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[备考心经] GMATPrcp模考题-Verbal部分答案详解 TEST2

GMATPrcp # 2-40-SC1



Neither First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt nor Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins sought recognition by the press, and both cautiously allowed others of the Roosevelt brain trust to take credit for the genesis of historic programs in public employment, relief, and social security that were in large measure what they had been responsible for.

  1. to take credit for the genesis of historic programs in public employment, relief, and social security that were in large measure what they had been responsible for
  2. to take credit for the genesis of historic programs in public employment, relief, and social security for which the two women were in large measure responsible
  3. taking credit for the genesis of historic programs in public employment, relief, and social security for which the two women were in large measure responsible
  4. taking credit for the genesis of historic programs in public employment, relief, and social security that were in large measure what they were responsible for
  5. taking credit for the genesis of historic programs in public employment, relief, and social security which were largely their responsibility







1. 固定搭配--

allow somebody/something + to do



由这点可排除选项C D E

2. 代词指代--


由这点可排除选项A: A中的 they指代不清,they 在此可指代 the genesis,relief and social security,也可指代 Eleanor Roosevelt and Frances Perkins.

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  GMATPrcp #2-41-CR1

Sunflowers growing in pots were placed, with their roots submerged, in the pond contaminated with radioactive elements.  The sunflowers kept growing; in the process, they absorbed radioactive elements.  Within twelve days, 85 percent of the radioactive elements were removed from the water, which is no less than can be accomplished with the much more expensive conventional filtration techniques.  Scientists therefore propose using sunflowers for decontamination wherever there are radioactively contaminated ponds.

Which of the following, if true, points to a limitation on the applicability of the proposed method of decontamination?

  1. Some plants other than sunflowers can also remove radioactive elements from water.
  2. The water in many ponds contaminated with radioactive elements is so cold that it would kill sunflowers whose roots were submerged in it.
  3. Sunflowers that grow with their roots submerged in water grow less well than sunflowers growing under optimal conditions on dry land.
  4. Only species of sunflowers with large leaves can have their roots submerged in water and still keep growing.
  5. In ponds in which the circulation of the water is artificially increased, sunflowers absorb radioactive elements far faster than they do in other ponds.






削弱题可使用排除法,排除法有以下依据-- 超出题目范围、无关词以及极端语言表达等

本题A,C以及E选项都超出题目讨论范围,A中的some palnts, C中的dry land, E中的other ponds都是无关词。


D选项虽然有很强的逻辑性,但其所陈述内容并未能从题目中得到证实,所以D仍是一个off the topic的选项。

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  GMATPrcp #2-42-SC2

Not one of the potential investors is expected to make an offer to buy First Interstate Bank until a merger agreement is signed that includes a provision for penalties if the deal were not to be concluded.

  1. is expected to make an offer to buy First Interstate Bank until a merger agreement is signed that includes a provision for penalties if the deal were
  2. is expected to make an offer for buying First Interstate Bank until they sign a merger agreement including a provision for penalties if the deal was
  3. is expected to make an offer to buy First Interstate Bank until a merger agreement be signed by them with a provision for penalties if the deal were
  4. are expected to make an offer for buying First Interstate Bank until it signs a merger agreement with a provision for penalties included if the deal was
  5. are expected to be making an offer to buy First Interstate Bank until they sign a merger agreement including a provision for penalties if the deal were






1. not one of /none of +复数名词,其谓语动词为负数


2.又由于if后接虚拟语气,排除B.而选项C中agreement后的be修饰agreement 错误,应该用is.


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GMATPrcp #2-43-SC3


On Earth, among the surest indications of sunspot cycles are believed to be the rate that trees grow, as seen in the rings visible in the cross sections of their trunks.

