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美国霍特国际商学院一Hult International Business School39年领先的教育




1964.Authur D little国际咨询公司一世界上最早的管理咨询公司,创办了 Authur D


MBA 课程为模型。 Authur D Little商学院之所以以 Autur D Little命名,是为了纪念

Authur D Lnde这位麻省理工学院教授,同时也是 Authur D Lnde国际咨询公司的创始人。

Authur D Little商学院提供一年( 11个月)全日制的工商管理课程一 MBA课程,授课地


 2002年,该校被更名为协和管理学院一 Concord School of Management 2002年,该校被最具权威的 Ecpmp,ost Intelligence Umot排名 MBA麻省第 3,全美第 36,全球第54。

2003, EF- Education First的创始人Bertil







3.GMAT 680,TOFEL 95,雅思,7.0。





8·校方招生主任面试 开学




都能参加我们excutive mentor program






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  波士顿 (Boston) 位于美国东北部,是马萨诸塞州的首府,面积125平方公里,人口65万。它濒临浩瀚的大西洋,是优良的海港城市。它周围还有十多个市镇,如哈佛大学、麻省理工学院的所在地剑桥市等,这些城镇的结合体被称为大波士顿区。 波士顿已有360多年的历史,被称为美国“最古老的城市”。 英国首都伦敦位于英格兰东南部的平原上,跨泰晤士河,距离泰晤士河入海口88公里。伦敦是全国的政治中心,是英国王室、政府、议会以及各政党总部的所在地。伦敦还是许多国际组织总部的所在地,其中包括国际海事组织、国际合作社联盟、国际笔会、国际妇女同盟、社会党国际、大赦国际等。迪拜是阿联酋第二大城市,海湾乃至整个中东地区的重要港口和最重要的贸易中心之一,迪拜酋长国首府。位于阿拉伯国家间世界各地进行贸易的交叉点,与海湾石油富国 相邻,与南亚次大陆隔阿拉伯海相望,离欧洲距离不远,与东非和南部非洲的交通便利。10公里长、名为胡尔的海湾穿过市中心,将市区一分为二,交通方便,经 济繁荣,进出口贸易十分发达,有"中东的香港"之称。上海,中国最繁华的城市之一,是我国的优秀旅游城市,素有“东方巴黎”的美誉。她位于长江三角洲前缘,东临浩瀚的东海,西接富庶的江浙,北界壮阔的长江入海口,地理位置十分优越。上海属于亚热带海洋性季风气候,温和湿润,四季分明,雨水充足,年平均气温16℃。





  优势专业: 商科, 密集型MBA课程



  1.培养国际化的商业领袖。 一年就获得有价值的学位,而一般学校都要求两年。






Dear ,

Greetings from Hult International Business School!

I am delighted to inform you that all students entering our MBA program in September 2009 will now have the option of pursuing Hult’s Master of Finance (MFIN) degree immediately following at no extra cost.

This program can be completed in six months and will be offered at all campuses. It will thus be possible for you to obtain both an MBA and MFIN degree in 18 months.

We are offering our graduates the opportunity to earn two Master’s degrees because we believe that this will substantially help them in their job search. The MBA/MFIN is our way of investing in our students and providing them with the support they need to stand out amongst other MBA graduates in a highly competitive job market.

ENDORSED APPLICATION/PARTIAL APPLICATION/COMPLETE APPLICATION: If you feel that this program will help you achieve your career ambitions and you want to take advantage of this opportunity, you will need to fully complete your application and confirm your participation in the September 2009 MBA class by April 30th, 2009.

CONFIRMED: As a student already confirmed to attend Hult in September 2009, you do not need to do anything further. If you feel that this program will help you achieve your career ambitions and you want to take advantage of this opportunity, you can.

Please see the following answers to frequently asked questions regarding the MFIN program. Please note that certain academic conditions apply.  Do not hesitate to contact your recruiter if you have further questions.

I look forward to personally welcoming you in September 2009.

Yours sincerely,




1.     Do I have to take the MFIN after completing the MBA?  

No, it is entirely optional.

2.     Why would I pursue a Master of Finance after completing my MBA? To obtain a second degree and develop a specialty that will differentiate you in the job market and enhance your employment.

3.     Where and when will this program be offered?

This is a continuation of the MBA program. The Master of Finance will start in September 2010 and will be available in Boston, London and Dubai.

4.     Is this Master of Finance program fully accredited?

Yes, it is fully accredited by NEASC, just like your MBA degree.

5.     Can I leave the Master of Finance before I have completed it to start employment?

Yes. You will be given credit recognition that will be awarded a Certificate for those Finance courses completed.

6.     Are there really no extra costs to attend this program?

There is no extra tuition. You will only have to cover your living costs and the cost of course material (text books etc).

7.     If I miss the April 30th deadline, how much would the MFIN program cost?

The standard tuition fee is USD 25,000, excluding living costs.

8.     Can I do the MFIN at any campus or do I need to stay on my MBA campus?

You can pick any of our campuses. If you wish to, you could do your MBA at one campus and your MFIN at another one.

9.     What are the requirements to join the MFIN program?

You must successfully complete your MBA with a GPA of 3.3 or better.

10.  How can I complete the MFIN program in just 6 months?

Your MBA program covers the core finance courses. Nine credits or these courses may be counted toward your MFIN degree, enabling you to focus on more advanced Finance topics.





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