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标题: 一些选项绕人的题,求助! [打印本页]

作者: lala    时间: 2002-8-23 21:48     标题: 一些选项绕人的题,求助!

1.Nan: Government subsidies have been proposed in Cariana to encourage farmers in Rochelle, the country's principal agricultural region, to implement certain new farming techniques Unless these techniques are implemented erosion of productive topsoil cannot be controlled Unfortunately farmers cannot afford to shoulder the entire cost of the new techniques, which are more expensive than those currently used Therefore, without subsidies agricultural output in Rochelle will inevitably decline. Betty: But erosion in Rochelle is caused by recurring floods, which will end next year once Cariana completes the hydroelectric dam it is building across the region's major river Therefore, Rochelle's total agricultural output will stabilize at its present level even without subsidies.
11. Which one of the following is an assumption on which Betty's argument depends?
(C) The current yearly output, if any from Rochelle's land that will be permanently under water once the dam is completed will at least be matched by additional yearly output from Rochelle's remaining land
(D) The cost to the government of Cariana to operate the hydroelectric dam will not be greater than the projected cost of subsidizing the farmers of Rochelle in the implementation of the new farming techniques

2.Astronomers have long thought that the irregularity in the orbit of the planet Neptune was adequately explained by the gravitational pull exerted on Neptune by the planet Pluto The most recent observations of Pluto, however indicate that this planet is much too small to exert the amount of gravitational pull on Neptune that astronomers once thought it did.
If the statements above are true, they provide the most support for which one of the following?
(A) Neptune is somewhat larger than scientists once believed it to be
(B) The orbit of Neptune is considerably more irregular than scientists once thought it was
(C) There exists another as yet undiscovered planet with an orbit beyond that of Pluto
(D) The gravitational pull of Pluto is not the sole cause of Neptune's irregular orbit
(E) Further observations of Pluto will eventually show it to be even smaller than it is now thought to be

3. Letter to the editor: After Baerton's factory closed, there was a sharp increase in the number of claims field for job-related injury compensation by the factory's former employees, Hence there is reason to believe that most of those who filed for compensation after the factory closed were just out to gain benefits they did not deserve, and filed only to help them weather their job loss.
Each of the following, if true, weakens the argument above EXCEPT:
(A) Workers cannot file for compensation for many job-related injuries, such as hearings loss from factory noise, until they have left the job.
(B) In the years before the factory closed, the factory's managers dismissed several employees who had filed injury claims.
(C) Most workers who receive an injury on the job file for compensation on the day they suffer the injury.
(D) Workers who incur partial disabilities due to injuries on the job often do not file for compensation because they would have to stop working to receive compensation but cannot afford to live on that compensation alone.
(E) Workers who are aware that they will soon be laid off from a job often become depressed, making them more prone to job-related injuries.

4.Special kinds of cotton that grow fibers of green or brown have been around since the 1930s but only recently became commercially feasible when a long-fibered variety that can be spun by machine was finally bred Since the cotton need not be dyed processing plants avoid the expense of dyeing and the ecological hazards of getting rid of leftover dye and by-products.
Which one of the following can be properly inferred from the passage?
(A) It is ecologically safer to process long-fibered cotton than short-fibered cotton
(B) Green and brown cottons that can be spun only by hand are not commercially viable
(C) Hand-spun cotton is more ecologically sate than machine-spun cotton
(D) Short-fibered regular cottons are economically competitive with synthetic fabrics
(E) Garments made of green and brown cottons are less expensive than garments made of regular cotton

5.The widespread staff reductions in a certain region's economy are said to be causing people who still have their jobs to cut back on new purchases as though they, too, had become economically distressed. Clearly, however, actual spending by such people is undiminished, because there has been no unusual increase in the amount of money held by those people in savings accounts.