  1. On Earth, among the surest indications of sunspot cycles are believed to be the rate that trees grow
  2. On Earth, among the surest indications of sunspot cycles are, it is believed, the rate of tree growth
  3. On Earth, the rate at which trees grow is believed to be among the surest indications of sunspot cycles
  4. Among the surest indications on Earth of sunspot cycles, believed to be the tree growth rate
  5. Among the surest indications on Earth of sunspot cycles is believed to be the rate at which trees grow






A,B错在用are 去修饰主语rate



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GMATPrcp #2-44-CR2



The total market value of real estate in Altonville has steadily declined over the past four years.  This decline has meant that the overall figure on which the city’s property tax is based ─ the assessed value of that real estate ─ has also declined.  Moreover, the percentage of assessed value that was paid as property taxes to the city did not change during this period.


The information above most strongly supports which of the following?


  1. Money collected from property taxes provided most of Altonville’s revenue during the past four years.
  2. The percentage of Altonville’s overall revenue that was collected from property taxes did not change over the past four years.
  3. Altonville officials had proposed raising property tax rates during the past four years but never did so because of strong opposition from property owners.
  4. The total amount of revenue that Altonville has collected from property taxes has declined over the past four years.
  5. During the past four years, Altonville officials also did not increase tax rates on other sources of revenue such as retail sales or business profits.







加强题也可使用排除法,排除法有以下依据-- 超出题目范围、无关词以及极端语言表达等

选项A B E都超出题目范围,C中的total revenue figure在文中未提出,为无关词


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GMATPrcp #2-45-RC1

Scientists generally credit 一些科学家相信板块运动刻画了地貌,
violent collisions between 如喜马拉雅山脉。
tectonic plates, the mobile
Line fragments of Earth’s rocky
(5) outer shell, with sculpting
the planet’s surface, as, for
example, when what is now
the Indian subcontinent col-
lided with Asia, producing
(10) the Himalayan Mountains.
However, plate tectonics 但板块构造学不能完全解释某些大范围
cannot fully explain certain 的地貌特征,如南非的“高涨”。
massive surface features,
such as the “superswell”
(15) of southern Africa, a vast
plateau over 1,000 miles
across and nearly a mile
high. Geologic evidence 南非1亿年来缓慢上升,但那里4亿年
shows that southern African 来都没有板块运动。
(20) has been slowly rising for
the past 100 million years,
yet it has not experienced
a tectonic collision for
nearly 400 million years.
(25) The explanation may be in 解释可能在于地幔。
Earth’s mantle, the layer of
rock underlying the tectonic
plates and extending down
over 1,800 miles to the outer
(30) edge of Earth’s iron core.
Since the early twentieth 地幔像一锅浓汤般搅动倒腾。
century, geophysicists have
understood that the mantle
churns and roils like a thick
(35) soup. The relative low 密度较低的岩石漂浮上升,冷些的稠
density of the hottest rock 密些的岩石沉下直到地核热量重新
makes that material buoyant, 把它们托上去。
so it slowly ascends, while
cooler, denser rock sinks
(40) until heat escaping the mol-
ten core warms it enough to
make it rise again. While 虽然这种对流产生板块水平运动,
this process of convection 科学家们直到现在才相信对流还能
was known to enable the 使板块垂直升降。
(45) horizontal movement of tec-
tonic plates, until recently
geophysicists were skeptical
of its ability to lift or lower the
planet’s surface vertically.
(50) However, recent technolog- 近来,地质学家们通过量度地震波从
ical advances have allowed 震中行走到特定观测站所需时间,来
geophysicists to make three- 获取地幔的三维图。
dimensional “snapshots”
of the mantle by measuring
(55) vibrations, or seismic waves,
set in motion by earthquakes
originating in the planet’s
outer shell and recording
the time it takes for them to
(60) travel from an earthquake’s
epicenter to a particular
recording station at the
surface. Because geo- 因为地震波在热的低密度区域行进缓
physicists know that seismic 慢。
(65) waves become sluggish in
hot, low-density rock, and
speed up in colder, denser
regions, they can now infer
the temperatures and den-
(70) sities in a given segment of
the interior. By compiling 汇编出一幅火山图,地质学家开始标
a map of seismic velocities 出地幔的温度和密度。
from thousands of earth-
quakes across the globe,
(75) they can also begin to map
temperatures and densities
throughout the mantle. These 这些方法展示了地幔最深部份出乎
methods have revealed some 意料的巨大构造;最大的东西是在
unexpectedly immense for- 非洲南端底下的一块最大的有浮力
(80) mations in the deepest parts 的热岩。
of the mantle; the largest
of these is a buoyant mass
of hot rock directly below
Africa’s southern tip. Dis- 电脑模式计算出这个形成物浮力够,
(85) pelling researchers’ initial 能举起非洲。
doubts, computer models
have confirmed that this
formation is buoyant enough
to rise slowly within the mantle
(90) and strong enough to push
Africa upward as it rises.

