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5. Managing Electronic Commerce The Internet is offering a fundamentally new way of conducting business, creating tremendous opportunities and risks for organizations. E-commerce and computer-mediated interaction have transformed business by providing instantaneous large-scale nearly free commercial communications. This has changed vendor management and the nature of the supply chain and consumer and business marketing. It provides opportunities for customizing products, services, and advertising and promotional initiatives. Firms are able to measure the impact of marketing programs and supply-chain decisions as never before. Electronic commerce for many organizations also represents a new and unique path to the marketplace, leading to complex and innovative opportunities for distribution and for pricing. It raises important public policy issues related to privacy and the control, value, and use of information. This Managing Electronic Commerce major is intended to provide an in-depth foundation for those interested in pursuing ventures specifically focused on the Internet (such as electronic retailing, providers and packagers of information or communication, etc.) as well as traditional product/service firms that are attempting to define the appropriate role for electronic commerce. It also provides a useful basis for consulting to both these types of organizations. Non-majors interested in an overview of business and policy in the electronic commerce area should also find selected courses from this major of interest. The purpose of the major is to highlight those principles that will meet the following two objectives: They will be timeless, based on sound theoretical principles; the recent collapse of dot-coms and much of the first generation of eCommerce firms underscores once again the importance of this. They will be current and immediately applicable, and thus will prepare our graduates for leadership positions in industries attempting to deal with the impact of electronic commerce and information-based strategies. Key strategic choices will be in the areas of online pricing, degree of individualized or customized products and services, and the choice of online, traditional, or hybrid distribution channels. The major provides an interdisciplinary approach to several decision areas, including advertising/communication, electronic retailing, information structures for large organizations, pricing, product and service design, and supply chain management. It builds on faculty and courses from departments such as Management, Marketing, Operations and Information Management, and Business and Public Policy. Since a large number of elective courses are available for this major, and since the courses span multiple departments (and schools), several "tracks" within the major are also described. The student need not select one single such track to complete the Managing Electronic Commerce major. However, the set of courses for each track is intended to provide important guidance to the student interested in that particular area within electronic commerce.


6. Marketing For strategic decision makers in the private and public sectors, "marketing" describes a fundamental approach to general management decision making as well as a necessary set of business functions. Marketing is an important input to top management's choices of served markets, competitors, and portfolios of operating technologies. As such, the field of marketing is a valuable preparation for many types of management careers including consulting, entrepreneurial management, and line management. Because of its broad relevance, marketing is often chosen by students as part of a dual major, as well as a major in itself. The variety of courses offered by the marketing faculty has been designed to meet the needs of management generalists and those who choose either the marketing management or marketing research major areas.

Business Specialties: Marketing 1. Northwestern University (Kellogg) (IL) 2. University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) 3. Harvard University (MA) 4. University of Michigan–Ann Arbor 5. Duke University (Fuqua) (NC) 6. Stanford University (CA) 7. Columbia University (NY) 8. University of California–Los Angeles (Anderson) 9. University of California–Berkeley (Haas) University of Chicago 11. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan) 12. Dartmouth College (Tuck) (NH) 13. University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler) 14. Indiana University–Bloomington (Kelley) New York University (Stern) University of Florida (Warrington) University of Texas–Austin (McCombs) 18. University of Southern California (Marshall) 19. University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign 20. Emory University (Goizueta) (GA) Ohio State University (Fisher) Purdue University–West Lafayette (Krannert) (IN) 23. Michigan State University (Broad) University of Virginia (Darden) 25. University of Wisconsin–Madison 26. Carnegie Mellon University (PA) Cornell University (Johnson) (NY)


7. Op. & Info Management (Operations and Information Management) The mission of the Department is to provide educational programs and pursue research activities in the areas of operations and information management and decision-making. Teaching and research in the Department build on the economics of information and electronic markets, coupled with management science and decision modeling technologies. Problems addressed by faculty in the Department include E-business, supply chain management, risk and environmental management, product development, decision support systems, information-based strategy, and decision making under uncertainty for individuals, groups and organizations. On the teaching side, the Department teaches courses at the Undergraduate, MBA and PhD levels in the area of decision processes (DP), information strategy, systems and economics (ISSE), information and decision technologies and management science (IDT) and operations management (OM). The Fishman Davidson Center and the Risk Management and Decision Processes Center, both closely aligned with the OPIM Department, provide opportunities for students to engage in research on applied problems.

