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107. “The most effective way for managers to assign work is to divide complex tasks into their simpler component parts. This way, each worker completes a small portion of the task but contributes to the whole.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
Thesis: case by case discussion
1,        有些庞大的工程big and complex project,需要人们把工作细分,a, 单独的人没有力量完成,会take much more time,团队之间合作更有利于完成整个任务。b, 每个人可以做自己最擅长的工作。each member can choose the part that she or he are good at. 这样就整体上eliminate the total amount of time to complete the whole task.
Evidence: assembly line, each focus on specific task, excellence and efficiency; 一个项目组中,各自分工协同完成
2. 即使是这样的工作, merely dividing work among workers can assure the final accomplishment of the task. 还是需要沟通,协调,team work并不仅仅是拆分再组合。不能让员工失去对全局的认知,只是机械的完成自己的部分,要充分调动主观能动。
3. 反面论证,如果仅仅是简单拆分的坏处:employee alienation,lose sight of larger organizational goals and their own importance in achieving them,become less committed to their work, and less productive,stifle creativity, as well as undermine self-motivation and pride,长此以往,企业和个人都不能持续健康发展

B2. 7月2次, 6月6次(8)
Although most people wish to live long lives, attempting to significantly extend the average human life span would be a mistake. If achieved, this would place an enormous burden on resources, lowering the quality of life for everyone.
Thesis: agree
1. no matter how we extend the life span, people who retire from work becomes burden to society and individual family
Evidence: aging society (Japan, China), medical resources, family support, safety
2. life quality would not necessarily increase as life extends longer
3. follow the natural rule, live a better life

B10. 6月6次,5月8次(14)
Portrayals of violence have proven commercially successful in television programs, movies, songs, and other forms of popular entertainment. Therefore, those who create popular entertainment should continue to incorporate violence into their products.
54. “Popular entertainment is overly influenced by commercial interests. Superficiality, obscenity, and violence characterize films and television today because those qualities are commercially successful.”
1诚然,目前市场上的确流行着不少以暴力为卖点的娱乐产品,也的确在一段时间内成为人们,尤其是年轻人追捧的对象。但如果作品里只是充斥着肤浅的暴力,作品只能在短期给人们带来某种感官sense organ上的刺激excitement并不具备人们所追求的娱乐的实质substance,除了短暂的经济效益和吸引眼球外,对人们的文化生活并未带来多大的value。因此这类作品就是流行也不可能是大面积长时间的流行,等到下一个类似作品出现时就不再为人们所记得。 (obscenity-adj. obscene)
2. 眼下充满了violence的popular entertainment尤其对未成年人影响很大,在他们还未真正了解社会之前,他们会以movie或TV里的世界来比拟现实世界,并在他们真正步入社会后,还不断影响他们,以虚拟暴力世界的法则和方法来结局遇到的问题,于是我们经常看到新闻报道,未成年人仅仅为了区区一点小事而用暴力来解决。年轻人是社会未来的希望和支柱,如果在他们的成长过程中不断受到如此负面的教育,那么国家将来的经济发展无人可依,从长远来看,也就不存在娱乐事业的兴兴向荣和长远发展。


60. 7月2次, 6月5次,5月4次,4月次8(19)
“Employers should have no right to obtain information about their employees’ health or other aspects of their personal lives without the employees’ permission.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
1,        员工的私人状况,如果和工作有关,所以雇主有理由关心。比如,健康问题,良好的健康状况显然是保障正常稳定生产的基础,雇主付出相同的钱,expect to get certain productivity. 而员工隐瞒健康状况,造成的低效率高成本,会使公司suffer。在雇佣时拥有对称的信息,很重要。工作安排。比如food processing或者restaurant的老板有权事先要求员工提供有效的体检报告以证明其没有传染病infectious disease that would contaminate the processed food。这时对顾客负责人,同时也是从业者的基本ethic。
2,        同时,员工的私人状况,如果会危害到其他员工,那么应该有权得这知。比如,健康状况,犯罪的历史等等重大事件。健康,会infect other employee/ 暴力 history of crimes violence/addict to drug or drink 很可能会对其他的员工造成伤害。这些都是必须要知道的。
3,        但有一些其他的私人生活,与工作效率无关,而且不是threat to others。employer 没有权力获取。比如,婚姻状况marital status, religion, race…这些都应该是员工自愿提供的with permission,而不能强制获得force。

A2. 7月3次, 6月2次,5月9次(14)
“Constant innovation and change within an organization are as likely to damage the organization as they are to improve it.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your position with reasons and/or examples from your experience, observations, or reading.
Thesis: consideration- need and frequency
1.面对着复杂多变的社会环境尤其是技术进步日新月异.只有不断地改革创新才能适应时代.以制造企业为例,它的目标客户群在不断地变化怎么能期望没有改进 和创新的产品继续受到顾客的欢迎又怎么能在这个社会上继续发展下去.