The passage is primarily concerned with

A. describing a traditional explanation for the vertical movement of Earth’s surface
B. discussing recent geophysical research that may explain certain features of Earth’s surface that were previously difficult to account for
C. combining elements of several theories in order to develop a plausible explanation for a poorly understood feature of Earth’s surface
D. providing new evidence in support of a long-standing belief about how certain of Earth’s massive surface features were created
E. questioning the implications of geophysicists’ recent findings regarding the composition and density of Earth’s mantle





文章第1段首先提出一个科学家普遍认同的观点,接着以南非大陆作为反例提出质疑,然后提出新的研究趋向:地幔。第二段解释地幔的运动特性,然后提出近期地理学家的质疑,并介绍一种技术对地理学家的质疑做出了解释,最终研究人员通过电脑模拟技术确定了非洲大陆的形成原因。文章的重点在第二段,因此可排除选项A,根据前面对全文架构的分析可以得出选项B正确。选项C中的several theories 是文中未出现的,排除;选项D中的support long-standing belief 与文章主旨相反,排除;选项E错,作者不是对近期发现提出质疑,而是解释。

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GMATPrcp #2-46-RC2


The passage suggests that geophysicists can now infer the characteristics in a given segment of the mantle by doing which of the following?

A. Observing how long it takes for seismic waves to travel from an earthquake’s epicenter to a particular surface location and applying knowledge of how rock temperature and density affect the velocity of those waves
B. Analyzing the results of studies linking the formation of some of Earth’s surface features with the violent collisions of tectonic plates and inferring the causes of the information of other features from those results
C. Recording data about earthquakes throughout the world and correlating the relative force and duration of those earthquakes with information about their geological environment
D. Comparing data about earthquakes that occur in southern Africa’s superswell with data about other types of seismic events that occur there
E. Using computer models to estimate the length of time it would take for a hypothetical landmass 1,000 miles across to rise one mile vertically




"文章定位在第二段第19行Because… 至32行tip.:因为地理学家已经知道震波在高热低密度的石块中传速较慢,在冰冷密度高的石块区域传速较快,因此他们可以对内部的温度和密度做推断。 通过汇集全球数以千计的震波速率,地理学家便可以勾勒地幔的温度与密度。这个方法无预期的揭示了地幔最深处惊奇的结构;南非的下方有着许多上升的热石块,占了地幔的大部分。


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GMATPrcp #2-47-RC3


In line 10, the author mentions the Himalayan Mountains most likely in order to

A. highlight certain similarities between the southern African superswell and other massive features on Earth’s surface
B. identify a feature of Earth’s surface that predates the origins of the southern African superswell
C. provide an example of a feature of Earth’s surface that can explained by plate tectonics
D. suggest that geophysicists are correct in attributing the sculpting of Earth’s surface to violent collisions between tectonic plates
E. give an example of a feature of Earth’s surface that scientists are unable to explain fully




定位文章第一段第4行: for example,其相当于选项C的provide an example, 因此选C。

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  GMATPrcp #2-48-RC4



According to the passage, the computer models referred to in line 86 have had which of the following effects?           

