as frequently and the same as…应该是正确的。
2。基本上觉得改错较简单,阅读量不是很大,长划线题很多,建议多看OG书上题,特别是书后的解释,改错题很多是书上的题的变种,但直接的语法错误不多,很多从逻辑方面来考虑,考到了平行结构,主谓一致,还有是用doing表示伴随状态还是用n that do。。。,选了doing后发现逻辑上有问题,后改成n that do, 还考到了句子结构重心的改变,有两个选项是原来的结构n v n, which , 有三个选项改成了n ,doing n, v (which 后的句子),中心改变了,几个句子都没有明显的语法错误,觉得前两个选项意思上理解起来还怪,选了一个后三个中看起来最顺眼的一个。
1。 选as as 不要考虑干扰悬想
2。contast to 只有一个选项是前后平衡的,注意
3。 b)17** to 18**, an era when.......
e) 17**to 18** , which.........
我选了b ,其他必错,我的第一题
4。 注意多选有ing 伴随结果的选项
Work and machine.
Tow (or three ) group A, B, and C.
A said that the more technology innovation the higher unemployed rate but more production. The more production, the fewer prices of the products, and thus people can consume in other products, which produced by other industry. and because the additional purchase induces the more need on workers and more need on the technology innovation. Also keeping a certain unemployed rate stabilizes the wage cost.
B said that It is a vicious cycle: more unemployment ->no consumption-> no production->more lay-off -> more unemployment again
C said that A overlooks the unemployment rate. If the unemployed reserve rate is higher and higher, eventually will harm (something I forget)
3.1Q What id the same opinion between group A and B?
answer: they all agree that the technology might induce the unemployed rate.
[新JJ] 一片长的老几经:妇女教育机会在革命战争前后的变化。但是有一题很绕:
at what point k’s view is different from w’s of the article:
c. the extent to which women’s having education opportunity is supported before revolution war.
e. are there any change in 18 century in the opportunity of women’s education. (选项长)
i chose c.
the other:
w is special in which aspect from the author’s view?
a. innovative for research by advertising on newspaper.
e. examine girls education.
i chose e.
[版本一]women education opportunity around the American Revolution time. (50 lines) (old JJ)
第一段, A认为是在American revolution 之后,共和党政府提倡妇女受教育,是因为妇女对孩子的教育影响巨大,而children is the key factors to decide the future of Republic government.
(第一题:why the leader of the Republic government what the women to get educated?)
第二段,prior to American revolution, B的研究是个Noble exception。 B’s research focus on the education opportunity for women and girls. B use the statistics on the newspaper, etc. to do the research.
(第二题:what’s the exception of B’s research?)
第三段, A的研究obscure了B的研究, 关于women education opportunity around the American Revolution time 的争论无定局: 到底是象A所说:是在American revolution 之后,共和党政府给了妇女受教育的机会。还是象B所说:prior to American revolution, the opportunity for women is already exist but get strengthened after American Revolution.
(第三题:what’s the research difference between A and B?)
[新JJ] Black union对一个叫CIF的工会组织提供backbone,这个组织有白人。后来黑人意识到为了自己好,还是要和白人打交道*******
最后总结: Black union的努力有了回报,他为所有工人谋福利黑人包括白人,所以获得了respect even from White union.(有题)
[版本一]Post-war Black union 的作用。(50 lines)
Black union一开始受到 White union 的排挤。然后Black union通过为Black union和White union的共同利益奋斗,获得了White union的认同。
[版本二]60行。黑人受到工会歧视,仍争取加入工会,为自己的权益做斗争,并赢得了racist union 的respect.