37. 7月1次, 5月3次,4月4次(8)
“Since science and technology are becoming more and more essential to modern society, schools should devote more time to teaching science and technology and less to teaching the arts and humanities.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
Thesis: equally important
1.        科技十分重要,没有科学技能的人,很难快速容入工作。难以想象一个缺乏基本电脑知识的人,如何在一个corporation in which most of the daily affairs are dealt with the aid of computer里很好地完成工作!所以,学校有责任培养学生的IT技能。
2.        但是,不代表学校应该忽视艺术人文的教育。众所周知,艺术人文起到启迪思想provide people with gracious spirit. 引导人们意识到人性中的固有美德:。。。举例:科学技术是人们生存发展的工具,但同时,如果没有美德,则可能变成危险的武器。比如nuclear weapons; heroin is made by people with standard chemistry knowledge…(with the guide of virtue, science can be the best servant of human; however, on the other hand, without such guide, it can become the most dangerous weapon.右脑开发
Evidence: studying the arts and humanities can help students become better mathematicians and scientists. For example, recent studies of cognitive development show that studying music at an early age can strengthen a child’s later grasp of mathematics. And understanding philosophical concepts has helped scientists recognize their own presuppositions, and frame their central questions more accurately/helps inspire our own creativity and intellectual questioning. This is particularly important in an era dominated by technology, where we run a serious risk of becoming automatons who fit neatly into the efficient functioning of some system/human behavior based business management and leadership, business prospect
3.        false dilemma. The speaker falsely put the school in a dilemma by suggesting the teaching of science and that of arts are mutually exclusive. 完全可以把两者结合起来。

12. “Education has become the main provider of individual opportunity in our society. Just as property and money once were the keys to success, education has now become the element that most ensures success in life.”
In your opinion, how accurate is the view expressed above? Explain, using reasons and examples based on your own experience, observations, or reading.
Thesis: education has replaced money and property as the main provider of such opportunities today
1. higher level of education ,wide access, get ready before enter society, once educated, equally qualified for further job oppty
2. not only knowledge, but also soft skill – interpersonal communication, etc. , survive in the society, social skill, ready for life challenge
3. prosperity of the society, next gen


15. 7月1次, 6月2次,5月7次,4月10次(20)
“Nations should cooperate to develop regulations that limit children’s access to adult material on the Internet.”*
*The Internet is a worldwide computer network.
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
1,         full of Superficiality, obscenity, and violence characterize films and television today because those qualities are commercially successful, children doesn’t have discretion, may imitate or naturally take this as norm儿童的好奇心以及缺乏正确的认识,are vulnerable to the bad influence of such adults materials,从而distract their concentration from study to those distorted notions. 人们有责任和义务帮助孩子,protect them from being hurt and influenced by such materials.
2. international effort on regulations necessary, 国家范围内的regulations lose their previous effectiveness because of the development of internet. Just as the companies which contaminate the natural environment move to other countries after being punished, so the company offering pornographic materials on line can move to other parts of the world to avoid punishment. 所以,国家联合起来,非常有必要。
3. internet普及问题严重的国家可以给其他国家经验

