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我也被FS录了 我自己做的research显示这个学校在法兰克福当地还是不错的 无论是在校学生还是德国人的反馈

FS学生1:Considering your question my answer is it is apretty nice school which worth to have a try. It has quite close relationshipwith ECB and plenty of international financial institutions, which give youquite a close look at how real world is.

FS学生2: 学校在德国的声誉很不错,校友网络也好,德国人对这个学校比较认可。


德国人1:What about Frankfurt School of Finance and Management? : Yeah this University is good. And Frankfurt is the financial Heart of Europe (beside to London) . The University of Mannheim is also very good in this Subject . But from a personal Point of View the LMU Munich is the best uni in Germany.

But keep this in mind, it just started itsinternational program and still not that famous internationally (though it gotquite a high rank in Times and seems that the rank is going up and up all thetime), so when you are comingback (if) you won't get a strong alumni to support your career, though theschool will help, for most of time you are with yourself.


atlantiswind 发表于 2013-6-2 07:28

我了解的是会德语的话就好找 不会的话有点够呛 但是具体找到什么样的工作就不清楚了



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