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33.        359一般家用电器在不使用时是不会耗电的, 但有的微波炉有BUILD-IN CLOCK,会在电器关着时仍然耗电。所以,有BUILD-CLOCK 微波炉家庭的年均用电量要比 有一般微波炉家庭的年均用电量大。ASSUMPTION

34.        361蝙蝠一般栖息在很深的洞, 那里温度很底, 但是蝙蝠吃的虫子一般在晚间温度高是才会出来。 温度高,气压就底, 而气压在洞里洞外都一样的,所以有科学家认为蝙蝠是通过感觉气压来确定什么时候去捕食的。 SUPPORT。我的答案,下鱼天虫子少,但气压底,蝙蝠仍然出来捕食。

35.        √377[版本1]说新华书店去年销售增了9%,而卢沟桥分店的去年销售增了7%,而这个分店是所有新华书店销售额最大的,问如何解释? 我说新华书店又开了很多分店。
[版本2] Explain:说一个连锁店的去年的收入比前年平均增长8%,可是这个连锁店中largest店的增长为5%,问原因?
[版本3]  756   last year, a book chains total sales increase 10%, 在某地分店sales只增长8%,确实所以分店中sales增长最多的,解释 结果是,last year the booke chains 的所有商店数增加了10%


36.        [版本1]396完成ARGUMENT,考古学家鉴定出土的古挨及的一些类似古籍,考古学家可以从上面写的类似事件推断出这些东西的年代,误差在20年以内。所以用CARBON定位法还不如这个方法好用,因为 (我选)用CARBON定位法定位象古挨及那时候的文献的话,误差要100年左右。
[版本2]  922Completion: Carbon dating可以用来估算文物的年代, 但是澳大利亚的某个遗址中不含carbon, 但是考古学家在里面发现了Wasp的残骸,经测定为170000年前的, 于是推断这个遗址是250000年前的因为:答案: carbon dating 误差为前后80000年

37.        √412黑体句子作用题:A prominent investor who holds a large stake in the Burton Tool company has recently claimed that the company is mismanaged, citing as evidence the company’s failure to slow production in response to a recent rise in its inventory of finished products. It is doubtful whether an investor’s sniping at management can ever be anything other than counterproductive, but in this case it is clearly not justified. It is true that an increased inventory of finished products often indicates that production is outstripping demand, but in Burton’s case it indicates no such thing. Rather, the increase in inventory is entirely attributable to products that have already been assigned to orders received from customers.In the argument given, the two boldfaced portions play which of the following roles?A, the first states the position that the argument as a whole opposes; the second provides evidence to undermine the support for the position being opposed; B, the first states the position that the argument as a whole opposes; the second is evidence that has been used to support the position being opposed. C, the first states the position that the argument as a whole opposes; the second states the conclusion of the argument as a whole; D, The first is evidence that has been used to support a position that the argument as a whole opposes; the second provides information to undermine the force of that evidence; E, The first is evidence that has been used to support a position that the argument as a whole opposes; the second states the conclusion of the argument as a whole;


38.        450 Press secretary: Our critics claim that the President’s recent highway project cancellations demonstrate a vindictive desire to punish legislative districts controlled by opposition parties. They offer as evidence the fact that 90% of the projects cancelled were in such districts. But all of the cancelled projects had been identified as wasteful in a report written by respected nonpartisan auditors. So the President’s choice was clearly motivated by sound budgetary policy, not partisan politics. Which of the following is an assumption on which the press secretary’s argument depends? A. Canceling highway projects was not the only way for the President to punish legislative districts controlled by opposition parties. B. The scheduled highway projects identified as wasteful in the report were not mostly projects in districts controlled by the President’s party. C. The number of projects cancelled was a significant proportion of all the highway projects that were to be undertaken by the government in the near future. D. (Omitted) E. Reports by nonpartisan auditors are not generally regarded by the opposition parties as a source of objective assessment of government projects.认为正确答案应为B.