24. 7月1次, 6月5次,5月7次,4月7次(20)
“A powerful business leader has far more opportunity to influence the course of a community or a nation than does any government official.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
Thesis: Historical examples of both influential public officials and influential business leaders abound. However, the power of the modern-era business leader is quite different from that of the government official. On balance, the CEO seems to be better positioned to influence the course of community and of nations.
View1领导人的作用有时不象企业家一样apparent. 因为国家的发展,人们的生活,与企业closely related. 比如GATES,领导了信息产业革命;Rockefeller,控制国家的石油命脉took control of  American oil supply。企业家通过影响企业的行为,从而直观上影响人course of a community,Steve Paul Jobs带领apple创造了一种新的生活方式
View2: on the contrary, Unlike business leader, government power is likely to subject to many more restraints.  比如任何法案的通过和执行,都不是一个部门的决定,需要通过层层研究讨论,听证,投票才能被审批。所以人们很容易觉得商业人物反而更加有影响力。
View3 While take more thorough consideration, the government official is likely to have more direct and broad influence on a community and a nation. 再有影响力的business leader也必须遵守政府所指定的法律法规,必须以社会利益为大前提。而这一切都是在政府官员的影响下产生的。同时,当一个国家处于紧急状态的时候,只有政府才有能力来应付。比如遇到金融危机,只有政府能够制定应对策略,才能使国家安全度过。比如在楼市不理性的时候,只有政府的调控,才能防止泡沫的产生。

26. 7月6次, 6月1次,5月9次,4月4次(20)
“Location has traditionally been one of the most important determinants of a business’s success. The importance of location is not likely to change, no matter how advanced the development of computer communications and others kinds of technology becomes.” Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
1.        事实上现在的趋势是:由于网络电话电子通讯交通越来越便利,地点对与一个企业来说正在变得越来越不重要。无形的商品可以通过网络、电话进行购买,和使用的地点不是很重要了。例如:保险、电子期刊等。有形商品由于售货方式的改变,地址的重要性也在淡化。很多厂家通过在互联网上展示自己产品的照片和电话直销的形式销售商品。其中比较突出的例子就是AMWAY、DELL
2.        当然有很多的需要体验和身体力行的产品供应商的地址还是很重要的,象是餐饮业健身房等. 对于很多retail business, 需要面对面地persuade the consumers to buy,比如化妆品cosmetics. 再比如,try on the clothes and compare the different types and textures…地点仍然是十分重要的;餐饮要开在热闹的商区,有能力消费


32. “You can tell the ideas of a nation by its advertisements.”
Explain what you think this quotation means and discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with it. Develop your position with reasons and/or specific examples drawn from history, current events, or your own experience, observations, or reading.
Idea: an image in your mind of what something is like or should be like
Thesis: In order to determine whether advertisements reflect a nation’s ideas, it is necessary to determine whether advertisements present real ideas at all, and, if so, whose ideas they actually reflect. On both counts, it appears that advertisements fail to accurately mirror a nation’s ideas.
View1 的确有反应advertisements inform us as to a nation’s values, attitudes, and priorities—what activities are worthwhile, what the future holds, and what is fashionable and attractive. For instance, a proliferation of ads for sport-utility vehicles reflects a societal concern more for safety and machismo than for energy conservation and frugality, while a plethora of ads for inexpensive on-line brokerage services reflects an optimistic and perhaps irrationally exuberant economic outlook. However, a mere picture of a social more, outlook, or fashion is not an “idea”—it does not answer questions such as “why” and “how”? 广告确实可以反映一个国家的偏好preference,比如,在东亚eastern Asia的很多国家,电视上proliferation of cosmetic which can impede suntan and make skin appear white,表现了这些国家对白色皮肤的偏好。而同时,另一些western国家中,很多运动用品的广告,体现了对户外运动的喜好。但是这些,并不是一个国家的思想,只是一些时尚流行。。。
View2 可以塑造,不一定全面准确。广告只能反映superficial的现象,而不是一个国家真正的思想,文化等深层次的东西。因为广告,毕竟只是商家为了推销产品而使用的手段,它的主要只能是persuade the consumers to buy。而不能承担展示精神的作用。广告有其商业用途。

45. 7月4次, 6月3次,5月14次,4月17次(38)
“The most effective way for a businessperson to maximize profits over a long period of time is to follow the highest standards of ethics.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
111. “The most effective business leaders are those who maintain the highest ethical standards.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.

