阅读其实不难,因为OG没在身边,我刚才专门下载了RC,找出这篇给你做个示范,怎么看,看什么,怎么找,找什么: 1)Two recent publications offer different assessment of the career of the famous British nurse Florence Nightingale.(主题句,由此句和三段首句可知本文是结论解释型文章,即主要特点是总分式)A book by Anne Summers (观点之一)seeks to debunk (负评价的实义动词)the idealizations and present a reality(正评价词)at odds with Nightingale’s heroic reputation. According to Summers, Nightingale’s importance during the Crimean War(和观点二比较的差别点) has been exaggerated(负评价的实义动词): not until near the war’s end did she become supervisor of the female nurses.Additionally, (递进副词,表示行文方向一致,因此后面内容可以略读,仅提炼关键词即可,或不读)Summers writes that the contribution of the nurses to the relief of the wounded was at best marginal. The prevailing problems of military medicine were caused by army organizaitonal pratices, and the addition of a few nurses to the medical staff could be no more than symbolic. Nightingale’s place in the national pantheon, Summers asserts, is lrgely due to the propagandistic efforts of contemporary newspaper reporters.(以上略读)
2)By contrast(重要的强转折词,注意对比方/观点的差异点), the editors (对比观点二)of a new volume of Nightingale’s letters view Nightingale as a person who significantly influenced(正评价词) not only her own age but also subsequenct generations. They highlight her ongoing efforts to reform sanitary conditions after the war(观点二比较的差别点,和观点一中during the Crimean War对比,这一句是后面举例的总结句,重要,知道总结句可以不用看后面的例子。). For example,(举例通常可以略读,只提取例子中的关键词,如peacetime living conditions,举例的关键看前后的总结句,这里是for example 前面的一句话,因为例子都是用来说明总结句的,只要明白总结句的意思就行了。 ) when she leanred that peacetime living conditions in British barracks were so horrible that the death rate of enlisted men far exeeded that of neighboring civilian populations, she succeeded in persuading the government to establish a Royal Commission on the Health of the Army. She used sums raised through public contributions to found a nurses’ traning hospital in London. Even in administrative matters, the editors assert, her practical intelligence was formidable: as recently as 1947 the British Army’s medical services were still using the cost-accounting system she had devised in the 1860’s.(以上略读) 3)I believe that the evidence of her letters supports(正评价词) continued respect for Nightingale’s brilliance and creativity(正评价词). (总结句后举例说明,提取关键字,略读)When counseling a village schoolmaster to encourage children to use their faculties of observation, she sounds like a modern educator. Her insistence on classifying the problems of the needy in order to devise appropriate treatments is similar to the approach of modern social workers.(以上略读)In sum(文章最后一句话通常要仔细读,此处为总结句), although (让步略读,重点是让步后的转折句)Nightingale may not have achieved all of her goals during the Crimean War, her breadth of vision and ability to realize ambitious projects have earned(正评价词)her an eminent(正评价词) place among the ranks of social pioneers.(重点读,表明作者对以上两个不同观点的评述)
3)I believe that the evidence of her letters supports(正评价词) continued respect for Nightingale’s brilliance and creativity(正评价词). (总结句后举例说明,提取关键字,略读)When counseling a village schoolmaster to encourage children to use their faculties of observation, she sounds like a modern educator. Her insistence on classifying the problems of the needy in order to devise appropriate treatments is similar to the approach of modern social workers.(以上略读)In sum(文章最后一句话通常要仔细读,此处为总结句), although (让步略读,重点是让步后的转折句)Nightingale may not have achieved all of her goals during the Crimean War, her breadth of vision and ability to realize ambitious projects have earned(正评价词)her an eminent(正评价词) place among the ranks of social pioneers.(重点读,表明作者对以上两个不同观点的评述)
3)I believe that the evidence of her letters supports(正评价词) continued respect for Nightingale’s brilliance and creativity(正评价词). (总结句后举例说明,提取关键字,略读)When counseling a village schoolmaster to encourage children to use their faculties of observation, she sounds like a modern educator. Her insistence on classifying the problems of the needy in order to devise appropriate treatments is similar to the approach of modern social workers.(以上略读)In sum(文章最后一句话通常要仔细读,此处为总结句), although (让步略读,重点是让步后的转折句)Nightingale may not have achieved all of her goals during the Crimean War, her breadth of vision and ability to realize ambitious projects have earned(正评价词)her an eminent(正评价词) place among the ranks of social pioneers.(重点读,表明作者对以上两个不同观点的评述)
题目: 注意我怎么定位的,题干、选项和原文原句的对应线索我用相同颜色标注,题干中的定位依据的关键词我用下划线标注: 73. The passage is primarily concerned with evaluating (A) the importance of Florence Nightingale’s innovations in the field of nursing
(B) contrasting approaches to the writing of historical biography
(C) contradictory accounts of Florence Nightingale’s historical significance
(D) the quality of health care in nineteenth-century England
(E) the effect of the Crimean War on developments in the field of health care
主题题,直接定位首段首句主题句:Two recent publications offer different assessment of the career of the famous British nurse Florence Nightingale
74. According to the passage, the editors(定位在观点二出现段) of Nightingale’s letters credit(正评价的实义动词,将定位进一步限制在观点二中的正评价处,即找贡献) her with contributing to which of the following?
