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4 Tips for Adding Safety Schools to Your College Short List

A great deal is written and said about how students should decide on the list of colleges to which they will apply. Students often agonize over which program is best for them, but they neglect one very important consideration when compiling this list: their safety schools.

Overlooking this detail can lead to significant disappointment if a student ends up needing to attend one of his or her safety schools. If they fail to put in the necessary effort to research potential programs, students can easily find themselves attending a college or university that does not really suit them.

Here are several tips to help you determine your safety schools this application season.

1. Ensure you would genuinely be happy attending that institution: This may seem like an obvious point, but it is one that can be easily ignored. Guard against the possibility that you will be disappointed in your final college choice by searching for safety schools that you actually would like to attend.

The factors you use to determine your dream program are just as important when selecting your safeties. If you have your heart set on attending a small liberal arts college in a rural setting, do not apply to a large urban state school just because you know you will be accepted. Try to identify an institution that fits your criteria but is slightly less competitive than your dream school.
     2. Research and reach out: Beyond investigating the basic facts about a potential safety school, research its smaller details, just as you would for your reach schools.

Visit the college and request a tour. Reach out to the school to inform them that you are interested. Schedule a meeting with a local alumnus, and fill out the application with as much care and attention to detail as ​you would give the others on your list.

Not only does this send a positive message to the college, but by embracing the application process at your safety schools, you will make them that much more familiar to you should you eventually choose to enroll at one of them.

3. Look for strengths in the areas that interest you: Of course you should try to attend an institution that has a strong department in the field you are interested in studying, and finding such strength in a safety school can be especially valuable.

Many colleges in your reach category may be accomplished in every subject, but schools with higher acceptance rates may be just as strong in your particular field of interest. These matches can make excellent safety schools.

4. Check the statistics: Ensure your safety schools are truly safeties. Check the average GPAs and standardized test scores ​of accepted students and verify that yours are higher. Verify that the college admits students with backgrounds like yours. The most ineffective safety school is one that might not accept you.

Ultimately, finding a safety school that you will be happy to attend is not rocket science. There will be programs that fit most, if not all, of your criteria outside of your dream schools and reaches. The trick is putting in the time to find them.

If attending a safety school is your worst-case scenario, then make that scenario as pleasant as possible. If you apply the necessary effort to your search, you will like your safety school just fine.

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