Thesis: more of a normative statement than an empirical observation, the two objectives at times coincide but at other times conflict.
View1 支持者会认为, 高道德会赢得reputation and trust; 第一, 高道德生产高质量的产品以及service,顾客稳定stable share of the market; 第二, 高道德会让员工满意度提高(公平,平等). 从而attract those applicants with high ability and keep the employees loyal to the company---最终导致高的productivity. Internal: integrity to company/External: responsible to client… in some cases a commitment to high ethical standards might benefit a company financially
View2 the definition of highest standards of ethics varies from person to person, time to time and even culture to culture. Therefore, it is impractical to find and then stick to the highest standards of ethics. Eg. In japan, laying off life contract employees who are veterans and who have served the company for over decades are considered unethical in terms of corporate social responsibilities. 所以造就了日益庞大臃肿的企业机构,最终导致企业无力竞争。Eg。JPN airline国企作风,机构日益庞大,效率日益降低,最终重组。作为企业公民来看,企业担负起了社会责任,也是中social ethics。当然,凡是都有两面性,公司合并,势必有人下岗,工厂扩建,势必对环境带来负担,但并不能因此因噎废食,毕竟企业出于rational economic intrestes。
View3 但有时一味追求highest standards of ethics并非是企业实现最大利润的最有效方式,相反。。。反面的例子可以是说如果从最高的道德规范来看有些污染环境的行业根本就不应该存在,但是从企业的长期发展来看以及从社会的福利最大化来看,只要污染控制在一定范围就好。如化工厂只要把排污控制在国家规定的范围就好。但是这些的存在,对社会是利大于弊。
Conclusion: the regulations and laws of authorities are more feasible and suitable standards to follow.对于上述的发生,只要控制在一定法律范围内就好。如化工厂只要把排污控制在国家规定的范围就好,合并导致的下岗做适当的再就业指导和培训


75. “There are essentially two forces that motivate people: self-interest and fear.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your position with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
1.        不能否认的是,人们做很多行为都出自这两种天性。a, 人们努力工作,为了赚足够的钱养活自己,support the family,人们接受education and training to make sure that he or she can grasp the up to date knowledge and skills for the purpose to avoid being supplanted by others. 因为恐惧。b, 人们遵守社会规范,有时也是为了赢得reputation。
2.        但是,如果说人的一切行为都root in these only two factors, 这就过于one-sided的说法。忽略了other aspects of the natural humanity。比如人性中的很多美德,都表现了人们克服了selfishness and fear取得的成就。a, 科学家为了address the problem of starvation, 花一生的精力去研究the better rice breed. b, anonymous charitarian donate huge amount of money to the school and hospital…people can hardly be persuaded to believe that the anonymous charitarian doing so are only motivated by the intention of gaining reputation.
Evidence: study one person to offer and one to accept, if self-interested, min offer will be accepted, but only less than 40% of offer is less than 10% share and only 20% accept offer less than 10%.

B4. Each generation's culture achievements--such as those in music, art ,or literature--represent improvements on the cultural achievements of previous generations.
View1 有的是improvements on the cultural achievements of previous generations
View 2 有的是同源
View3 还有的是创新

65. 7月1次, 5月6次,4月4次(11)
“The rise of multinational corporations is leading to global homogeneity*. Because people everywhere are beginning to want the same products and services, regional differences are rapidly disappearing.”
* homogeneity: sameness, similarity
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion expressed above. Support your point of view with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
1,        首先,前提是错误的。因为各地差异不同,所以全球化的大公司,想在所有地方都提供一样的产品服务是不现实的。empirical evidence: 很多成功的大企业,往往是那些充分认识到不同,从而采用不同的策略的。不能保持完全一致的策略,let alone 更不用说完全一样的产品和服务。比如:KFC等fast food,在中国都针对口味偏好开发了很多新产品。
2,        Moreover, 地区差异不会消失,有更深层次的原因on much deeper level。第一,文化的差异,信仰的不同,很难靠产品和服务改变。比如,即使使用最先进的日本Panasonic产的电视,美国人用来传播transmit democratic principles, while中国人可能用来publicize the thoughts of Mao, or Confucius… 第二,习俗的差异,custom。比如,尽管很多年轻人在中国开始celebrate the Valentine’s Day, 但是在所有中国人心中,最重要的节日仍然是Spring Festival。这是什么样的产品都不能改变的。