(A) Improving of the survival rate for soldiers in British Army hospitals during the Crimean War(时间状语为观点一的内容,观点二的比较点在after the war,大胆排除)
(B) The development of a nurses’ training curriculum (原文未出现,排除)that was far in advance of its day
(C) The increase in the number of women doctors (原文未出现,排除)practicing in British Army hospitals
(D) Establishment of the first (极端词文章没有,选项出现,排除!)facility for traiing nurses at a major British university
(E) The creation of an organization for monitoring the peacetime living conditions of British soldiers
原文对应:she succeeded in persuading the government to establish a Royal Commission on the Health of the Army.
直接事实题,定位在2)段,for example 后具体内容中,此题重点在于对于文中未出现的信息的果断排除,千万不要超出文章半步的猜测。 75. The passage suggests which of the following about Nightingale’s relationship with the British public(定位在二段举例中,观点一或其他段落未谈到) of her day?
(A) She was highly respected, her projects receiving popular and governmental support.
(B) She encountered resistance both from the army establishment and the general public.
(C) She was supported by the working classes and opposed by the wealthier classes.
(D) She was supported by the military establishment but had to fight the governmental bureaucracy.
(E) After intially being received with enthusiams, she was quickly forgotten.
She used sums raised through public contributions to found a nurses’ traning hospital in London. 原文中唯一有public这个词的句子只有一处,确定无疑。
76. The passage suggests which of the following about sanitary conditions in Britain after the Crimean War(重要的定位依据,说明是观点二的内容,所以我以前说,对题干的提炼一定要注意,即使只是一个时间状语)?
(A) While not ideal, they were superior to those in other parts of the world.
(B) Compared with conditions before the war, they had deteriorated.
(C) They were more advanced in rural areas than in the urban centers.
(D) They were worse in military camps than in the neighboring civilian populations.
(E) They were unifromaly crude and unsatisfactory throughout England.
(They highlight her ongoing efforts to reform sanitary conditions after the war. For example, )when she leanred that peacetime living conditions in British barracks were so horrible that the death rate of enlisted men far exeeded that of neighboring civilian populations,....
77. Which of the following statements regarding the differing interpretations of Nightingale’s importance would the author most likely agree(定位于作者的观点,作者观点的总结句,而不是文中提到的两个观点)?
(A) Summers misunderstood both the importance of Nightingale’s achievements during the Crimean War and her subsequent influence on British policy.
(B) The editors of Nightingale’s letters made some valid points about her practical achievements, but they still exaggerated her influence on subsequent genrations.
(C) Although Summers’ account of Nightingale’s role in the Crimean War may be accurate, she ignored evidence of Nightingales’ subsequent achievementthat suggests that her reputation as an eminent social reformer is welldeserved.
In sum, although Nightingale may not have achieved all of her goals during the Crimean War(观点一内容), her breadth of vision and ability to realize ambitious projects have earned her an eminent place among the ranks of social pioneers. (D) The editors of Nightingale’s letters mistakenly propagated the outdated idealization of Nightingale that only impedes attempts to arrive at a balance assessment of her true role.
(E) The evidence of Nightingale’s letters supports Summers’ conclusions both about Nightingale’s activities and about her influence.
78. Which of the following is an assumption underlying the author’s assessment of Nightingale’s creativity(定位关键词,三段首句中,所以读原文注意评价词!)?
(A) Educational philosophy in Nightingale’s day did not normally emphasize developing children’s ability to observe. When counseling a village schoolmaster to encourage children to use their faculties of observation, she sounds like a modern educator. (B) Nightingale was the first to notice the poor living conditions in British military barracks in peacetime.
(C) No educator before Nightingale had thought to enlist the help of village shcoolmasters in introducing new teaching techniques.
(D) Until Nightingale began her work, there was no concept of organized help for the needy in nineteenth-century Britain. (E) The British Army’s medical services had no cost-accounting system until Nightingale devised one in the 1860’s.
79. In the last paragraph(直接定位), the author is primarily concerned with
(A) summarizing the arguments about Nightingale presented in the first two paragraphs
(B) refuting the view of Nightingale’s career presented in the preceding pargraph
(C) analyzing the weaknesses of the evidence presented elsewhere in the passage
(D) citing evidence to support a view of Nightingale’s career (E) correcting a factual error occurring in one of the works under review
I believe that the evidence of her letters supports continued respect for Nightingale’s brilliance and creativity.
以上的答案是我刚做的,如果有不对的,请MM给我指出来. 按照XDF老师传授的方法,第一遍读完,我会做这样的总结(XDF老师叫做"逻辑简图",携隐看看,其实简单的框架图就好,不用花太多时间像你以前那样总结.) 逻辑简图 1) 对N贡献评价有两个不同观点+第一个观点: TS(主题句), AS (Anne Summers), during the Crimean War, exaggerated ( — ) 2)第二个观点:By contrast, Editors, significantly influenced(+), after the war, for examples 3)作者的观点:I believe....supports(+)... brilliance and creativity(+). In sum,eminent(+) 这种逻辑简图简单实用,其实就是总结每段的段意、段内标志文章承转起合的重要的连接词、态度词,帮助你了解文章框架,把握重要的由连接词引出的出题点。
另:从本文你可以看出,一定要培养对关键的连词和作者态度词的重视和敏感! 我平常的阅读大致如此,是按照老师的方法,每一遍的总结侧重不同,但最后读文章答题时就是这样的读法和思路,等于现场做一个示范,帮助大家了解我所说的读文章框架+定位+题干和原文的对应是怎么一回事.其他文章一个道理,希望能够拿上面的分析好好过一过,如果对你们的阅读有所帮助,也不枉我一片苦心啊~ |