. Secondly, we are not informed whether survey responses were anonymous, or even confidential. If they were not, the respondents might have provided responses that they believed those in power would approve of, regardless of whether the responses were truthful. In either event, the survey results would be unreliable for the purpose of drawing any conclusions about people’s real increasing inclination.

  上面我除了给了大家如何填空的秘诀外,还附加了GRE/GMAT ARGUMENT的常见错误的中英文对照,希望能够对大家在今后的北美出国考试道路上有所帮助,由于时间比较紧张,不足之处请大家多多原谅,同时,我更希望各位能多给我提些意见来帮助我在今后的道路中进步。






choose a place you like and explain why you like this place.
Well, the place I enjoy the most is a small town located in France. I like this small town because it has very charming ocean view. I mean the sky there is so blue and the beach is always full of sunshine. You know how romantic it can ever be, just relax yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down, when the ocean breeze is blowing and the seabirds are singing.
Of course I like this small French town also because there are many great French restaurants. They offer the best seafood in the world like lobsters and tuna fishes. The most important, I have been benefited a lot from this trip to France because I made friends with some gorgeous French girls. One of them even gave me a little watch as a souvenir of our friendship.

4、有景色描写(beach)、有人物(French girls)、有事件(make friends),有具体事物(a watch)。为何如此设计,等一下就会讲到。
题目:Choose a restaurant you like and explain why you like this restaurant
参考答案:Well, the restaurant I enjoy the most is a French restaurant located on a beautiful beach. I like this small restaurant because it has very charming ocean view. I mean the sky there is so blue and the beach is always full of sunshine. You know how romantic it can ever be, just relax yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down, the ocean breeze is blowing and the seabirds are singing.
Of course I like this small French restaurant also because it offers the best seafood in the world like lobsters and tuna fishes. The most important, I made friends with some gorgeous French girls in that restaurant. One of them even gave me a little watch as a souvenir of our friendship.


Choose an important event/ a favorite activity and give reasons explaining why this event is important/ why this activity is your favorite. 从抽象的事物转化成具体的景色描写

Well, one very important event in my life/my favorite activity is a little trip to France. I like this trip so much because we visited a small French town. The town has very charming ocean view. I mean the sky there is so blue and the beach is always full of sunshine. You know how romantic it can ever be, just relax yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down, when the ocean breeze is blowing and the seabirds are singing.
Of course I like this little trip to France also because there are many great French restaurants. They offer the best seafood in the world like lobsters and tuna fishes. The most important, I have been benefited a lot from this trip to France because I made friends with some gorgeous French girls. One of them even gave me a little watch as a souvenir of our friendship.

1. Describe one object that is of special value to you and explain why it is of special value to you. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.
2. Choose a teacher you like and explain why you like him or her. Include specific details in your statement.
3. Everyone has a goal to fulfill. What’s your goal and explain why you want to fulfill this goal. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.


1.Well, the object of special value to me is a little watch. 点题,复述原题 the watch was designed for women and one of my French girlfriends gave it to me as a souvenir of our friendship. This little watch is of very special meaning to me because it always reminds me of those days I spent in a beautiful French town located by the beach. My watch is deep blue, as blue as the charming ocean view on the beach. You know how romantic it can ever be, just relax yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down, when the ocean breeze is blowing and the seabirds are singing.
The most important, I made friends with some gorgeous French girls. One of them gave me this little watch as a gift. I cherish the watch just as much as we cherish our friendship.

2.Well, the teacher I admire so much is a gorgeous French lady. She was from a beautiful French small town located by the beach. She has very charming deep blue eyes, as blue as the ocean view on the beach. I admire her so much because she is not only a teacher to me but also a very good friend. Last summer, she invited me to travel to her hometown. You know how romantic it can ever be, just relax yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down, when the ocean breeze is blowing and the seabirds are singing.
Also, she brought me to some restaurants offering the best seafood such as lobsters and tuna fishes. Finally, she gave me a little watch as the souvenir of our friendship.

3. Ever since I was a kid, I had a dream to travel to France. My parents told me that there is a little French town located by the beach. It has very charming ocean view. They told me the sky there is so blue and the beach is always full of sunshine. You know how romantic it can ever be, just relax yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down, when the ocean breeze is blowing and the seabirds are singing.
Of course I want to travel to this small French town also because there are many great French restaurants. They offer the best seafood in the world like lobsters and tuna fishes. The most important, there is a good chance to make friends with some gorgeous French girls.





一、 推理题的标志

推理题的题干中一般含有infer, imply, most likely, least likely, probably等词,分为有共性的推理题和无共性的推理题两大类。

二、 推理题的做法



1. 一般对比推理


It should be obvious that cetaceans?whales, porpoises, and dolphins?are mammals. They breathe through lungs, not through gills, and give birth to live young. Their streamlined bodies, the absence of hind legs, and the presence of a fluke and blowhole cannot disguise their affinities with land-dwelling mammals. However, unlike the cases of sea otters and pinnipeds (seals, sea lions, and walruses whose limbs are functional both on land and at sea), it is not easy to envision what the first whales looked like.

2. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 1 about early sea otters?

 It is not difficult to imagine what they looked like.

 There were great numbers of them.

 They lived in the sea only.

 They did not leave many fossil remains.

根据关键词sea otters定位第四句:However, unlike the cases of sea otters and pinnipeds…,由原文的unlike可知sea otters和pinnipeds两种动物与whales形成对比,而且很难想象原始的whales的样子;根据“一般对比推理”思路, 可以推出“原始的sea otters的样子不难想象”。第一个选项表达了此意,为正确答案。

2. 时间对比推理



Basic to any understanding of Canada in the 20 years after the Second World War is the country’s impressive population growth….

…It appeared that Canada was once more falling in step with the trend toward smaller families that had occurred all through the Western world since the time of the Industrial Revolution.

It can be inferred from the passage that before the Industrial Revolution

(A) families were larger.

(B) population statistics were unreliable.

(C) the population grew steadily.

(D) economic conditions were bad.



Accustomed though we are to speaking of the films made before 1927 as “silent”, the film has never been, in the full sense of the word, silent. From the very beginning, music was regarded as an indispensable accompaniment; when the Lumiere films were shown at the first public film exhibition in the United States in February 1896, they were accompanied by piano improvisations on popular tunes. At first, the music played bore no special relationship to the films; an accompaniment of any kind was sufficient. Within a very short time, however, the incongruity of playing lively music to a solemn film became apparent, and film pianists began to take some care in matching their pieces to the mood of the film.

What can be inferred from the passage about the majority of films made after 1927?

(A) They were truly “silent.”

(B) They were accompanied by symphonic orchestras.

(C) They incorporated the sound of the actors’ voices.

(D) They corresponded to specific musical compositions.



“…The nineteenth century brought with it a burst of new discoveries and inventions that revolutionized the candle industry and made lighting available to all. In the early-to-mid-nineteenth century, a process was developed to refine tallow (fat from animals )with alkali and sulfuric acid. The result was a product called stearin. Stearin is harder and burns longer than unrefined tallow. This breakthrough meant that it was possible to make tallow candles that would not produce the usual smoke and rancid odor. Stearins were also derived from palm oils, so vegetable waxes as well as animal fats could be used to make candles …”

Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 1 about candles before the nineteenth century?

 They did not smoke when they were burned.

 They produced a pleasant odor as they burned.

 They were not available to all.

 They contained sulfuric acid.


这道题的题干中有“19世纪以前”这一时间,由此可见它属于“时间对比推理”思路。原文首句指出:“…19世纪带来了大量新发现和发明,使蜡烛业发生了革命性的变化,所有人都能用蜡烛照明。” 根据“时间对比推理”思路,由于19世纪以前的情况与19世纪形成对比,而19世纪所有人能用蜡烛照明,那么在19世纪之前,并非所有人都能用上蜡烛。第三个选项 “They were not available to all”表达了这一意思,为正确答案。




A folk culture is small, isolated, cohesive, conservative, nearly self-sufficient group that is homogeneous in custom and race, with a strong family or clan structure and highly developed rituals. …Unaltered folk cultures no longer exist in industrialized countries such as the United States and Canada….

By contrast, a popular culture is a large heterogeneous group, often highly individualistic and constantly changing.

22.What does the author imply about the United States and Canada?

(A) They value folk cultures.

(B) They have no social classes.

(C) They have popular cultures.

(D) They do not value individualism.

原文谈到folk culture 和popular culture两种文化,它们之间形成对比。既然美国和加拿大不再存在folk culture,那么它们就有popular culture。因此(C)为正确答案。


Both the number and the percentage of people in the United States involved in nonagricultural pursuits expanded rapidly during the half century following the civil war, with some of the most dramatic increases occurring in the domains of transportation, manufacturing, and trade and distribution.

What can be inferred from the passage about the agricultural sector of the economy after the Civil War?

(A) New technological developments had little effect on farmers.

(B) The percentage of the total population working in agriculture declined.

(C) Many farms destroyed in the war were rebuilt after the war.

(D) Farmers achieved new prosperity because of better rural transportation.




北京新航道学校 李传伟

The word (or phrase) X in the passage refers to


Large wind farms might also interfere with the flight patterns of migratory birds in certain areas, and they have killed large birds of prey (especially hawks, falcons, and eagles) that prefer to hunt along the same ridge lines that are ideal for wind turbines. The killing of birds of prey by wind turbines has pitted environmentalists who champion wildlife protection against environmentalists who promote renewable wind energy. Researchers are evaluating how serious this problem is and hope to find ways to eliminate or sharply reduce this problem.

The phrase this problem in the passage refers to
interference with the flight patterns of migrating birds in certain areas
building ridge lines that are ideal for wind turbines
the killing of birds of prey by wind turbines
meeting the demands of environmentalists who promote renewable wind energy

本题涉及的是一个词组this problem。寻找这一词组的指代对象时只需向上搜索就行。根据就近原则,前一句中的主语the killing of birds of prey by wind turbines可以初步确定为答案。将其代入原文,符合语义和逻辑,因此第三个选项为正确答案。第一个选项和第三个选项都和this problem相距较远,而且代入时语义和逻辑上不通,因此为干扰选项。


The fins are stiff, smooth, and narrow, qualities that also help cut drag. When not in use, the fins are tucked into special grooves or depressions so that they lie flush with the body and do not break up its smooth contours.