[版本七] 关于africa america与union的关系。union对africa america 歧视,如××,但其中有一个union还对africa america不错,虽然与africa america 有很多negotiated contract,但是也难免有一些segregation(有题:问negotiated contraction in order to :选contradict上文提到的union 对africa的态度)。后来在africa的努力下,即使是racialist union 也开始接受a了,原因是他们发现a对白人和黑人同样有帮助(有提:为什么racialist union接受a 选因为他们觉得对自己有好处)还有一道主题题。
[版本八] 黑人和union的关系
1900-1930年,(好像是这个年分),a工会不喜欢黑人,而b工会(好像叫cio)宣称它对所有工会成员都平等,所以黑人成了它的backbone。however, through白人工会成员的negotiation,实际上黑人在这个工会里还是受歧视。(however这句话特长,有题)但黑人无所谓,仍然参加很多活动.终于出现很多黑人的能干的organizer,为工人争取到很多利益and gain respect from while people(有题)
题目:主题是什么?我选a:黑人参加labor union的活动is ultimately beneficial to workers
问工会里白人对黑人的态度是什么?一个答案是一直是歧视的态度,还有一个是先歧视后改变。我想了半天,选了后者,因为文中有个gain respect
[新JJ] 黑洞问题
机警完全正确, 有一题问两理论的共同点,我选都是星系中央有 mass concentration.比较sure
[版本一] 先定义黑洞(黑洞是一个密度很大以至将周围的任何物质都吸进去),一些天文学家说黑洞存在的依据是:galaxy 中心周围的某一M星云因为中心有黑洞的强大吸力而旋转;另一些天文学家提出别的解释—galaxy 中心周围的某M星云旋转不是因为黑洞的强大吸力,而是因为中心的stars of large mass 的吸力作用。接着举例说另一个F星云的高速旋转不可能是中心的stars of large mass 的吸力作用,只能用黑洞来解释。
[版本二] glaxy中心有兩種可能一是黑洞 二是a cluster of dim stars
[版本三] astronauts认为某些星星是黑洞造成的,而另一个hypothesis认为是a cluster of dim starts 造成的. 然后,就举了某个星系的例子来否定hypothesis。有主题题。
11。decrease in small mammal’s population cause the increase of squirrel’s population. thus decrease the songbirds’ nesting success rate.但后来提出现象kill raccoons and xxx didn’t caused such increase in the rate. 于是解释道because they don’t eat squirrels.
12。先提出cost-cutting无效。然后提出collaborative procedure (就是给工人更多的机会making decision and give them stock options), 然后列出一些反对意见,分别来自top manager, middle level manager, labor union and capital market. 最后列出一些支持者的意见。
The hypothesis of an expanding
Earth has never attracted notable
support, and if it were not for the
historical example of continental
(5) drift, such indifference might be a
legitimate response to an apparently
improbable concept. It should be
remembered, however, that drift too
was once regarded as illusory, but the
(10) idea was kept alive until evidence
from physicists compelled geologists
to reinterpret their date.
Of course, it would be as dangerous
to overreact to history by concluding
(15) that the majority must now be wrong
about expansion as it would be to
reenact the response that greeted the
suggestion that the continents had
drifted. The cases are not precisely
(20) analogous, There were serious problems
with the pre-drift world view that a
drift theory could help to resolve,
whereas Earth expansion appears to
offer no comparable advantages. If,
(25) however, physicists could show that
the Earth's gravitational force has
decreased with time, expansion would
have to be reconsidered and
举例为2个工厂,A只生产blue ballpen,B 生产red,blue,and other color pens,两厂生产的ballpen的总数量一致,均为100,000支.旧式的成本核算系统则是将全部的成本平均分摊到全部的产品上,这样则会引致B厂的blue ballpen 的成本分摊了较贵的其他颜色的ballpen的成本,使得B厂的blue ballpen这一种类的利润降低,引致产生错误的决定!总之全文皆是为了说明旧的方法不好!
22。一个黑人领袖老是遥遥摆摆的态度,一会儿跟着某某跑,一会儿有跟着某某跑,最后作者说这个黑人领袖这种态度的转移其实是从长远的目标出发的。有个词很迷糊”underwent a shrift“
只要抓住 part 2 不好就ok 了,
有全文信息题,选part 1 比part2 精确
24。Woman's work did not count in the 18 century census. Long reading, very confusing.
[版本一] 说British census 的data对19世纪妇女工作状况的偏倚,然后说通过对这些biased的分析,可以找出当时的social values and ideology.
25。The invention of Edison's disc casette and someone's gomosphone( a similar machine). Edison's has better sound, and Edison is famous, so his invention has some initial advantage. However, vector marketing make the latter one more popular by right marketing strategy. They use the famous opera singer for advertisement and thus appeal more to consumers. 35 lines, not hard.
[版本一] Taiwan woman and North Korea woman, even they get high educated, but they are different in getting high paid employment. so leads to another theory" labour demond" is also important to decide the employment status, same with " labour supply"
[版本一] 有些美国的settlement会整体迁移的原因。先说老观点,认为是climate导致。第二段某人说不是的,是人为过多破坏环境造成的,举例说在第一段中引用的干旱之前,人们已经离开。第三段说二段的解释也不完整,举例middlens地区(此处出了题),而且they are diferent with different settlement。
5。one newspaper critise the president’s policy to ban highway program is one means to punish the opposite party, because many highway banned are in the district controlled by opposite party.