  1. They have confirmed researchers’ doubts regarding the theory that convection within the mantle can lift or lower Earth’s surface vertically.
  2. They have cast doubt on the validity of plate-tectonics theory as an explanation for the sculpting of Earth’s mountain ranges.
  3. They have proved geophysicists’ theory that the behavior of seismic waves in Earth’s mantle is related to the temperature of the rock through which they are traveling.
  4. They have convinced formerly skeptical researchers that rock formations deep in Earth’s mantle below southern Africa could have created the superswell.
  5. They have confirmed researchers’ speculation that masses of hot rock are buoyant enough to rise to the upper part of Earth’s mantle.





迷惑选项是E。定位第二段第3行The relative… buoyant,说的是rock让那些material 浮起来、升上去,而不是rock本身升上去,因此排除E.

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  GMATPrcp #2-(49-51)-RC5

      San Andreas Fault断层成因探析

Prior to 1965 geologists assumed              1965年前,地质学家以为在桑安德里

that the two giant rock plates meeting at         亚断层相遇的两块巨型石板块,在互

the San Andreas Fault generate heat            相磨擦经过时产生热。

Line through friction as they grind past each

(5) other, but in 1965 Henyey found that         但在1965年H发现断层附近钻孔内

temperatures in drill holes near the             的温度并非预料那么高。

fault were not as elevated as had

been expected. Some geologists               一些地质学家猜想磨擦生成的热的消失

wondered whether the absence of              是否能用组成断层的岩石的种类解释。

(10) friction-generated heat could be

explained by the kinds of rock composing

the fault. Geologists’ pre-1965                   1965年前地质学家对断层里产生的热的

assumptions concerning heat generated         猜想是根据对如石灰石花岗岩等普通岩

in the fault were based on                     石类型的计算得出的;

(15) calculations about common varieties of

rocks, such as limestone and granite;

but “weaker” materials, such as clays,           但是更软的物质如陶土,从断层地区的

had already been identified in samples           样本中被鉴定出来。

retrieved from the fault zone. Under              正常条件下,陶土构造的岩石比其它

(20) normal conditions, rocks composed of        岩石产生更少的磨擦。

clay produce far less friction than do

other rock types.老新观点

In 1992 Byerlee tested whether                  1992年B测试在距地表10-15公里处

these materials would produce friction            这些物质会否产生磨擦。

(25) 10 to 15 kilometers below the Earth’s

surface. Byerlee found that when clay            B发现,当陶土样本在地球深处经受

samples were subjected to the thousands         大气数千压力时,产生的磨擦和其它

of atmospheres of pressure                     类型的岩石一样多。

they would encounter deep inside the

(30) Earth, they produced as much friction

as was produced by other rock types.

The harder rocks push against each              岩石间挤压越厉害就越热;换句话,

other, the hotter they become; in other             是压力本身而非岩石质地影响磨擦热

words, pressure itself, not only the                 量。

(35) rocks’ properties, affects frictional

heating. Geologists therefore wondered          地质学家因此猜想板块间的摩擦是否

whether the friction between the                  因断层间受压的水袋推开板块而减

plates was being reduced by pockets             少了。

of pressurized water within the fault that

push the plates away from each other.新发现



1P: prior to 1965, geologist assumed that… but in 1965 H found that…  Geologists pre-1965 assumption based on….. but weaker material…

2P: 1992, B tested, found that…. In other words…. Geologists therefore wondere…



The passage suggests which of the following regarding Henyey’s findings about temperature in the San Andreas Fault?             

  1. Scientists have yet to formulate a definitive explanation for Henyey’s findings.
  2. Recent research suggests that Henyey’s explanation for the findings should be modified.
  3. Henyey’s findings had to be recalculated in light of Byerlee’s 1992 experiment.
  4. Henyey’s findings provided support for an assumption long held by geologists.
  5. Scientists have been unable to duplicate Henyey’s findings using more recent experimental methods.








选项A中的"HAVE YET TO FORMULATE"注意是"还没有形成"的意思,因此A选项正确。

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