The word they in the passage refers to
在这一例子中,从句so that they…中的代词主语they指代主句的名词主语the fins,因此第二个选项为正确答案。

Similarly, a plant or animal cannot squander all its energy on growing a big body if none would be left over for reproduction, for this is the surest way to extinction.

The word none in the passage refers to
plant or animal
big body

Artists are recognizing the distinction between public and private spaces, and taking that into account when executing their public commissions.

The word “that” in line 27 refers to
(A)contemporary art
句中有两个并列的动词recognizing和 taking (into account),其中recognizing的宾语是distinction,而taking 的宾语是that。根据上述技巧,that指代distinction。因此,(D)为正确答案。

3. 平行结构中的指代
平行结构主要包括some/most/many/such/each…, others…; not only…but also…; the former…the latter等。在这种结构中,平行结构两个部分的两个代词经常指代同一对象:前一句中的名词主语。例如,
In Southwest France in the 1940s, playing children discovered Lascaux Grotto, a series of narrow cave chambers that contain huge prehistoric paintings of animals. Many of these beasts are as large as 16 feet (almost 5 meters). Some follow each other in solemn parades, but others swirl about, sideways and upside down.

The word others in the passage refers to

Folk-made objects give way to their popular equivalent, usually because the popular item is more quickly or cheaply produced, is easier or time saving to use, or lends more prestige to the owner.

The word “their” in line 1 refers to


While such interviews can be highly entertaining, they are not necessarily an accurate indication of public opinion. First, they reflect the opinions of only those people who appear at a certain location.

The word “they” in line 8 refers to
(A)North Americans
(B)news shows
在这一例子中,第二句中的代词they(reflect the opinions…)对应第一句中的they(are not…),而第一个they指代前面从句中的名词主语interviews,那么第二个they也指代interviews,因此(C)为正确答案。

除了上述情况之外,其他指代,如定语从句中(of which…, in which…, from which…)的关系代词指代先行词,from there结构中的there指代前面最接近的地点名词等,限于篇幅,不再详述。


北京新航道学校 李传伟

举例说明概述题,也叫例证题,被ETS称为“修辞目的题”(rhetorical purpose question),基本形式如下:
The author uses X as an example of…
Why does the author mention X?
The author discusses X in paragraph 2 in order to…


举例说明概述题经常对应原文的举例for example。做题时可以先根据问题中的关键词确定例子的位置,再阅读例子前的那个句子,这个句子一般就是例子所说明的概述,也就是答案对应的地方。例如,

…sensitivity to physical laws is thus an important consideration for the maker of applied-art objects. It is often taken for granted that this is also true for the maker of fine-art objects. This assumption misses a significant difference between the two disciplines. Fine-art objects are not constrained by the laws of physics in the same way that applied-art objects are. Because their primary purpose is not functional, they are only limited in terms of the materials used to make them. Sculptures must, for example, be stable, which requires an understanding of the properties of mass, weight distribution, and stress. Paintings must have rigid stretchers so that the canvas will be taut, and the paint must not deteriorate, crack, or discolor. These are problems that must be overcome by the artist because they tend to intrude upon his or her conception of the work. For example, in the early Italian Renaissance, bronze statues of horses with a raised foreleg usually had a cannonball under that hoof. This was done because the cannonball was needed to support the weight of the leg…”

Why does the author discuss the bronze statues of horses created by artists in the early Italian Renaissance ?
 To provide an example of a problem related to the laws of physics that a fine artist must overcome
 To argue that fine artists are unconcerned with the laws of physics
 To contrast the relative sophistication of modern artists in solving problems related to the laws of physics
 To note an exceptional piece of art constructed without the aid of technology

根据问题中的关键词bronze statues of horses定位段末,这里有标志词for example,说明它是对前面所说的内容进行例证。前一句These are problems that must be overcome by the artist…就是概述:艺术家必须克服这些问题,因为这些问题破坏他们对艺术作品的构思。这里所说的问题就是上文谈论的物理规律对美术的限制,如必须考虑制作材料的物理特性。而本题对应的原文以例子说明这一点:由于铜的特性,马抬起的前腿下必须有支撑物。综上所述,例子说明它前面的概述,第一个选项符合此意,为正确答案。

One of the most puzzling aspects of the paintings is their location. Other rock paintings?for example, those of Bushmen in South Africa?are either located near cave entrances or completely in the open. Cave paintings in France and Spain, however, are in recesses and caverns far removed from original cave entrances.