112. 7月1次, 6月4次,5月6次,4月4次(15)
“Because of recent advancements in business and technology, the overall quality of life in most societies has never been better than at the present time.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
1.        progress in technology and business确实给人们的生活带来了considerable improvement. a, in the material life,提供了unprecedented diversity of service and products。supermarket:hundreds and thousands of products for people to choose;——三月份就可以吃到新鲜的草莓fresh strawberry   b, 方便。高效率in the convenience of our own homes :得到信息在网上,订餐order a dinner via internet; c, 人们的健康状况更好了,很多曾经可以威胁人生命的病现在只要简单的医疗手段就可以解决。
2.        但是,也不是说全都是好处,同时也有消极的影响。比如a, 人们spend more time on television and internet, 忽略了overlook the necessary communication in the family。造成了alienation between the family members. b, 再比如,fast communication on-line 剥夺了人们深入思考的可能。deprive people of deep and comprehensive thinking.
3.        同时,使人们更加忙碌,疲劳。a, 人们的效率提高了,却被要求做更多的事了,实际上,人们更加忙碌了。比如the invention of laptops provide the possibility for people to continue their work after they leave the company. even on holiday. b, 新技术发展很快,demand changes every day. 这样accelerate the job obsolescence。造成人们suffer more pressure and anxiety.
Conclusion: mixed blessing

22. “Clearly, government has a responsibility to support the arts. However, if that support is going to produce anything of value, government must place no restrictions on the art that is produced.”
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion expressed above? Develop your position by giving specific reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
Thesis: 鉴于art的特性,社会应该support,而不应该设置restriction
View1政府的确有责任support art,这种support除了给art合适的发展空间和平台以外,也包括适当的监管,以确保社会大多数的利益。
View2 政府的更多的应该侧重于保护art。比如考古物件保护,遏制黑市交易,artist的生活,名誉,专利

23. “Schools should be responsible only for teaching academic skills and not for teaching ethical and social values.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion expressed above. Support your point of view with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.

11. “When someone achieves greatness in any field — such as the arts, science, politics, or business — that person’s achievements are more important than any of his or her personal faults.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
must be weighed on a case-by-case basis, depending on two factors: (1) the extent to which the failing is part of the achievement process itself, and (2) the societal impact of the achiever’s failing apart from his or her own success.
view1  如果是原则性的错误,比如文凭造假,家庭出轨,酒驾,因为是成功人士的社会影响,所以就会带来负面效果
view2 如果非原则性错误,比如

7月4次, 6月4次,5月9次,4月3次(20)
V1,the effectiveness depends more on the quality of other students than the quality of the teacher.
V2.how effectiveness one learns in the classroom depends on the quality of the other students than the quality of the teacher.
Thesis: both are important factors contributing to study effectiveness, quality of other students doesn’t outweigh that of the teacher
View1: teacher is the facilitator, impart knowledge, decide teaching strategy, quality means teacher has the capability to teach according to the students aptitude, customized teaching method, it also means extend beyond textbook and apply theory to real life, teacher also influence students’ value proposition, how they evaluate social/historic events, how they fuse into society once graduated from school
View2: other students make up the learning environment in which student fellows interlock with each other, if study with effective group of other students, cultivate good learning habits, more creative, learn team work
View3: these are two equally important, many universities are ranked on these two – teacher’s professionalism and fellows qualification


surveillance cameras should be used on the city streets to assist officials identifying and arresting people who break the law.内容大抵如此,可能少了部
1. very effective and convenient, narrow scope, speed up process
2. save resource, free from many inhibitors, cost effective than manual resources
3. the presence of it increase safety

1、在很多通讯发达,技术前进较快的国家和地区,报纸现在恐怕不是最重要的source of news了。Internet、mobile phone作为新闻的来源很可能已经超过了newspaper,它们方便、更新及时,而报纸顶多日刊,can’t provide latest news, low cost, easy to circulate, interlock with readers, many internet news web provides search function and reader can read cross a dozen of news of her preference
2. 但是纸质报纸仍旧是很多人获取新闻的最重要形式,尤其是生活在通讯电子科技不发达的国家,或者是不善于操作新技术的老年人中。对于他们来说,either经济不发达,还没有条件可以看电视或者上网,更别说通过手机等浏览新闻;or 由于不精通新技术,不会使用电脑或上网,他们对于报纸的依赖程度相当高。可举survey例子

7月1次, 6月3次,5月7次,4月5次(16)
it is duty for an employee to put needs of a company first
1.        两方面,工作的时候应该把公司需要放在第一位,
2.        工作之外的时间就不一定了


