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many   thanks  @!!!!


以下是引用mangoluu在2007-10-12 9:56:00的发言:
Hi, would you please have a look at my great燾oncerns? My undergraduate major is English. Actually, as far as i know, it爓ould be a very very big abstacle for me to apply for MBA. Concerning my working expperiece, i should say, few people are moving so frequently. One year in the Government as the civil servant dealing with the high-rank official interpreting, one year in HSBC as external relationship assistant, and now爓orking for爐he largest real estate company in Asia, doing燾ommertial real estate爉arketing communications (more like event devising for our shopping malls in China). Upon my backgroud, how about the possibility of my acceptance? As for G/T, i am not that worried. Will take it within half year.

What does your English concern mean?  Since you have no worry about G/T. You mean interview ?


Hi, would you please have a look at my great燾oncerns? My undergraduate major is English. Actually, as far as i know, it爓ould be a very very big abstacle for me to apply for MBA. Concerning my working expperiece, i should say, few people are moving so frequently. One year in the Government as the civil servant dealing with the high-rank official interpreting, one year in HSBC as external relationship assistant, and now爓orking for爐he largest real estate company in Asia, doing燾ommertial real estate爉arketing communications (more like event devising for our shopping malls in China). Upon my backgroud, how about the possibility of my acceptance? As for G/T, i am not that worried. Will take it within half year.


many  thanks !!!!!!!!!!


many  thanks !!!!!!!!!!!![em01][em01]










 答:Here are some thoughts on your question. First, as to the number of Chinese admits, percentage wise, Kellogg is relatively low, while absolute number wise, Kellogg is in par with most other top schools except a few, such as Wharton, Michigan, and Chicago. Second, even if there is some difference, the impact won’t be as significant as you may think. Say some school has 10 more Chinese students, half of whom will go back, which is 5. You probably won’t feel the difference by having 5 more alumni in China every year. Third, it’s very common that people change their mind in b-school. If you decide to stay in the US for a while after b-school, how many Chinese alumni you have doesn’t matter that much. With those said, if you plan to work in an industry that heavily depends on networking, you may want to consider those schools that admit a lot more Chinese.

 问:(1) Kellogg 2008, could you please share with us the job placement statistics for Kellogg graudates who choose to enter banking industry? Percentage from all graduates?

(2) In last two or three years, how many students from mainland China got job offers from big banking company, like Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley, or JP Morgan...?

  答:According to employment statistics, following is the percentage of students who went to IB (not banking in general):

2006: 7%; 2005: 9%; 2004: 6%; 2003: 7%; 2002: 10%

Among the 6 to 8 Chinese students each year, there is usually 1, sometimes maybe 2, doing IB.




 问:I plan to apply for Kellogg next year. Could you please share some information about the job hunting for Summer Internship nowadays? I have accouting background and got CPA as well. Thanks!

 答:The summer intern recruiting is still going on now.  The three Chinese students who are looking for IB jobs all got offers from top tier banks. If you have more specific question, I can try to get more information for you.

 问:我因为老公要去读Northwestern另外一个学校,所以我是肯定要申请Kellogg的。我是会计背景,虽然和金融有点相关,但是象我这样没有美国学习工作背景找在美国的Summer Internship会不会非常困难,特别是在您所说的IB领域里面。还有听说不少Kellogg校友去香港实习,想问一下,对于不是金融重点的Kellogg,香港投行一般招什么样背景的学生。我知道每个人情况不一样不能一概而论,只是想看看象我这样背景的学生的情况。多谢回答。

听说最近Chicago天气比较冷,我正好4月份公司有个培训机会去美国中部。想知道到时候去Campus Visit应该找什么部门安排。多谢!

 答:For IB job in the States, working experience here will help, but is not very important. People (Chinese) who got into IB have various backgrounds, from consulting, to auditing, and to engineering. Kellogg is not a traditional finance school, but more and more people are interested in finance nowadays, and about 1/5 students accept full-time offers in finance area. I will say Kellogg provides you as much opportunity as other top schools do if you are looking for IB jobs. With that said, do keep in mind that, as an international student, you have to put more effort than American students in order to land a job.

 For the campus visit, you should contact admission office. You can also contact the Chinese Business Club if you wan to meet some Chinese students during you visit.


  答:Full-time jobs: banking, consulting, investment management. Some haven't decided yet. The base salaries for banking and consulting are standard. Other jobs are case by case. You can find the employment statistics for 2006 at http://www.kellogg.northwestern.edu/career_employer/employment/2006/index.htm

Summer Intern: banking, consulting, marketing (high-tech, financial service). Some haven't decided yet.

You can find the employment statistics for 2006 at http://www.kellogg.northwestern.edu/career_employer/employment/2006/index.htm. This year should be similar, or better.

 问:如果本来是marketing方面的背景,毕业后选择什么方向比较好?(in usa or back to china)

 答:It's really a personal choice. You can still do marketing on whatever industry you are interested. You can also choose to do something totally different, such as i-banking. At Kellogg, most of the doors are open for you. It's up to you to choose the one you consider "".


 答:Switching career is common at all top b-schools. Kellogg will open many doors for you, including MC and marketing. The rest is really up to you.







[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-28 11:52:50编辑过]






答:就目前了解的情况,有七个mainland Chinese,背景包括:consulting, auditing, marketing, project management, research management, and family business.


Consulting背景的人在Kellogg占的比例确实相对偏高。但总体而言,Kellogg是一个well-balanced的学校,focusing on general management。所以,学生的背景还是十分多样化的。当硬指标满足了一定条件后,就看你如何诠释why MBA and why Kellogg了。


问:能不能请audit background的介绍一下呢?

答:今年有2audit background的新同学,一个在国内的BIG 4工作了5,在美国的BIG 4工作了2,另外一个在国内的BIG 4工作了3(具体情况可以参考2006年的申请录取汇总),如果没有错这应该是Kellogg今年唯一从4大招的人,而且Kellogg去年也录取了一个EY BEIJING的审计师,BIG 4经验的同志们不妨勇敢地试一试.


问:How many MBA students are from Hong Kong?

答:Usually, it's one to two students from HK. This year, there is only one, as far as I know.

问:I will be interviewed by an Alumni in Cali in 2 weeks.   Do you have any recall questions from your interview?  Would you provide some help and hints for me.  I appreciated your effor very much.

答:In general, Kellogg interview should be pretty standard, especially with alumni. It's just another data point, since Kellogg interview is not by invitation only. For me, most of the questions are the common ones: why MBA, why Kellogg, leadership, etc. I don't recall any tricky questions. However, it could vary depending on the interviewer.

As to the advice, I will say, be prepared and be yourself. Good luck! 


答:I have heard about cases in which people defer for one year with some compelling reasons. Not sure if anyone did so for two years. 

问:How many Chinese students from mainland in the last 3 years? And how many if plus Chinese from other continents?

答:Every year, there are between 10 and 15 Chinese students (people who have PRC passport) including 2Y,1Y and MMM. Among them, around 60% to 70% came directly from mainland China.

问:Kellogg录取的学生中,是否有Human Capital Consultant背景的? 这样的咨询背景也属于是kellogg的倾向录取的背景之列吗?

答:Yes, there are definately students who have similar background as yours. As I said in previous post, Kellogg students come with various background. The question is not about what your background is, but how strong your background .

问:因为人力资本咨询相对于战略咨询而言,相对比较专,主要还是关注组织和人的方面,那这样的背景相对于Strategy Consulting而言,申请成功的机会如何呢?

答:Many people without any consulting experience get into MC.   


答:Ofcoz. Actually, quite a lot.



[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-19 15:47:36编辑过]




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