Why does the author mention Bushmen in South Africa in paragraph 2?
To suggest that ancient artists from all over the world painted animals on rocks

To contrast the location of their rock paintings to those found at Lascaux
To support the claim that early artists worked in cramped spaces
To give an example of other artists who painted in hidden locations
与上一题类似,本题的例子Bushmen in South Africa在原文也有标志词for example,
因此这一例子的目的是为了说明它前面的那句话,即这些绘画的位置令人费解。作者以对比的手法来说明这一点:Bushmen in South Africa的绘画常位于洞口或洞外,而法国和西班牙的洞穴绘画(本文所说的绘画)却位于远离最初洞口的深处。由此可见,Bushmen in South Africa的例子是为了说明Lascaux绘画位置的怪异。第二个选项符合此意,为正确答案。



Scholars offer three related but different opinions about the mysterious origin and significance of these paintings. One opinion is that the paintings were a record of seasonal migrations made by herds. Because some paintings were made directly over others, obliterating them, it is probable that a painting’s value ended with the migration it pictured. Unfortunately, this explanation fails to explain the hidden locations, unless the migrations were celebrated with secret ceremonies.

Why does the author mention secret ceremonies?
To present a common opinion held by many scholars
To suggest a similarity between two opinions held by scholars
To suggest a possible explanation for a weakness in an opinion expressed in the passage
To give evidence that contradicts a major opinion expressed in the passage
问题中的关键词secret ceremonies出现于段落末句的从句中:unless the migrations were celebrated with secret ceremonies。在同一句子的主句部分,作者指出:不幸的是,这一解释未能说明为何绘画的位置要隐蔽…,这等于说这一解释不能成立;接着在问题所对应的从句中补充说明上述解释成立所必须满足的条件:除非迁徙的庆祝是秘密进行的。这等于说这一解释缺乏这一条件。第三个选项符合此意,为正确答案。

Mass transportation revised the social and economic fabric of the American city in three fundamental ways. It catalyzed physical expansion, it sorted out people and land uses, and it accelerated the inherent instability of urban life. By opening vast areas of unoccupied land for residential expansion, the omnibuses, horse railways, commuter trains, and electric trolleys pulled settled regions outward two to four times more distant from city centers than they were in the pre-modern era. In 1850, for example, the borders of Boston lay scarcely two miles from the old business district; by the turn of the century the radius extended ten miles. Now those who could afford it could live far removed from the old city center and still commute there for work, shopping, and entertainment. The new accessibility of land around the periphery of almost every major city sparked an explosion of real estate development and fueled what we now know as urban sprawl. Between 1890 and 1920, for example, some 250,000 new residential lots were recorded within the borders of Chicago, most of them located in outlying areas. Over the same period, another 550,000 were plotted outside the city limits but within the metropolitan area. Anxious to take advantage of the possibilities of commuting, real estate developers added 800,000 potential building sites to the Chicago region in just thirty years ? lots that could have housed five to six million people.

18. Why does the author mention both Boston and Chicago?
(A) To demonstrate positive and negative effects of growth.
(B) To show that mass transit changed many cities.
(C) To exemplify cities with and without mass transportation.
(D) To contrast their rates of growth
问题中的关键词Boston与Chicago(为了便于查找,笔者给它们加了下划线)是两个例子,它们前面分别有提示词for example。由于两个例子位于同一段,而且不在一处,因此只能说明本段主题,也就是首句:Mass transportation revised the social and economic fabric of the American city in three fundamental ways。选项(B)符合此意,为正确答案。