"Physical  activity 和 academic 对学生同样地重要"
Physical activity and sports are as important as education of academics
1很长一段时间以来,physical activity的重要性都被忽视,认为那时不重要的课程,是academic的补充,可有可无。但事实上physical activity对学生来说同样的重要。最显而易见的一点就是其强身健体的功效。身体是革命的本钱,学术再专再优秀的学生,如果没有健康的体魄,也无法持续良好的状态,并未社会做贡献,这将是家庭和社会的损失,也是个人的遗憾。
2. physical activity可以让我们更加了解自己的身体,发展出更适合自己的锻炼方式,学会避免运动伤害,并且在将来漫长的人生中受益。
3. physical activity还可以培养很多精神,比如说teamwork spirit,坚持,不放弃。我们往往说运动员是意志最坚强的。他们并非天生就这样,也是通过后期的努力训练,不断得在失败中成长和磨练,不断的打败对手,战胜自我。

7月2次, 6月4次,5月7次,4月2次(15)
大概就是people should be paid according to the beneficial the profession to society
1.        理论上,在决定工资在的时候,对社会更有用的profession,理应获得更高的收入,但是没有一个严格的区分标准来判别哪种profession对社会更重要更有意义,我们不能仅凭该行业是否和我们的日常生活息息相关,就判定该行业是否对社会贡献更大。比如核电研究,虽然远离人们的日常生活,但是其意义远远超过国界,更是长久的。
2.        比专业更重要的是工作能力,比如处理问题的能力、创新能力、和上下级沟通的能力等等。举例:lou gerstner 关键在于该专业的人如果结合自己的专业为社会创造价值。
3.        还有从业者的ethic也很重要

7月5次, 6月7次,5月6次,4月5次(23)
1. 是否有必要?如果国家以安全的理由获得查看公民图书馆和网页浏览记录的权利,那么不久国家也会以同样的理由进一步要求获得查看公民其他隐私的权利,比如邮件,电话,甚至是日记。而国家又如何来保证这些私人的信息不被二度利用。
2. 是否真的有用?即使国家查到了所有的记录,那么又以何种方式来评判这些信息的有效性,并且对国家安全提供有用价值。也许需要动用无数的人力和技术资源,分析。事实上自从911以来,美国的安全机构已经从几百个上升到几千个,搜集的公民信息也拓展到行车记录,出差记录等等,但是数以亿万计的信息,并没有真正在第一时间帮助安全机构找出隐患所在,而往往是事发之后才意识到其实宝贵的信息已经被流失。
3. 即使这些信息真的有用,但是又以何种标准来判定哪些记录表明有潜在安全隐患。我们不会因为好奇的未成年人经常浏览异教信息的网页或者阅读美国战争对象的国家的书籍,而判定其有罪,也不可能把所有这些潜在的危险分子监控起来。


the employers should prohibit the employees from the unhealthy behaviors , both in workplace and in theie leisure time.
1.        首先对于unhealthy behavior没有一个确切的标准。有些是社会公认的,比如addiction to drug/smoking。但是有些vary from person to person,比如有些人认为吃instant food不healthy。而人们之所以addict to这些所谓的unhealthy behavior也出于种种原因,有的可能是缺乏知识,有的可能是为了某种短期的目睹,比如减肥或者是缓解压力。既然没有一个统一的标准,企业也没有能力更没有必要控制员工摈除一切不良习惯。
2.        如果unhealthy behavior和生产工作息息相关,那么employer可以借由指定相关的规定来规范员工,而且必须在雇佣的时候就告知员工。比如餐饮企业,要求厨师在上班期间不许抽烟喝酒,这不仅仅是出于对员工个人健康的考虑,更是出于对其安全以及对顾客的负责。
3.        如果和工作无关,只是涉及到员工个人利益的时候,employer出于关心,可以给予适当的引导,但无需强制性。比如企业可以鼓励员工多多参加运动,加强身体素质,甚至可以提供一些优惠的健身项目,但是不能强制员工参加。

