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10. Although aspirin has been proven to eliminate moderate fever associated with some illnesses, many doctors no longer routinely recommend its use for this purpose. A moderate fever stimulates the activity of the body's disease-fighting white blood cells and also inhibits the growth of many strains of disease-causing bacteria.

If the statements above are true, which of the following conclusions is most strongly supported by them?

A. Aspirin, an effective painkiller, alleviates the pain and discomfort of many illnesses.
B. Aspirin can prolong a patient's illness by eliminating moderate fever helpful in fighting some diseases.
C. Aspirin inhibits the growth of white blood cells, which are necessary for fighting some illnesses.
D. The more white blood cells a patient's body produces, the less severe the patient's illness will be.
E. The focus of modern medicine is on inhibiting the growth of disease-causing bacteria within the body.


11. Roland: The alarming fact is that 90 percent of the people in this country now report that they know someone who is unemployed.
Sharon: But a normal, moderate level of unemployment is 5 percent, with one out of 20 workers unemployed. So at any given time if a person knows approximately 50 workers, one or more will very likely be unemployed.

Sharon's argument is structured to lead to which of the following as a conclusion?

(A)        The fact that 90 percent of the people know someone who is unemployed is not an indication that unemployment is abnormally high.
(B)        The current level of unemployment is not moderate.
(C)        If at least 5 percent of workers are unemployed, the result of questioning a representative group of people cannot be the percentage Roland cites.
(D)        It is unlikely that the people whose statements Roland cites are giving accurate reports.
(E)        If an unemployment figure is given as a certain percentage, the actual percentage of those without jobs is even higher.


12. Environmentalist: The commissioner of the Fish and Game Authority would have the public believe that increases in the number of marine fish caught demonstrate that this resource is no longer endangered. This
is a specious argument, as unsound as it would be to assert that the ever-increasing rate at which rain forests are being cut down demonstrates a lack of danger to that resource. The real cause of the increased fish-catch is a greater efficiency in using technologies that deplete resources.

The environmentalist's statements, if true, best support which of the following as a conclusion?

(A)        The use of technology is the reason for the increasing encroachment of people on nature.
(B)        It is possible to determine how many fish are in the sea by some.way other than by catching fish.
(C)        The proportion of marine fish that are caught is as high as the proportion of rain forest trees that are cut down each year.
(D)        Modern technologies waste resources by catching inedible fish.
(E)        Marine fish continue to be an endangered resource.


2. 削弱题


        In recent years, many cabinetmakers have been winning acclaim as artists. But since furniture must be useful, cabinetmakers must exercise their craft with an eye to the practical utility of their product. For this reason, cabinetmaking is not art.


        Within 20 years it will probably be possible to identify the genetic susceptibility an individual may have toward any particular disease. Eventually, effective strategies will be discovered to counteract each such susceptibility. Once these effective strategies are found, therefore, the people who follow them will never get sick.



        The technological conservatism of bicycle manufacturers is a reflection of the kinds of demand they are trying to meet. The only cyclists seriously interested in innovation and willing to pay for it are bicycle racers. Therefore, innovation in bicycle technology is limited by what authorities will accept as standard for purposes of competition in bicycle races.   


        Red blood cells in which the malarial-fever parasite resides are eliminated from a person's body after 120 days. Because the parasite cannot travel to a new generation of red blood cells, any fever that develops in a person more than 120 days after that person has moved to a malaria-free region is not due to the malarial parasite.


        In the aftermath of a worldwide stock-market crash, Country T claimed that the severity of the stock-market crash it experienced resulted from the accelerated process of denationalization many of its industries underwent shortly before the crash.

        Mice that have been given morphine are very likely to develop blood poisoning because bacteria that normally reside in the intestine typically respond to morphine by migrating into the bloodstream.  However, when mice are given both morphine and the new drug naltrexone, blood poisoning is much less frequent, although it does still occur.  These results provide support for researchers’ prediction that naltrexone will turn out to be toxic to certain types of bacteria.






1. Homeowners aged 40 to 50 are more likely to purchase ice cream and are more likely to purchase it in larger amounts than are members of any other demographic group. The popular belief that teenagers eat more ice cream than adults must, therefore, be false.

The argument is flawed primarily because the author

A. Fails to distinguish between purchasing and consuming
B. Does not supply information about homeowners in age groups other than 40 to 50
C. Depends on popular belief rather than on documented research findings
D. Does not specify the precise amount of ice cream purchased by any demographic group
E. Discusses ice cream rather than more nutritious and healthful foods


2. Opponents of laws that require automobile drivers and passengers to wear seat belts argue that in a free society people have the right to take risks as long as the people do not harm other as a result of taking the risks. As a result, they conclude that it should be each person’s decision whether or not to wear a seat belt.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the conclusion drawn above?

A. Many new cars are built with seat belts that automatically fasten when someone sits in the front seat.
B. Automobile insurance rates for all automobile owners are higher because of the need to pay for the increased injuries or deaths of people not wearing seat belts.
C. Passengers in airplanes are required to wear seat belts during takeoffs and landings.
D. The rate of automobile fatalities in states that do not have mandatory seat belt laws is greater than the rate of fatalities in states that do have such laws.
E. In automobile accidents, a greater number of passengers who do not wear seat belts are injured than are passengers who do wear seat belts.


3. Offshore oil-drilling operations entail an unavoidable risk of an oil spill, but importing oil on tankers presently entails an even greater such risk per barrel of oil. Therefore, if we are to reduce the risk of an oil spill without curtailing our use of oil, we must invest more in offshore operations and import less oil on tankers.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above?

A. Tankers can easily be redesigned so that their use entails less risk of an oil spill.
B. Oil spills caused by tankers have generally been more serious than those caused by offshore operations.
C. The impact of offshore operations on the environment can be controlled by careful management.
D. Offshore operations usually damage the ocean floor, but tankers rarely cause such damage.
E. Importing oil on tankers is currently less expensive than drilling for it offshore.


4. The average normal infant born in the United States weighs between 12 and 14 pounds at the age of three months. Therefore, if a three-month-old child weighs only 10 pounds, its weight gain has been below the United States average.

Which of the following indicates a flaw in the reasoning above?
A.        Weight is only one measure of normal infant development.
B.        Some three-month-old children weigh as much as 17 pounds.
C.        It is possible for a normal child to weigh 10 pounds at birth.
D.        The phrase "below average" does not necessarily mean insufficient.
E.        Average weight gain is not the same as average weight.


5. (Z4-20)Five years ago, as part of a plan to encourage citizens of Levaska to increase the amount of money they put into savings, Levaska’s government introduced special savings accounts in which up to $3,000 a year can be saved with no tax due on the interest unless money is withdrawn before the account holder reaches the age of sixty-five.  Millions of dollars have accumulated in the special accounts, so the government’s plan is obviously working.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?

A.        A substantial number of Levaskans have withdrawn at least some of the money they had invested in the special accounts.
B.        Workers in Levaska who already save money in long-term tax-free accounts that are offered through their workplace cannot take advantage of the special savings accounts introduced by the government.
C.        The rate at which interest earned on money deposited in regular savings accounts is taxed depends on the income bracket of the account holder.
D.        Many Levaskans who already had long-term savings have steadily been transferring those savings into the special accounts.
E.        Many of the economists who now claim that the government’s plan has been successful criticized it when it was introduced.



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