[版本二]有一种bacteria X,使奶牛产奶少,另外有一种bacteria Y,产生一种酶能对付第一种bacteria.建议注射bacteria Y 到奶牛体内。问assumption.(我选了bacteria Y 不会降低牛奶质量)
7。有个地方,水被污染了,政府官员就给了大家一个advisory,结果呢,it follows the number of population that 可以区分那个地方被污染了大大增加了。问你怎么weaken呢?
1)The most effective business leaders are those who maintain the higest ethical standards.
2)The most effective leader is who can maintain high ethinic standard
3) AA: #55
1)issue是讨论leisure time时对人们的研究能了解社会多些还是在work时的研究能了解社会多些。
2)我门了解社会 by observing their people when they spent their leisurtime more than by oberbing them at work
4。AI: 25 "the best strategy for managing a business, or any enterprise, is to find the most capable people and give them as much authority as possible"
1)AI:68# Since the physical work environment affects empolyee productivlity and morale,the employees themselves should have the right to decide how their workplace is designed.
2)写作新东方作文书上第68 道。 是说员工有权利对其工作环境的设计提出要求,因为涉及其自身的士气和productivty.
7。AI.112 because of recent advancements in business and technology, the overall quality of life in most societies has never been better than at the present time.
9。due to technology and demand for service change, many workers will lose their jobs. whether government should be responsible for the adjusting of individual worker to pass the change.
1)People are likely to accept as a leader only someone who has demonstrated an ability to perform the same tasks that he or she expects others to perform.
2)people are likely to accept as a leader when someone demonstrate the same tasks .......
11。对于一个企业来说,最好的管理办法是发现有才能的人(capable)并且最大限度的给他们权利(give them authorities as much as possible)
15。AI: 24 A powerful business leader has far more opportunity to influence the course of a community or a nation than does any government official.
16。 AI: #62
17。people are becoming more respectful of one another's difference
2。关于Excelsior和Superior创立COFFE new brand,具体内容记不清了。
3。argument是那到olypic foods 公司的那道。
4。AA:124 Carlo's Clothing应该仿照Disc Depot采用radio advertising campaign那篇
1)说某地的shopping mall 有不好的效果,因此arguer说Elm(?) CITY不要建立shpping MAll 的那道题目。
2)Oak City 修了一个 shopping mall, 但是造成了一系列不好的后果,所以Elm City也应该反对建shopping mall
6。AA: 55# The Excelsoir Campany palns to introduce its own brand of coffee,Since coffee is an expensive food item,and since there are already many established brands of coffee,the best way to gain customers for the Excelsoir brand is to do what Superior,the leading coffee company,did when it introduce the newest brand in its line of coffee:conduct a temporary sales promotion that offers free samples,price reductions,and discount coupons for the new brand."
8。coffee 与 cola 的消费与年龄的关系
10。west cambria should commercialize it ambulance service since the average time to response is long than that of east cambria.
11。Our research indicates that over the past six years no incidents of employee theft have been reported within ten of the companies that have been our clients. In analyzing the security practices of these ten companies, we have further learned that each of them requires its employees to wear photo identification badges while at work. In the future, therefore, we should recommend the use of such identification badges to all our clients.
14。某公司通过开定期COMMUNICATION, 是员工相信他们已经解决了员工和经理的沟通问题。
15。AA: 120 Because travel from our country to foreign countries has increased dramatically in recent years, our next project should be a “world tour “ theme park with replicas of famous foreign buildings, rides that have international themes, and refreshment stands serving only foods from the country represented by the nearest ride. The best location would be near our capital city, which has large percentages of international residents and of children under the age of 16. Given the advantages of this site and the growing interest in foreign countries, the “world tour “theme park should be as successful as our space –travel theme park, where attendance has increased tenfold over the past decade.
16。More people take subway, so if the station reduce the fair of shuttle bus or raise parking fee, more people will take shuttle too.
The following appeared in the opinion column of a financial magazine.
“On average, middle-aged consumers devote 39 percent of their retail expenditure to department store products and services, while for younger consumers the average is only 25 percent. Since the number of middle-aged people will increase dramatically within the next decade, department stores can expect retail sales to increase significantly during that period. Furthermore, to take advantage of the trend, these stores should begin to replace some of those products intended to attract the younger consumer with products intended to attract the middle-aged consumer.”