 在新TOEFL中出现了一种题型是以往老TOEFL中没有考过的一种题型就是插入句子题 给出一句话让我们来判断这句话应加入一个段落四个方块的哪个部分,用鼠标双击所选的黑色方块即可.这种题目本身不难做,因为需要加入的句子有明确的提示,如This is a question that has puzzled scientists for ages.要求将这句话插入一段话中.我们只需要找到关健词question就可以直接去找哪句话可能是作者提出的问题,将这句话加在那句话之后即可.  Extinct but already fully marine cetaceans are known from the fossil record.  ■how was a gap between a walking mammal and a swimming whale bridged?■ Missing until recently were fossils clearly intermediate or transitional between land mammals and cetaceans. ■ very exciting discoveries have finally allowed scientists to reconstruct the most likely origins of cetaceans. ■ In 1979, a team looking for fossils in  northern Pakistan found what to be  the oldest fossil whale.   你会发现只有how was a gap between a walking mammal and a swimming whale bridged?这句话是一个问题,所以应放在这句的后面.正确答案就是: Extinct but already fully marine cetaceans are known from the fossil record.  ■how was a gap between a walking mammal and a swimming whale bridged?  This is a question that has puzzled scientists for ages. Missing until recently were fossils clearly intermediate or transitional between land mammals and cetaceans. ■ very exciting discoveries have finally allowed scientists to reconstruct the most likely origins of cetaceans. ■ In 1979, a team looking for fossils in  northern Pakistan found what to be  the oldest fossil whale.
 1、  分析要插入的句子的主干,重点看的是这句话的开头和结尾,因为这句子是承前启后,在这个前提下我们要抓住这句话的核心和主干。
 2、  读四个方块的开头和结尾寻找相关信息,采取关健词同义复现原则
 3、  双击被选中的方块
■ one method of popping corn involved skewering  an ear of corn on a stick and roasting it until the kernel popped off  the ear.(一种爆玉米花的方法是将一穗玉米串在棍子上烘烤真到玉米粒爆开从穗上落下)。■Corn was also popped by the first cutting the kernel off the cob, throwing them into a fire, and gathering them as they popped out of the fire.(玉米也可以通过收玉米时就从玉米棒子上切下来,扔到炉火中,当他们爆开后从炉火中飞出收集在一起)。■ In a final method for popping corn , sand and unpopped kernels of corn were mixed together in a cooking pot and heated until the corn popped to the surface of the sand in the pot(最后一种方法爆玉米花就是把沙子和未爆玉米粒 混在一起放在蒸煮罐加热直到玉米都爆开到沙子的表面.■
 Look at the four squares[■] that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the first paragraph of the passage.
  Native American have been popping corn for at least 5000 years, using a variety of different methods.
 Click on a square  to add the sentence to the passage.
 要插入的句子首先要看一下基本的结构,主谓宾带了一个现在分词,现在分词在句尾两种功能  1)伴随动作状态,2)伴随功能结果。而本句话前半部分说了北美印地安人爆玉米花已有5000的历史,分词应该是表示的状态,表达是爆玉米花时使用不同的方法。本句话的关键词是different methods.而从上文我们可以看得出三话讲了三个方法。所以要插入的句子是一个总论。所以应加在第一方块前。
  ■ This traditional Native American dish was quite a novelty to newcomers to the Americas. (这种土著美州食物对于新到美洲的人来说是全新的。)■ Columbus and his sailors found natives in the West Indies wearing popcorn necklaces, and explorer Hernando Cortes described the use of popcorn amulets in the religious ceremonies of the Aztecs.( 哥伦布和他的船员在西印度群岛发现当地原住民带着苞米花做的项链,而探险家Hernando Cortes 描述了阿芝台克人在宗教仪式上采用苞米花护身符。)  ■According to legendary descriptions of the celebratory meal, Quadequina, the brother of chief Massasoit, contributed several deerskin bags of popcorn to the celebration.(根据传说的对于描述庆典宴会,Quadequina, 是Massasoit酋长的弟弟给庆典带了好几鹿皮口袋的苞米花)
   Look at eh four squares that indicate where the following sentence can  be added to the second paragraph of the passage
     A century after these early explorers, the pilgrims at Plymouth may have been introduced to popcorn at the first Thanksgiving dinner.
 Click on a square  to add the sentence to the passage.
本句子只要看到了  a century after  these early explorers,  these根据代词指代原则 上文一定提过而且不止一个人,所以本句话应该在整段话倒数一句的前面


  1.     According to the passage……,……?”
  2.     It is stated in paragraph X
  3.     It is indicated in paragraph X
  4.     It is mentioned in paragraph X
  三、不用通读全文,只要看到细节部分,不要看全文推理  常可回原文定位找到----找相近,找相似
  e. 选项本身提示的共同信息,四个选项拥有相同的部分,就本题在问的部分
  例如:Crescent-shaped lake Baikal,in Siberia,is only the ninth largest lake in area at 385 miles(620km)in length and 46miles (74km) in width, yet it is easily the largest body of  fresh water in the world.(新月般的贝加尔湖位于西伯利亚,是第九大的湖,长385英里,宽46英里,然而它是世界上最大的淡水湖).It holds one –fifth of the world’s total freshwater, which is more than the total of all the water in five Great lakes;(它拥有世界上五分之一的淡水,比五大湖全部的水还多很多); it holds so much fresh water in spite of its less-than-impressive area because it is by far the world’s deepest lake.(尽管面积不大但淡水很多因为它是世界上迄今为止最深的湖)The average depth of the lake is 1312 feet (400meters)below sea leave and The Olkhon Crevice, the lowest known point ,is more than  5250 feet (1600 meters)deep. (贝加尔湖平均深度是低于海平面1312英尺(400 meters),并且最低点 Olkhon大裂谷 5250英尺(1600米)深.
  Lake Baikal, which today is located near the center of Asian Peninsula, is most likely the world’s oldest lake. (贝加尔湖位于亚洲次大陆中心,可能是世界上最古老的湖).It began forming  25 million years ago as Asia started splitting apart in a series of great faults. (它形成于25亿年前,亚洲板块从一系列断层分离出来(即原始大陆板块中各各板块分离时期)The Baikal Valley dropped away, eventually filling with water and creating the deepest of the world’s lakes.( 贝加尔湖谷下陷裂开,最终填满了水创造了世界上最深的湖)
  1.  what is stated in paragraph 1 about  the shape of lake Baikal?
  A It is wider than it is long  B It is circular in shape  C Iits width is one-half of its length  D It is shaped like a new moon
  1)  寻找关键词,关键词定位法,本题的关键词是shape
  2)  文章出题顺序和行文顺序是一致的
  2 It is indicated in paragraph 1 that the area of Lake Baikal
  A is less than the area of eight other lakes  B is one –ninth the area of Siberia  C is greater than the area of any other freshwater lake  D is equal to the area of the five Great lakes
  本题的关键词是  area 面积
  回原文定位: only the ninth largest lake in area at 385 miles(620km)in length and 46miles (74km) in width(第九大的湖,长385英里,宽46英里)所以本题答案为A
  3  According to paragraph 1, lake Baikal __
  A.  holds one –fifth of the world’s water  B.  holds five times the water of the Great lakes   C.  holds one-ninth of the world’s water  D. holds 20 percent of the world’s fresh water
    本题很特别,你会发现题目本身没有任何可以做为关键词的因为全文都在讲这个湖,但没关系看四个选项他们的共同传达信息就是本题要问的信息.你会发现四个选项拥有相同的holds water.所以本题问的是贝加尔湖谷拥有水量,所以本题定位为It holds one –fifth of the world’s total freshwater, which is more than the total of all the water in five Great lakes;( 它拥有世界上五分之一的淡水,比五大湖全部的水还多很多)所以正确答案是D。丽丽英语每期都会做连载,敬请关注。
  4   According to paragraph 1, the olkhon crevice is ____
  A  outside of Lake Baikal  B  400 meters below sea level  C  the deepest part of Lake Baikal  D  5000 meters deep
  本题定位关键词为olkhon crevice所以定位于原文:The Olkhon Crevice, the lowest known point ,is more than  5250 feet (1600 meters)deep  最低点 Olkhon大裂谷 5250英尺(1600米)深.  正确答案为 C.
  5  It is mentioned in paragraph 2 that Lake Baikal__
  A is not as old as some other lakes   B formed when sections of the Earth were moving away from each other.  C was fully formed 25 million years ago  D is today located on the edge of the Asia peninsula
  本题是本文的最后一个题目而且写明了是paragraph 2,所以正确答案为B定位于原文.It began forming  25 million years ago as Asia started splitting apart in a series of great faults
  如有任何问题可以到丽丽英语专栏留言给我也可以到丽丽的博客:http://blog.koolearn.com/page/xdf_zhaoli 和我交流,篇幅所限不能一一列举,希望广大学员平时多练习,没有实践就没有发言权