The argument in the passage proceeds by doing which one of the following?
(A) concluding that since an expected consequence of a supposed development did not take place
(B) concluding that since only one of the two predictable consequences of a certain kind of behavior is observed to occur this observed occurrence cannot, in the current situation, be a consequence of such behavior
(C) arguing that since people's economic behavior is guided by economic self- interest only misinformation or error will cause people to engage in economic behavior that harms them economically
(D) arguing that since two alternative developments exhaust all the plausible possibilities one of those developments occurred and the other did not
(E) concluding that since the evidence concerning a supposed change is ambiguous, it is most likely that no change is actually taking place.

6. In Australia the population that is of driving age has grown large over the last five years, but the annual number of traffic fatalities has declined. This leads to the conclusion that, overall, the driving-age population of Australia consists of more skillful drivers now than five years ago.
Each of the statements below, if true, weakens the argument EXCEPT:
(A) Three years ago, a mandatory seat-belt law went into effect throughout Australia.
(B) Five years ago. Australia began a major road repair project
(C) Because of increases in the price of fuel Australians on average drive less each year than in the preceding year.
(D) The number of hospital emergency facilities in Australia has doubled in the last five years
(E) In response to an increase in traffic fatalities. Australia instituted a program of mandatory driver education five years ago.

The government has no right to tax earnings from labor. Taxation of this kind requires the laborer to devote a certain percentage of hours worked to earning money for the government. Thus, such taxation forces the laborer to work, in part, for another's purpose. Since involuntary servitude can be defined as forced work for another's purpose, just as-involuntary servitude is pernicious, so is taxing earnings from labor.
The argument uses which one of the following argumentative techniques?
(A) deriving a general principle about the rights of individuals from a judgment concerning the obligations of governments
(B) inferring what will be time case merely from a des cription of what once was the case
(C) inferring that since two institutions are similar in one respect they are similar in another respect
(D) citing the authority of an economic theory in order to justify a moral principle
(E) presupposing the inevitability of a hierarchical class system in order to oppose a given economic practice
作者: primefang    时间: 2002-8-25 00:06

1        Nan 的观点: subsidiary not implementation- > erosion not controlled -> output decline
Betty: erosion 的根本原因是floods而不是 subsidiary implementation

求假设:我觉的D是明显的无关选项,因为它第一,没有针对Betty,第二:讲的是cost。 对于C恰恰说明了output是不随subsidy 的变化而变化的,少了一块照样可以再补一块

2        典型的归纳题型,原文没有说到的就是错的。对于C,先不说它是如何推出there exist 的,即使exist 我如何能推出它对irregular orbit 的影响呢?(傻子原则)

3        排除法选C,对于E,如果是由于考虑到公司要倒闭,所以产生了injury, 我们则么能说他们的claim 有不良企图呢?

4        其实我没有仔细推敲原文的逻辑关系,因为只有B是有关选项
先看A,原文只是说道了经济效益,根本没有说道生态效益,所以错,同理C错。对于D,出现了原文没有的比较(记住,归纳题的答案一定是原文出现过的关键词) 对于E,更是胡扯了,我哪里知道衣服的价钱呢?其实此题用傻子原则解最方便

5        我觉得D 错在exhaust  ,
6        E 是支持,说明了由于 education 导致 skilful, A 说明了他因,fatalities 少了是因为drivers 要强制带seat-belt, 而不是more skilful
作者: lala    时间: 2002-8-25 16:58

I’ve understanded Q1—4, thank you very much. But I cann’t quite understand Q5 and Q6.

Could you give me more explain of Q5?

And in Q6, how do you know that mandatory driver education means drivers to be more skillful? After all, the two phrases are different. For example, if the mandatory driver education did improve the drivers’ safe consciousness rather than make them more skillful, E supply another reason. In this way, E can also weaken the argument. How do you think?
作者: primefang    时间: 2002-8-25 19:59

5, 影响居民消费的因素只有savings account 和花费吗?

6  Dala: if you think E is not correct and cannot provide a correlation , which answer do you think is correct,

welcome your comment

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