Information: Strategy, Systems, and Economics The availability of information at an acceptable cost - anywhere, any time, at any speed, and for almost any purpose - has profoundly affected all aspects of management: By improving the ability to perform detailed customer profitability analyses modern information technology changes the balance between strategies based on scale and strategies based on market micro-segmentation and differential pricing. This has affected marketing strategies in insurance, credit card operations, telecommunications, and numerous other service industries. By improving performance monitoring capabilities throughout the firm communications technologies alter the balance between centralization and decentralization and the optimal locus of control and decision rights; this has changed the structure of firm's internal control structures as well as the tradeoffs among internal production, external procurement, and joint ventures. Advances in computing, information storage and retrieval, and communications have improved the quality of customer information throughout the channel and have affected the balance of power among retailers, distributors, and manufacturers or primary suppliers, altering the distribution of profits and the design of appropriate channel strategies. This is restructuring distribution for travel services, and is affecting industries as diverse as retail financial services and consumer packaged goods. As power continues to shift among retailers, distributors, and manufacturers / primary suppliers, many industries are being forced to deal with restructuring caused by disintermediation resulting from electronic channels. While these changes are directly driven by information technology, it is the management challenges, and not the underlying technology, that will be addressed by this new inter-disciplinary major. What is the appropriate production strategy as the balance between local and global production, between internal production and external procurement, and between short term contracting and long term strategic alliances are all altered? What is the appropriate marketing strategy as the balance shifts between established competitors with dominant share and apparent cost advantages and new entrants with targeted strategies? What pricing strategies are thus enabled? How can information be used to provide enhanced differentiation strategies by allowing more accurate targeting of individualized products and services? What is the appropriate distribution strategy as disintermediation becomes possible, but intermediaries still retain considerable power over segments of the customer population, and thus will retaliate against premature attempts at bypassing them? Once appropriate strategies are determined, how can they be implemented and how can the organization be led into its new vision? These management challenges create a significant opportunity for Business Schools to create a new management focus through an interdisciplinary major that draws upon existing strengths in management, marketing, and information management to create a powerful and innovative interdisciplinary focus on information strategy. Understanding the strategic aspects of information and information management is being transformed; what were once skills of specialized technologists are now critical aspects of the preparation of all executives. This major will prepare students for careers in consulting and venture capital, and for senior management positions in a wide range of industries already being transformed by the interacting forces of information, globalization, and deregulation.


8. Tech Innovation

Technological advance has been responsible for creating half of the long term economic growth and 80% of productivity improvement in the U.S. over the last fifty years, and is forecast to be the single most important factor in creating business opportunity worldwide in the coming decades. Technological Innovation routinely creates new markets and investment opportunities while at the same time rendering others obsolete. It also transforms our ways of running operations and organizing business so that, the ability to understand and manage the process and its impact has become an essential requirement for business managers regardless of functional specialty. Powerful innovations in, for example, information technology, biotechnology, and advanced materials, have irreversibly changed much of the service and manufacturing sectors and forced aspiring business leaders to develop new skills and an understanding of technological innovation and its impact. The major, Technological Innovation, is designed to educate leaders for the business environment of the 21st century in which new and emerging technologies will increasingly drive the creation of new businesses and industries. It is targeted to corporate managers, entrepreneurs, consultants and analysts who wish to stay ahead of the curve by profiting from technological innovation by managing its impact. In addition the Technological Innovation program is designed to facilitate participation in the dual-degree program with the School of Engineering and Applied Science. (MBA/MSE) students interested in the graduate program in Management and Technology are accepted and enrolled in two degree programs simultaneously: a 10-course unit MSE program in the school of Engineering and Applied Science .


9. Real Estate The major consists of three required courses and two electives. While the required courses focus on real estate law, development, and finance, the electives allow students to explore a variety of issues related to real estate. These include real estate economics, advanced real estate finance, real estate entrepreneurship, urban fiscal policy, the relationship between government policy and private economic development, international real estate markets, and the aesthetic and technical considerations of architecture. The real estate major prepares students to be leaders in the real estate industry and provides the quantitative and qualitative tools necessary for their role in shaping the future of the industry.



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