    有六个选项,你可以从中选出三个最能表达主要思想的句子。这类考题分值是2分,选出三个得2分,选出2 个得1分,顺序选择不影响得分。
An introductory  sentence or  a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the three answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points
 Lily   is  a  nice  person
 ◆  1
 ◆  3
 ◆  5
 1、  丽丽乐于助人
 2、  丽丽扶一个盲人过马路
 3、  丽丽老师很慷慨,
 4、  老余捐了100元
 5、  丽丽很谦虚和平易近人
 6、  丽丽经常打架
正确答案应该是 1、3、5
 首先抓住要总结的关键词也就是主体词,就是要问哪方向的内容,如上个例子,主体题丽丽一定会在正确答案中出现,不然问的是丽丽可以答案谈论的是别人,就变得完全不相关了,根据这个特点我们可以排除 4老余捐了100元
 The technology of modern cinema evolved at the end of the nineteenth century.
 ◆  3
 ◆  5
 ◆  6
 1、  Kinetoscope parlors or viewing films were modeled on phonograph parlors
 2、  Thomas Edison’s design of the  Kinetoscope inspired the development of large screen projection.
 3、  Early cinema allowed individuals to use special machines to view films privately.
 4、  Slides-and-lantern shows had been presented.
 5、  The development of projection technology made it possible to project images on a large screen
 6、  once films images could be projected,  the cinema became a form of mass consumption
其中只有三个选项有本问题的关键词,本问题的关键词是 the technology of cinema.
总结题是对对文章的高度概括所以细节的出现犯了以偏概全的错误,如中文例子中的2、丽丽扶一个盲人过马路。 这是一个具体的事实细节,我们要绕过例子看总结。所以在排除它。
This passage discusses fossils that help to explain the likely origins of cetaceans-whales, porpoises and dolphins
 ◆  1
 ◆ 2
◆  5
Answer choices
1 Recent discoveries of fossils have helped to show he link between land mammals and cetaceans(这是本文的主题)
2、The discovery of Ambulocetus natans provided evidence for a whale that lived both on land and at sea.(总结性信息)
3、The skeleton of Basilosaurus are found in what had been the Tehys Sea, an area rich in fossil evidence. (绝对的事实细节)-排除
4 Pakicetus is the oldest fossil whale yet to be found((绝对的事实细节)-排除
5、Fossils thought to be transitional forms between walking mammals and swimming whales were found..(主题)
6、Ambulocetus’hind legs were used for propulsion in the water. ((绝对的事实细节)-排除



