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CEIBE到底如何? 有人说不错,GMAT虽不能和牛校比,但和二流的也不相上下;有的XDJM说,CEIBS是骗骗中国人的,我也有过同事是CEIBS1999毕业的,但的确不... 不知真相如何? 如果如CEIBE的网站所述,我也挺有兴趣的.

我的地址为 john_shen823@yahoo.com , 希望大家能给点建议. 可能提早做做同学.
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Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens.

class vist

last month, I took class visit. In general, the impression is quite good except the students' quality. I will apply this month.
I would be glad to discuss with anyone who is also interested in CEIBS. We may work together to prepare interview.
Good luck for everybody.
Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens.


Are you ready?

Have you got all the materials ready? Do you know anyone who has joint the interview in CEIBS? Now, I am waiting for my GPA and recommendation letter. I ask my former boss in Canada to be my referee. I should be able to submit the application on line by the end of this month.

What about you?[em06][em10]
Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens.



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