39.        [版本1] 455 Boldface题,说有一种布料做的women的衣服很受欢迎,所以厂商计划把它也做成girls的衣服。但是做出来以后没有市场,分析其原因,一是因为这种布料X不能擦去children play的时候的脏东西,二是因为这种布料孩子们觉得不comfortable。于是就有一群人跳出来得出结论说,布料X不适合作孩子的衣服。但是,在最近的研究中,专家们改进了这种布料的纤维,使得它们能够擦去孩子们play时候的脏东西,而且很舒适。我选:第一个是support作者反对的那个观点的,第二个是支持作者观点的。
[版本2] 745BF,有一种冬冬为妇女开发的,很好卖,于是有人想开发针对女孩的,但是不好卖,因为这种冬冬的料子不舒服,不耐磨什么的。所以人们认为这个冬冬卖给女孩没什么前途(差不多这个意思)。但是其实这种冬冬可能还是有前途的,因为最近研发了一种材料可用于这种冬冬,耐磨又舒服。前面的是支持argument反对的结论,后面是支持argument的结论。


40.        468参加电影节的FILM要么是戏剧, 要么是喜剧, 但是戏剧的被接受的RATE比较低.然后告诉你国产片比外国片接受的高. 但是从分类上说....国产外国的戏剧和喜剧RATE是一样的.问推出什么.另一版本:电影展览.有国内和国外的.有comedy和drama.送交电影中,drama比较多,但comedy录取率比较高.今年国外电影的平均录取率要比国内电影高.问推论.

41.        [版本1]488一个欧洲画家,画的人都变形.但那时欧洲还没有人故意把人画变形.所以怀疑是他得了种病,以至于看其他人都变形.但该结论是不成立的,因为________
[版本2] 653一个画家画的人物都是扭曲夸张形象,有人说,这个画家一定有一种病,这种病影响视觉,病人看人都是扭曲的。然而,另有人说画家没病。支持。我选:画家时代的人有那种画家所表达的特点。


42.        493 BF GWD 5-19 历史人口统计 但选项和第二个划线部分变了(变成倒数第二句话了)
Historian: In the Drindian Empire, censuses were conducted annually to determine the population of each village. Village census records for the last half of the 1600’s are remarkably complete. This very completeness makes one point stand out; in five different years, villages overwhelmingly reported significant population declines. Tellingly, each of those five years immediately followed an increase in a certain Drindian tax. This tax, which was assessed on villages, was computed by the central government using the annual census figures. Obviously, whenever the tax went up, villages had an especially powerful economic incentive to minimize the number of people they recorded; and concealing the size of a village’s population from government census takers would have been easy. Therefore, it is reasonable to think that the reported declines did not happen. In the historian’s argument, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?
A  The first supplies a context for the historian’s argument; the second acknowledges a consideration that has been used to argue against the position the historian seeks to establish.
B   The first presents evidence to support the position that the historian seeks to establish; the second acknowledges a consideration that has been used to argue against that position.
C  The first provides a context for certain evidence that supports the position that the historian seeks to establish; the second is that position.
D  The first is a position for which the historian argues; the second is an assumption that serves as the basis of that argument.
E  The first is an assumption that the historian explicitly makes in arguing for a certain position; the second acknowledges a consideration that calls that assumption into question.


43.        496 GWD-7-Q37 玉米减产,肉降价
Escalating上升 worldwide demand for corn has led to a sharp increase in the market price of corn, and corn prices are likely to remain high. Corn is extensive used as feed for livestock, and because profit margins are tight in the livestock business, many farmers are expected to leave the business. With fewer suppliers, meat prices will surely rise. Nonetheless, observers expect an immediate short-term decrease in meat prices.
Which of the following, if true, most helps to justify the observers’ expectation?
A  The increase in corn prices is due more to a decline in the supply of corn than to a growth in demand for it.
B  Generally, farmers who are squeezed out of the livestock business send their livestock to market much earlier than they otherwise would.
C  Some people who ate meat regularly in the past are converting to diets that include little or no meat.
D  As meat prices rise, the number of livestock producers is likely to rise again.
E  Livestock producers who stay in the business will start using feed other than corn more extensively than they did in the past.


44.        497 GWD-5-Q26 肺部抗体与含盐量 但问的是削弱. 偶选的是把含盐量降下来, 也不能杀死病菌.
Healthy lungs produce a natural antibiotic that protects them from infection by routinely killing harmful bacteria on airway surfaces. People with cystic fibrosis, however, are unable to fight off such bacteria, even though their lungs produce normal amounts of the antibiotic. The fluid on a0.irway surfaces in the lungs of people with cystic fibrosis has an abnormally high salt concentration; accordingly, scientists hypothesize that the high salt concentration is what makes the antibiotic ineffective.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the scientists’ hypothesis?
A  When the salt concentration of the fluid on the airway surfaces of healthy people is raised artificially, the salt concentration soon returns to normal.
B  A sample of the antibiotic was capable of killing bacteria in an environment with an unusually low concentration of salt.
C  When lung tissue from people with cystic fibrosis is maintained in a solution with a normal salt concentration, the tissue can resist bacteria.
D  Many lung infections can be treated by applying synthetic antibiotics to the airway surfaces.
E  High salt concentrations have an antibiotic effect in many circumstances.