 问法一般是:why does the author mention X?  in order to ….细节题的提问方式多半是:what而这种题目多半是问why。
 一、例子题,一般占出题机会的70%,why does the author mention X?  X 本身是段落中出现的一个例子,这类题目是送分题,因为要么是先举例后总结,要么是先概述后举例,所以答案多半是绕过例子看概述,而概述的改写是就本题的答案所在。
 举个中文例子:丽丽老师是个好人。有一次,我见到丽丽帮助盲人过马路。作者提到了丽丽扶盲人过马路 in order to?为了说明丽丽老师是个好人。
如:Male swans will engage in ferocious contests, with their necks entwined as they attempt to cause mortal injure to each other.
The author mentions their necks entwined in paragraph 2 in order to ___
 A.      to indicate that swans are really rather affectionate
 B.      to emphasize how long swans’ necks are
 C.      to make the point that the swans are only pretending to hurt one another
 D.     to create a mental image for the reader of fighting swans.
从本题来看,总结在前例子在后,本题作者相表达的是:ferocious contest 进一步描画。
A表明天鹅很恩爱。无  B强调天鹅脖子长。 无 C.强调天鹅仅仅想假装伤害对方。无同时加了绝对意义的词成为错误选项的标志。所以正确答案为  D
At the same time, the death rate, too, was falling. Urban living led to better sanitation, refrigeration, and water purification; it also resulted in better medical care as doctors and hospitals were more readily available. Most likely as a result of these factors, there were only  eleven deaths per thousand annually by  the early 1920s, which was half the rate of 1880s.
why does  the author mention better medical care in paragraph 3?
 A.      It helps to explain why the birthrate is increasing
 B.      It is an example of  a factor that contributed to the improved birthrate
 C.      It helps to explain why the death rate is increasing
 D.     It is an example of a factor that contributed to the improved death rate.
从上边那段话,我们发现medical care只是分号后的一个内容,而分号是带有并列功能的句号,说明前部分也是同一方面的内容。根据例子之前的概述和例子之后的总结所以正确答案应该是D。
 如见到下列词:for example  for instance  such as like especially  particularly specially in particular 都属于插入式举例,这样服务对象多半在前面。
A, B    A---B---C    A or B  A  which B 等形式
例1 In many species, members of the species exhibit aggressive behavior toward one another, often with a focus on territoriality, the fight for exclusive control of a particular area.(在很多物种中,一个物种中成员对另一个产生攻击性行为焦点在地盘性,就是动物在防卫其领土时的打斗行为)
 Why does the author include the fight for exclusive control of particular area in paragraph 1?
 A.      It presents an argument  against a  previously stated point
 B.      It provides a definition of a previously stated term.
 C.      It presents a second area of focus of aggressive behavior.
 D.     It introduces a new idea to be further developed in the paragraph.
本题很明显就是 territoriality,  the fight for exclusive control of a particular area.是一个下定义的标准模式,正确答案: B
例2 Most bird species are known to be territorial to some degree, though the territorial behaviors exhibited by most species are limited to singing contests, which can  go on for days  or threatening postures with wing lifted or extended.
Why does the author mention singing contests in paragraph 2?
 A.      to demonstrate that birds create beautiful sounds
 B.      to provide  an example of unusual behavior  by birds
 C.      to show how violently aggressive some bird behavior is
 D.     to demonstrate that some types of territorial behavior are not very aggressive.
singing contests, which can  go on for days  or threatening postures with wing lifted or extended.  从后面的定语从句可以看出是下定义考点,所以根据定语从句内容可以看得出是正确答案是D
在段落中将某个逻辑关系词划线问why does the author mention “逻辑关系词”?
转折连词:however but although instead rather than 等词的出现就是表明前后相反含义
因果连词:because result in result from等词的出现就是表明前后因果关系
递进连词:furthermore  too  also  等
举个中文例子:丽丽老师很靓,但事实上,她长得很抽象。Why does the author mention但事实上?是因为前后逻辑关系相反。
 The level of violence in territorial aggression varies widely from species to species, though few species fight other members of the species to death and instead rely on non-lethal contests for control of territory that involves noise-making maneuvers such as roaring.(在领土争夺过程中的暴力水平是物种之间是有区别的,尽管很少有物种把对方打死而是代替的是依赖于非致命性的方式来控制领地包括发出噪音如吼叫)
Why does the author use the word instead in paragraph 2 to show that information that follows
A contradicts what precedes it
B expands upon what precedes it
C provides an example of what precedes it
D explains an effect of what precedes it
 例2          Unfortunately, Hubble telescope was initially delayed in  relaying its first pictures back from space due to a simple mathematical miscalculation.
Why does the author begin paragraph 2 with Unfortunately?
 A.      it indicates that NASA has been unhappy with all of Hubble’s photograph.
 B.      It shows that NASA’s plan to use stars to orient the Hubble telescope was misguided
 C.      It emphasizes the need to have telescopes on Earth.
 D.     It indicates that high expectation were not initially met.
Unfortunately,表明了作者对Hubble 望远镜的态度。所在正确答案是D。


