第二段是作者企图对这种现象进行解释,开始说受教育的妇女经济型独立性高什么什么的,生孩子就得自己要牺牲事业和收入(sacrifice of……),但是这样的不生育的受教育妇女到了晚年经济独立性就差了,因为没有孩子赡养(这个地方有一道题,问下列哪一个正确,其中有选项跟这个相反),最后解释了一下为什么在一个高教育率的地区,一个uneducated woman也不愿意生育的原因。 Add: The reasons include two points:(1) social learning ( means people trasnfer opinions, and learn other‘s opinions) (2) social influence ( Question asked here)(means people are affected by others and want to be accepted by others)
AI. whether a powerful business leader has more opportunity to infuence on the course of a commmunity or a nation than a government official.
AA.transit company should either reduce the shuttle bus fares or increase the price of parking on the subway station.
AI: individual or government to perserve the natural environment.
AA: Ice cream shop in cold winter
AI:Employers should have no right to obtain information about their employees'health or other aspects of their personal lives without the employees permission.
AA: about \\"World theme park\\" at capital city.
ai,过分强调团队不好,strong individual重要
issue:whether employer can get info about employee’s health condition or other info without employee’s confirmation.
Argument: apogee
issue: no.57"everywhere, it seems, there are clear and positive signs thatpeople are becoming more respectful of one another's difference"
argument: a store should add more services and departments in the subsequent years.
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