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Kellogg MBA 面试汇总(2009-2010)

In @ Kellogg 1yr MBA Program(附背景和面经)
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Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.

3. Interview

§Do not care too much of the form of interview. I was actually waived one week before CNY and got phone interview request during CNY. I saw many people say no chemistry to talk with Adcom and do not like phone interview. But sometimes, mental hint will take effect. If you feel you do not like it from the very start, you tend to feel nervous or upset about it and cannot perform naturally. So never think phone interview will put you to a disadvantage, just be prepared and then relax (I know saying is easy but not necessarily doing). Someone also say we cannot see the feedback of the interviewer on phone and do not know how to channel the whole process, but in some cases you can feel sth from the voice and tones of the interviewer. For example, when I heard one of my answers took my interviewer to laugh, I added more details and even a joke to make it more interesting to her and make the interview not that boring. When I heard she say wonderful, excellent, I added more recipe to the story. And you can even channel the interview by saying “ would you like to know…”if you think the interview has got away from the track you want. Most importantly, be natural, be yourself and don’t be nervous (remember紧张真的是大忌,因为我觉得任何学校都很看重leadership,而leader assumed should be临危不乱,如果interview紧张,会让interviewer觉得遇事不够沉着镇定)

§My interview Qs

1.Undergraduate experience

2.Is your first internship at XX determined you career path

3.Career progression


5.Any misconception other people have about you

6.Why MBA, Why Kellogg

7.Career goal

8.Leadership style, list of leadership experience and one example of leadership

9.Anything others you want to share?



Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



Tell me about your job in current company?
What does your colleague describe you?
Is there any negative feedback?
What's your biggest success?
Why MBA?
Why Kellogg?

kellogg1年的program很cozy,而且人也不多,90来个人 vs. HBS和Wharton 900人,关键是时间短,没有必要用2年的时间去读mba了,适合想accelearate career progress的人!
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


1 Go through Resume;
2 why MBA
3 Why Kellogg
4 leadership experience
5 Accomplishment
6 Leadership style
7 what traits do you think build a great leader
8 Team work experience
9 What will you do if someone in your team do not cooperate? How do you deal with tough people?
10 How do you allocate your time in B-shcool, he gave me four options: Academics, Network, Job hunting, Clubs.
11 Which club do you want to join?
12 Questions for him
现在想想,kellogg是对Behavior Questions问的最细的。由于我和面试官都是工程背景,因此交流很顺畅(他很容易明白我说的项目)。面试官也很友好,没有challenge的问题。前后大概1个小时,聊的挺愉快。虽然这是我的第一个面试,但自我感觉不错。可惜最终结果只是被WL。
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


To Henrrick,
我一直覺得兩岸的旗子紅色部分太多了, 感覺很Bloody, 這樣藍色多點也不賴, 不過在台灣可能會有人覺得加點綠色保護眼睛會更好, 政治不是我在行的, 那些交給專門的人去爭論吧, 我寧願好好交朋友, 作consulting!

To kellylove520,
我個人主要是處理Transfer Pricing(TP)及相關稅目的議題, 但也有從事少數Tax Compliance和General Tax Consulting的case
至於要如何stand out, 這是個大問題, 我認為簡單說, 可以分為兩個部分, 一是自己的品牌定位, 另一個則是對學校(尤其是文化)的了解和本身與學校文化的契合度
品牌定位的話, 我因為自己這幾年從事TP, 覺得這是比較專門, 偏重執行面的consulting(因為分析就是用過去資料, 比較不具未來的預測性), 而我在未來想要從事策略面, 比較宏觀, 也比較是預測的角度的consulting, 那我就以自己在過去case的經驗來主打我的特質, 強調自己的優點, 並且將弱點(機會點)包裝成需要藉由MBA的教育來加強的
至於學校文化的了解和契合上面, 我覺得我們常會陷入一個學校排名的迷思(我必須承認我之前也是這樣), 但我被其他的牛校定掉後, 我親自飛一趟, 去拜訪一些學校(Kellogg已經面完了的情況下), 發覺收穫很多, 主要是在對於學校的了解和對於老美的思維了解上, 就我和他們聊天後, 老美的學生主要重視學校特質, 比較不會一定要排名(就不會M7通通都申請, 也不會一定非M7不念), 像是有些學校會喜歡有鯊魚特質的學生, 有些很重視群體, 而以我自己為例, 我認為我和Kellogg比較契合的部分, 就在於我喜歡team work, 這也是Kellogg很強調的特質, 我重視群體, 雖然我知道我一個人單兵作戰也可以表現得很好, 但處在群體之中, 不論是當領頭的或者被領導的, 然後讓整個群體發揮更大的力量, 這會讓我更有成就感, 另外, 很多頂尖的B-School可以訓練出很強的個體, 但這些個體是否能整合成一個整體然後發揮得更棒, 這就是問號, 可是在參加Kellogg學生和校友舉辦的info-session中, 我看到了個體凝聚成整體, 展現出來的氣勢更是讓我震撼, 我會建議有機會除了瀏覽學校網頁和外部機構排名的資料外, 一定要多參加各校的info-session, 甚至去學校走走, 感受一下課堂和校園裡面學生間的相處模式, 會對學校會有進一步的了解

