我的阅读方法主要是根据每句话的前几个字母推断出这句话的意思,然后决定这句话需不需要读,如何读,记不记。 注意点(1) 读的时候要心里把这句话的意思用中文转达下。因为gmat阅读不同于托福雅思。Gmat阅读有很强的逻辑性,即使转化成是中文,理解也很困难、 (2)要有选择的读和记忆,读太多也记不住,信息太多也可能干扰理解。 (3)有效区分每句话是观点,论证,还是论据。观点一定读,论证选择读,论据不读。 这里的选择读由具体情况而定,如果觉得观点句已经了解的差不多了,可以不读。读论证句只是帮助理解观点。 我拿一道gwd文章示范。 In the 1930’s and 1940’s,
(读到这里,心里就要知道这句话陈述的是事情背景。很多文章第一句话一般都是这个作用。建议读第一句话,对文章的内容有所了解)African American industrial workers in the southern United States, who constituted 80 percent of the unskilled factory labor force there, strongly supported unionization. (至此读完第一句话,知道陈述了一个关于非美的历史现象,这句话陈述了是一个事实,只需记住非美人支持联合)While(第二句,发现while,想到是与上文陈述事实相反的情况。既然上文说非美想联合,下文应该说不联合,然后快速扫,只需记住A机构不联合) the American Federation of Labor (AFL) either excluded African Americansormaintained racially segregated unions, the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)(逗号后面知道陈述另一个机构,没有转折等表达,对观点不会产生影响,跳过) organized integrated unions nationwide on the basis of a stated policy of equal rights for all, and African American unionists provided the CIO’s backbone. Yet(yet很重要后面句子要读) it can be argued that through contracts negotiated and enforced by White union members, unions—CIO unions not excluded—were often instrumental in maintaining the occupational segregation and other forms of racial discrimination that kept African Americans socially and economically oppressed during this period.(读完这句话发现这句话不需要记,还是说不联合。) However, (重中之重)recognizing employers’ power over workers as a central factor in African Americans’ economic marginal unionization ,(however后面是陈述内容,逗号后面才是真正转折的内容,逗号后面认真读,逗号前面扫一扫)African American workers saw the need to join with White workers in seeking change despite White unionists’ toleration of or support for racial discrimination.(总结就是非美的举措) The persistent efforts
(读到这里就要想到这句话是说举措的结果,随便扫一下看成功与否就成。)of African American unionists eventually paid off: many became highly effective organizers, gaining the respect of even racist White unionists by winning victories for White as well as African American workers. African American unionists thus succeeded in strengthening the unions while using them as instruments of African Americans’ economic empowerment.
最后一遍读下来,只要记住脉络:非美想联合,有什么组织不让联合,非美就采取措施,最后成功了。 看下面主旨题,是不是很简单?
1 The passage is primarily concerned with
demonstrating that unions failed to address the concerns of African American workers during a particular period
arguing that African American workers’ participation in unions during a particular period was ultimately beneficial to them
contrasting the treatment of African American workers by two different labor organizations during a particular period
giving reasons for the success of African American unionists in winning victories for both African American and White workers during a particular period
questioning one explanation for the attitudes of African American workers toward unionization during a particular period
此类是陈述现象类文章,需要读的内容相对较多,因为作者的观点很难从文章里获取。 方法类文章比这个简单的多。 |