words that can be used to SHOW LOCATION:
above, across, against, along, among, around, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, by, down, in back of, in front of, inside, into, near, off, on top of, outside, over, throughout, to the right, under
words that can be used to SHOW TIME:
about, after, at, before, during, first, second, third, until, meanwhile, today, tomorrow, yesterday, next, soon, later, finally, then, as soon as, when
words that can be used to COMPARE THINGS(SHOW SIMILARITIES):
in the same way, similarly, likewise, like, as, also, while
words that can be used to CONTRAST THINGS(SHOW DIFFERENCES):
on the other hand, even though, otherwise, however, but, still, although, yet
words that can be used to EMPHASIZE A POINT:
again, for this reason, in face, so
words that can be used to ADD INFORMATION:
again, also, another, for instance, besides, for example, and, next, finally, as well, along with, in addition
words that can be used to CONCLUDE or SUMMARIZE:
as a result, therefore, finally, lastly, in conclusion, in summary