7月3次, 6月5次,5月5次,4月8次(21)
V1.since fossile fuel vital and limited, international agreement 要 reduce  fuel  ...... 问你同意还是不同意
v2.Fossil fuel resources: For the Fossil fuel resources is XXX and limited, 有必要制定一个针对所有国家的 international agreement,来限制各个国家对fossil fuel的依赖。(最后小半句不太确定,请其它CDer补充)
V3 fossil fuel resources are vital and limited, international agreements should be adopted that would require all the nations reduce the use of fossil fuel
Thesis: agree
1、首先,individual country自私几乎是天性。self consideration优先。在没有广泛的行动时,每一个国家都不愿意在自己作出牺牲的同时,其他国家没有行动。这样不公平,也不可能达到。这时,international agreement的作用很重要。安排各国家工作,协调各国家活动。有一个行动的指导作用。类似Kyoto protocol, Under the Protocol, 37 countries commit themselves to a reduction of four greenhouse gases and two groups of gases produced by them, and all member countries give general commitments.现在这个protocol已经成为各国减排的一个指导。
2、而且,能源就像环境问题一样,没有国界,是全人类共同的问题。因为在全球化经济发展下,资源几乎是全球运转的。比如,美国会向中国进口木材等原料。所以很多能源的消耗往往都在境外,所以需要通过一个international agreement合作。在其中根据能源的储备,消耗情况计划长远全局的开发和利用计划。
by the same token, the problem of energy conservation transcends the national borders in that either all nations must cooperate, or all will suffer.
3、当然,在合理利用能源的同时也可以依靠international agreement,协调目前各国的技术来开发能源,并且提高能源的利用率。比如在很多非洲小国家有丰富的储备,但是需要外国的技术和资金来帮助开发。又比如先进的太阳能solar energy技术可以被逐步推广到全世界,以减少对于fossil fuel的消耗(oil, gas, coal)

7月2次, 6月3次,5月4次,4月3次(12)
Celebrities are uniquely qualified to efficiently address social problems, because of their high-profile status and access to resources.
Thesis: agree
1.        名人通常有很高的感召力和社会效应,比如当名人作为环保的大使号召大家绿色出行,名人可以利用其出席不同社会活动的机会向大家宣传,并且和政府合作,推出免费出租自行车的五福,同时鼓励大家都来follow,尽量减少汽车的使用。这种方式要比政府纯粹用宣教的方式要有效多了。
2.        同时,名人的言行举止受到大众的关注,其所宣扬的品德也成为大众的model。比如名人带头领养生病的孤儿,并且带头向孤儿院捐款,就会起到带头作用,从一定程度上感召大家,帮助社会解决孤儿的问题。
3.        但是名人很大程度上其实只是起到了一个形象作用,真正可以解决很多社会问题的还是在政府机关和专业机关的带领下民众一起解决,我们不应该过多寄希望于仅仅名人效应。


the most experienced candidate is usually the best candidate for a leadership position
1.        experience 固然很重要
2.        但是光有experience不能说明就是best candidate,更重要的是是否有leadership的素质
3.        experience is a plus
12. . 7月6次,
People have duties to disobey the laws they consider unjust.

3. arguement提纲
28. The following appeared in the editorial section of a local newspaper.
“Commuter use of the new subway train is exceeding the transit company’s projections. However, commuter use of the shuttle buses that transport people to the subway stations is below the projected volume. If the transit company expects commuters to ride the shuttle buses to the subway rather than drive there, it must either reduce the shuttle bus fares or increase the price of parking at the subway stations.”
1.        reduce shuttle bus fares or increase price of parking will not necessarily stimulate shuttle bus ridership, 但事实原因可能还有很多.例如:巴士的环境不好速度比较慢中间间隔时间太长车站位置不好等等.
2.        even can, these two actions are not mutually exclusive, combination would bring better results

52. 7月2次,6月6次,5月7次,4月7次(22)
The following editorial appeared in the Elm City paper.
“The construction last year of a shopping mall in downtown Oak City was a mistake. Since the mall has opened, a number of local businesses have closed, and the downtown area suffers from an acute parking shortage, and arrests for crime and vagrancy have increased in the nearby Oak City Park. Elm City should pay attention to the example of the Oak City mall and deny the application to build a shopping mall in Elm City.”
1.        时序因果:shopping mall导致local business closure等一系列后果
2.        作者只给出了不好的结果而没有给出好的影响很可能权衡利弊之后被选择的是要开这个商场,未必是mistake
3.        即使是,elm city可能情况不同,不能类推



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