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IESE interview F2F

1.tell me about your childhood & who influences you a lot?
2.why did you choose your major in university?
3.what kind of activity or club you join after work?
4.biggest challenge
5.leadership experience
6.use 4 words to describe yourself
7.teamwork experience
8.use 1 min to introduce yourself to the adcom
9.talk about your cross cultural experience
10.your biggest weakness that you can never win others
11.why MBA / why now / why IESE
12.how do you finance yourself
13.long term & short term goal
14. Name 3 companies you want to work after MBA
15. What if you are not admitted?
16.how do you define success?
17. What do you believe in your life?
18. Any questions?

I'm in Korea to do F2F and just finish it. Hope someone will fly to Singapore
as well and we can have a meet. My adcom is Dr. Dongmei Song.
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