上期讲过新TOEFL阅读的词汇基础如何解决,这期我专门谈一下词汇题到底如何来做的问题。我们尽量在考试前背好单词,但依然可能存在这样的问题:我们在考试现场考的词汇不认识,在这种情况下我们如何解决呢?其实很好解决,因为文章上下文是有关系的,我们可以利用上下文的关系来直接去判定,这样我们就可以在不认识的情况下把题目做出来了或者认识这个词但考的是一个生辟的含义情况下把含义猜出来。首先我们要认出词汇题,这个相信不难大家都会判断,TOEFL的词汇题考是都是近义词,题目常见的问法如下:the word(or phrase) X is closest in meaning to ……,the word(or phrase) x could be best replaced by        看清题型后寻求解决方法--阅读上下文,找到关系常考的关系如下:        1) 直接反义—该词前或后出现的内容提示我们是反义关系。从中文看逻辑会看的更清楚,我们先举个中文的例子:丽丽是个---人,相反她是一个内向的人。从后面的内向可以推出前面应该是个外向之类的词。所以我们要关注的是 rather than  instead  unlike contrast  on the contrary.        For example: The main conflict in the novel is between a mother who places a high value on hard work and honor and  a son who repudiates his mother’s values instead preferring the easier path to fortune and celebrity      问题: the word repudiates in the passage in closest in meaning to __      A) refuses to accept       B) lives up to     C) tries to understand      D) makes the best of        假如repudiates我们不认识,当然一定会有同学说不用假如,我就是不认识。不认识刚好,我们可以从后面的小词 instead 这个词判定儿子和妈妈的价值观念是相反的,由此信息看四个选项,你会发现只有A选项带有否定的意味        2) 利用并列关系去判定:        并列关系词如下:and   not only ..but also  as…as  and  both … and either… or neither… nor        我们先举个中文例子看看:        丽丽和俞敏洪老师跳舞就好比美女与__跳舞。答案一定是正面的而不象少数同学内心比较阴暗认为答案是野兽.正确答案是帅哥.        For example:She embarked on her career by working as a newspaper reporter in Wisconsin and soon began writing novels.       问题: The phrase embarked on in this sentence is closest in meaning to        A) took a trip to      B) started out on      C) improved upon     D) had a opinion about        我们可以从前后关系判定,首先我们看到一个词career职业生涯—care(关心)+er(人)—关心这件事情的人,从事这个职业. 我们在这句中看到关健词 and 其后出现soon began告诉我们前后方向是一致的,前面也必然和began有关,所以本题目的正解是B。        3)解释关系:后面的句子或短词,单词来解释前面的词常见的标志词:contribute to  be responsible for  account for   since  therefore   for   because  in which        举个中文例子:丽丽老师昨天扶一下盲人过马路,所以丽丽是一个___人,答案一定是个正态度,是一个乐于助人的人,不会是选一个损人不利已的人因为人家盲人不想过马路,被丽丽老师给硬拉过去了。这种情况是特例,TOEFL中考的都是正常情况。        For example:His big break came with the novel So big(1924) ,which was awarded the Pulitzer in literature.        问题: the word break in this sentence could best be replaced by ___        A) rupture  B) revelation  C) opportunity  D) rest       which was awarded the Pulitzer in Literature告诉我们一定考查的是正态度,所以答案不可能是A) D),所以应该选 C) Opportunity  是一种有利的状态或合适的时机。        4)动宾关系判定:看看宾语能否受动词去配,或从动词短语搭配去判定        举个中文例子:比如有一个坏人准备选了一个月圆之夜,主楼之巅,自由落体,绝迹人间,走到楼顶,——下去。A)杀 B)侃 C)跳 D)跑。能和下去搭配的词只有两个一个C)跳 D)跑,从前面的提示可以看出,不可能在楼顶跑下去,除非不跳了,但必须是跑回去。        For example: The oxidation of exhaust gases is one of primary sources of the world’s pollutions. The brown haze that is poised over some of the world’s largest cities is properly called photochemical smog.          The word poised in this sentence is closest in meaning to__        A) interacting       B) sitting       C) blowing     D) poisoning        首先从搭配关系上可以排除 interacting ,interact with 然后可以从上下文关系排除 blowing over 因为吹走了就是不会有smog.而poison考试中及物才有pollute的含义,不及物只有一种含义表示投毒。   5)形容词修饰名词关系判定—不是每个形容词都可以修饰所有的名词。例如打饭的队伍不说很粗而要说很长,尽管事实上很多人不排队造成了很粗的感觉。        For example:when the gas reaches the air, it comes into contact with available oxygen from atmosphere and combines with the oxygen to produce nitrogen dioxide (No2),which is a gas with a brownish hue.        The word hue in this sentence is closest in meaning to         A)color    B)odor      C)thickness    D)smoke        对于本题你会发现有个小词brownish 呈褐色的,首先从形容词修饰名词关系可以直接排除B odor  C thickness, 其次可以通过 a gas with brownish hue前面的 gas 排除 D smoke,用词重复。所以正确答案是A。

简化句子题    which of the following best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence? incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways leave out essential information.    原文本身通过加黑一个句子进行highlight,让你对这句话进行简化.下面四个选项哪个是简化以后的句子.解这种题的主要方法是:仔细阅读highlighted 的句子,找出谈论的主体词,把握两个原则:1)逻辑关系不变原则2)文章谈论主体词不变原则.





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