最後是學校面經, 基本上因為我是二月多面的, 記憶有點模糊
像是go through resume, long/short term goal, why MBA, why now, why Kellogg, strength, weakness, leisure time habits
然後一個特別的團隊合作經驗, 以及我的team member對我的看法及評價(優點缺點)
是用電話面試的, 時間大約25分鐘
站在學校的角度(當然要對學校文化有點認識), 要怎麼樣可以對一個學生適不適合學校作進一步的了解

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Kellogg MBA R2 Interview 面经 (1-30)

At the request of 老大, here is Interview。  

It occurred in Starbucks in Silicon Valley, I was in full suit, he was not.  He was a marketing manager in a medical device firm who just graduated a year ago.  I got there 15 min before him and got a table.

Interview lasted 45 minutes:

Go through your resume:  my answer was too long, I only got done with half and we never went back to the rest.  
Why MBA,
Why Kellogg
Team Experience
Leadership Experience.
Do you have any questions.

That's it.  It was very calm and easy.  The easiest out of all my interviews.  Sorry for the late post, i interviewed R2 Jan 30th.  But since it was so
typical, I didn't think it would be too valuable.  Oh well, here it is.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Kellogg MBA R2 Adcom 电话面经(3-11)

电话晚到了15分钟,需要耐心等待, 总共30分钟不到。The conversation runs smooth and the Adcom is very nice.
1. walk through resume
2. long-term goal, short-term goal
3. why MBA, why Kellogg
4. teamwork exp.
5. Q&A 问了一下换dean对中国录取者的impact…
No what contributions toKellogg, No leadership exp.

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Kellogg MBA R2 电话面试 (3-10)

教育背景,为什么选这个专业,高中获得这个奖怎么回事? ( WTF! )
why kellogg?
what can you bring to the community?


Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


hey, lcat1215, I completed my interview last Thursday. The whole process was very conversational. I was not challenged by any curve-ball questions. Just Walk through resume, Why MBA, Why Kellogg, What club do you want to join. They will allow you to channel the conversation flow.  So, relax and show your best. Good luck.^^
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


2月15号 Kellogg alumni interview

Interviewer 十年前毕业,现在开自己的高階主管教導公司。本来是去她的office,但最后她约在我公司楼下喝咖啡。很好的一个人。Interview之前,她说这个interview应该是像一个conversation。问题不难,没有behaviour questions。

tell me about yourself

why mba/Kellogg

what’s your careergoal and why? (我的LT是自己开公司。Drill down to what do you bring to your client?I also talked about possible challenges ahead. 之前做了个high level business plan, no problem here.)

What do you bringto the Kellogg community? Which would be the single most unique thing about you?

what makes a goodleader?

whatclubs/activities do you intend to join?

what are yourhobbies

当我讲了申请过程学到的东西,又问how do the schools' application differ now days?(我觉得这只是一个好奇,并不是问申请了什么学校。I might be wrong. But just in case, 讲了自己选校的criteria, what schools, briefly why. Re-emphasizedKellogg esp common qualities of K alumni I have met. Then elaborated how Iwould assemble essay questions if I were K admission. – Tried to show somecritical thinking on the fly here)

P.S 问了一下how did u go in gmat? which was strange for an interview。
一共一小时。我谢谢她专门跑来interview, 她说没什么。她是代表kellogg的,wow, what can I say about 校友 like this :-)?
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



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