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标题: LSAT CR SET 15 SECTION 2 QUESTION 1, 7, 10, 17,21 [打印本页]

作者: wlsahala    时间: 2003-4-1 01:08     标题: LSAT CR SET 15 SECTION 2 QUESTION 1, 7, 10, 17,21

1. Rainfall in the drought plagued metropolitan area was heavier than usual for the month of June. Nevertheless, by the first o July the city's water shortage was more severe than ever, and officials proposed drastic restrictions on the use of water

Which one of the following, if true, helps to explain why the city's water shortage was not alleviated by the first of July?

(A) Moderate restrictions on the industrial use of water had gone into effect in the metropolitan area several months earlier.

(B) Because of the heavier rainfall, people watered their lawns much less in June that they usually do in the metropolitan area during that month.

(C) During the drought most residents of the metropolitan area had been informed about water conservation methods that would help them to reduce their water consumption significantly with a minimal reduction in their standard of living.

(D) The per capita rate of the use of water in the metropolitan area was slightly lower in June that in each of the three previous months and significantly lower that in June of the previous year.

C 怎样解释了矛盾呢?

7. all zebras have stripes, and the most widespread subspecies has the best-defined stripes. The stripes must therefore be of importance to the species. Since among these grassland grazers the stripes can hardly function as camouflage, they must serve as some sort of signal for other zebras.

Which one of the following, if true, most strongly supports the conclusion regarding a signaling function?

(A) The subspecies of zebras with the best-defined strips is also characterized by exceptional size and vigor.

(B) In certain tall grasses zebras can be harder to spot than grazing animals with a coat of uniform color.

(C) A visual signal transmitted among the members of a species can consist of a temporary change of color perceptible to other members of the species.

(D) Zebras react much faster to moving shapes that have stripes than they do to moving shapes that are otherwise identical but lack stripes

(E) Zebras have a richer repertoire of vocal signals than do similar species such as horses.

怎样区分c 和 d, 文章的逻辑过程是什么? 请高手指教。

10. The government of Penglai, an isolated island, proposed eliminating outdoor adverting except for small signs of standard shape that identify places of business. Some island merchants protested that the law would reduce the overall volume of business in Penglai, pointing to a report done by the government indicating that in every industry the Penglai businesses that used outdoor advertising had a larger market share than those that did not.

Which one of the following describes an error of reasoning in the merchants' argument?

(A) presupposing that there are no good reasons for restricting the use of outdoor advertising in Penglai.

(B) Assuming without giving justification that the outdoor advertising increased market share by some means other than by diverting trader form competing businesses.

(C) Ignoring the question of whether the government's survey of the island could be objective.

(D) Failing to establish whether the market-share advantage enjoyed by businesses employing outdoor advertising was precisely.

(E) Disregarding the possibility that the government's proposed restrictions are unconstitutional.


Consumer activist: By allowing major airlines to abandon, as they promptly did, all but their most profitable routes, the government's decision to cease regulation of the airline industry has worked to the disadvantage of everyone who lacks access to large metropolitan airport.

Industry representative: On the contrary, where major airlines moved out, regional airlines have moved in and ,as a consequence, there are more flights into and out of most small airports now that before the change in regulatory policy.

17. The industry representative's argument will not provide an effective answer to the consumer activist's claim unless which one of the following is true?

(A) No small airport has fewer flights now than it did before the change in policy regarding regulation of the airline industry.

(B) When permitted to do so by changes in regulatory policy, each major airline abandoned all but large metropolitan airports.

(C) Policies that result in an increase in the number of flights to which consumers have easy access do not generally work to the disadvantage of consumers.

(D) Regional airlines charge les to fly a given route now that the major airlines charged when they flew the same route.

(E) Any policy that leads to an increase in the number of competitors in a given field works to the long-term advantage of consumers.


21. In response to high mortality in area hospitals, surgery was restricted to emergency procedures during a five-week period. Mortality in these hospitals was found to have fallen by nearly one-third during the period. The number of deaths rose again when elective surgery (surgery that can be postponed) was resumed. It can be concluded that ,before the five --week period, the risks of elective surgery had been incurred unnecessarily often in the area.

Which one of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the conclusion above?

(A) The conclusions for which elective surgery was performed would in the long run have been life-threatening, and surgery for them would have become riskier with time.

(B) The physicians planning elective surgery performed before the five-week period had fully informed the patients who would undergo it of the possible risks of the procedures.

(C) Before the suspension of elective surgery, surgical operations were performed in area hospitals at a higher rate, per thousand residents of the area, than was usual elsewhere.

(D) Elective surgery is, in general, less risky than is emergency surgery because the conditions requiring or indicating surgery are often less severe.

(E) Even if a surgical procedure is successful, the patient can die of a hospital-contracted infection with a bacterium that is resistant to antibiotic treatment.

选项A 是什么意思呢?
作者: atongmu    时间: 2003-4-1 10:06

tips:解决矛盾题逻辑上比较简单,主要在于阅读。但相当一部分题目甚至不用读提干,因为提干的内容都体现在了问题中。如本题问题Which one of the following, if true, helps to explain why the city's water shortage was not alleviated by the first of July? 已经说得很清楚。只有在问题不清楚时,才需要仔细读提干。
作者: atongmu    时间: 2003-4-1 11:09

temporary change of color与文中无关,所以C不对。D说的是斑马对运动的条纹反应比moving shapes that are otherwise identical but lack stripes表明stripe对斑马是很好的signal,是对文中结论很好的支持。
作者: atongmu    时间: 2003-4-1 11:28



[此贴子已经被作者于2003-4-1 11:31:57编辑过]

作者: atongmu    时间: 2003-4-1 14:32

17.The industry representative's argument will not provide an effective answer to the consumer activist's claim unless which one of the following is true? 这道题问的是unless,即选项是题干2的必要条件。所以题型是assumption。
作者: wlsahala    时间: 2003-4-1 22:31

10 我还是不明白,我理解B) 的意思是,没理由的假设户外广告通过除了diverting ...这个方式以外的其他一些方式,提高市场份额。

stimulus 中,推理的过程是,政府要取消户外广告,merchants 反对,认为会降低the overall volume of business, 指出政府的报告都说了,使用户外广告的比没用户外广告的占有的market share 大。什么地方含有diverting trader from competing businesses 这个意思呢?

diverting trader from competing businesses 又该如何理解呢?
作者: atongmu    时间: 2003-4-2 10:04

businesses that used outdoor advertising had a larger market share than those that did not.就是diverting trader from competing businesses.

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