第二段是作者企图对这种现象进行解释,开始说受教育的妇女经济型独立性高什么什么的,生孩子就得自己要牺牲事业和收入(sacrifice of……),但是这样的不生育的受教育妇女到了晚年经济独立性就差了,因为没有孩子赡养(这个地方有一道题,问下列哪一个正确,其中有选项跟这个相反),最后解释了一下为什么在一个高教育率的地区,一个uneducated woman也不愿意生育的原因。 Add: The reasons include two points:(1) social learning ( means people trasnfer opinions, and learn other‘s opinions) (2) social influence ( Question asked here)(means people are affected by others and want to be accepted by others)
4。It's about 45 lines. Talking about problems encounted in studying genes. Main problem is different fields have different scope of defining the same concept. One field defines one term ("adaptive gene?", don't remember the term exactly) broadly, the other field's definition is more narrow -- they only consider a gene mutuation adaptive if it keeps the animal healthy. Then give an example to note the difference. Some fruitfly's gene mutated so that they shake while flying. The first field considers this an adaptive gene, but the other doesnot consider it is even worth studying.
最后谈谈自己的复习体会。年初回国买了一套新东方的书,两个月前开始复习,感觉比GRE简单很多。(当然可能和我在这里呆了很久有关系) 个人感觉GMAT对阅读的要求很高。我因为平时喜欢炒股,business week/wall street journal这类杂志看的多,平时杂书看得也多,于是那些商业/科学短文都不在话下,很多RC/SC的题目也因为知道它在说什么,稍微占点便宜。个人感觉语感真的非常重要,我做改错很多题目是凭语感找到答案,最后看解释反而觉得莫明其妙。所以建议如果时间比较宽裕的话,增加阅读能力是关键。在网上看了很多大牛的经验介绍,感觉每个人情况都不一样,千万不要硬抄别人经验。比如我最后一个礼拜看到说阅读应该先快速读一遍,再回去细看,我试了试,比自己的老办法效果差很多。不少细节题还有一点imply的成份,经常在划线部份以外,所以最好还是读通文章。(个人感觉,大家要照自己情况办)。最后就是JJ好像没有什么用,之前也说过了。
5/16 JJ
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