45.        √514孕妇缺少维生素【版本一】产妇经常缺少一种营养导致婴儿有病,这种营养在一些植物里有发现,有人说把这些植物加入面粉和面包等经常性消费的食品力会很成功,问加强。(我选的是好多孕妇在没有预见的情况下怀孕并且很多人怀孕了很多周也不知道)
【版本3】909怀孕的妇女如果缺少某种营养物质就会难产。所以让这些妇女每天吃含有这种物质的面包就能避免难产。问削弱。(11.18 北京 libbytt)

46.        【版本1】 516有一个镇,某年底本镇的失业人口比年初多了1500, 但就业的positions却比年初多了1000, 结论是外来的人口占了2500左右的工作位置,问假设:年初时外镇人few 或no 在该镇工作。
【版本2】737 某地无工作人数年底比年头多了1000人,而full-time and part-time jobs的数目却增加了1500个。因此,外地人到本地工作的人多了2500人。
问assumption: 我选的是“Only a small number of本地人在本职以外兼职”

47.        528完成句子ver 65歲的老年人,體重下降10%的比體重沒下降的老年人有2倍機會骨折(hip fracture),但不表示weight loss是造成risk增加的原因,因為?(serious illness, which contributes to weight loss, may increase the risk,大意如上,為weight loss再找個前因就對了)


48.        545[版本一]S市增加了很多就业岗位,人口增长数量少于岗位增长数量,新增岗位都被该市居民占领,但是就业率却没有上升。为什么?
[版本二]某市去年增加了很多新公司,也增加了很多新工作,因此某市人民的去年新就业数比例大量增加,但是今天没有增加这么多公司,表示今年人民的新就业比例无法像去年一样大量增加,问assumption.. [ANS:新增加的公司没有提供较去年多的工作机会][GWD]
[版本三]S county 是某市(N)的sub什么玩意儿,大概就是附属地区啦,呵呵,过去一年的工作增长数量显著超过了人口增长数量,但是这些新增加的工作都被S county本地的居民给occupy了,而且S county 的工作人口与总人口的比例没有显著变化(基本一致),问合理解释 [ANS:偶选S county 原来在某市(N)工作的人们都回来支援本地区的建设啦,呵呵,就是occupy了本地新增的工作]

49.        √549植物通过叶子上的一个tanima?呼吸二氧化碳,某植物的这个东东很小,叶子是sac-shape,住了蚂蚁,蚂蚁呼出的二氧化碳中含有一种light-form carbon (我认为就是c12)比一般空气中的二氧化碳的c12要多,问推论 [ANS(1):选项很长,最后选了讲浓度的那个] [ANS(2):没看到浓度的,偶选了研究证明该植物的成分中light-form carbon比例明显偏高]


48.        545[版本一]S市增加了很多就业岗位,人口增长数量少于岗位增长数量,新增岗位都被该市居民占领,但是就业率却没有上升。为什么?
[版本二]某市去年增加了很多新公司,也增加了很多新工作,因此某市人民的去年新就业数比例大量增加,但是今天没有增加这么多公司,表示今年人民的新就业比例无法像去年一样大量增加,问assumption.. [ANS:新增加的公司没有提供较去年多的工作机会][GWD]
[版本三]S county 是某市(N)的sub什么玩意儿,大概就是附属地区啦,呵呵,过去一年的工作增长数量显著超过了人口增长数量,但是这些新增加的工作都被S county本地的居民给occupy了,而且S county 的工作人口与总人口的比例没有显著变化(基本一致),问合理解释 [ANS:偶选S county 原来在某市(N)工作的人们都回来支援本地区的建设啦,呵呵,就是occupy了本地新增的工作]

49.        √549植物通过叶子上的一个tanima?呼吸二氧化碳,某植物的这个东东很小,叶子是sac-shape,住了蚂蚁,蚂蚁呼出的二氧化碳中含有一种light-form carbon (我认为就是c12)比一般空气中的二氧化碳的c12要多,问推论 [ANS(1):选项很长,最后选了讲浓度的那个] [ANS(2):没看到浓度的,偶选了研究证明该植物的成分中light-form carbon比例明显偏高]



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