18。If a company provide a well-equipped gym for its employees, it will reduce the cost of health insurance and achieve a balanced town budget.
去年9月到11月参加的新东方的培训班(此前连GMAT考什么都不知道)一次课没逃,一次作业没落,可没觉得有什么实质性的提高。上新东方的好处在于能少走弯路很快入门,而水平的提高不是一朝一夕的。让我欣慰的是最初做一道逻辑要20分钟,经狒狒指点后5分钟可以搞定。说起新东方的老师,狒狒是我见过的眼睫毛最长的人,白勇是我见过的最恨Japanimal的人,翟少臣是我见过的说话最快的人,孙远是我见过的口语听起来最不像英语的人,这让我相信要想成为牛人必须has something special。上完培训班就开始期中考试了,然后大考小考接连不断(就像伊拉克的战火一样)也无暇在看GMAT了。
期末考试结束的第二天,我就又投入到杀G战役中。从1月18日开始一直到寒假结束,看了一遍OG,一遍补充教材,做完了刘振民的语法改错精解、钱永强的数学难题精解、狒狒宝典,硬着头皮做了几篇杨继的阅读精解(我一直诧异,为什么把我看不懂的东西称为阅读),看了30篇作文。然后做了一回PP3,520(这是我第一次做完一份完整的模考题,了解我的英语水平的人是不会对这个成绩感到意外的)。一开学,突然有些茫然,不知该看什么了,当时离考试还有整整一个月,就开始四处取经。好在有两个经贸院男生和我差不多时间考,经他们指点我开始做LSAT逻辑和GRE阅读+杨继那本,上课时间也不听讲了,看OG和补充材料(真觉的挺对不起老师的),每天看12-13个小时。两周后,我明显感觉到了质的飞跃,觉的逻辑其实很简单,阅读也是可以看懂的,心想可以上600了,于是满怀信心的又模了一把PP3, 580,结果糟一闷棍。我假装是电脑算错了,就又考了一次kaplan,560+100=660才稍得安慰。之后的一周,把作文题目看了一遍,一天两篇作文一套800score用来练习pace(我比较很喜欢这个软件,不像princeton那样一堆乱码和问号,边做边猜,越做越烦)。最后一周天天模考,数学基本上5*,语文3*,还看了四个月的机经,心理就有了底。但是听说换了题库,网上又今天一个泪洒xx,明天一个惨遭滑铁卢的, 还是颇为担心。不过怕也没用,已经无路可退。
进了考场,见到了电脑和熟悉的考试界面,紧张感觉大大缓解,调整了一下心态,就开始在草稿纸上写作文结构(不是模板),不料被一位看起来很慈祥的婆婆骂了(这明明是网上介绍的经验嘛!)那就自己直接写。第一篇Issue112(准备过),第二篇Arguemnt120(我写过),两篇都史无前例的写了400多字。但有两件事颇为蹊跷,影响了我发挥:(1)本来听说考场的键盘是按下去无声的,错!十几个人一起按的按键声再加上屋外工作人员的说笑声真的挺吵的,可戴耳塞又能听到自己的心跳声,忍了!(2)本来听说考场里很热,我就只穿了一件薄毛衣进去,不料,不知是没开暖风还是我紧张的,冻得我直手发抖,写作文时打字速度很受影响。作文部分很快就结束了,休息了一下,开始做数学。数学是我的强项,本人理科出身,对数学酷爱。记得狒狒曾经说过最后考试难度应该和princeton差不多且比kaplan简单,但今天考试的难度让我觉得像是在做kaplan. 只有第一题是白痴题(**+**的35%是多少),从第二题就开始处处陷阱,前十题做的一点都不省心,不过我可以明显感觉到难度在上升,题干长度都在6-10行,心中暗自窃喜。从第11题本应开始提高难度,谁料竟然突然蹦出来一道没有一个英文单词的只有3行的DS不等式,觉得大事不妙,肯定错题了,但仔细一看这题并非等闲之辈,才平静下来(ETS真是狡猾狡猾地!!!)又做完了十几道难题没觉的难度有明显下降(题干很长,要细心细心再细心!),直到最后一道题才觉的简单(9,11,13,17,19都可以表示成两个质数的和,what is the addend of them in common?)由于难度曲线和正常情况不一样,难度没按规律降下来,我以为数学砸了,但也没多想,保持平常心!
做完数学顿时觉得体力脑力不支,就跑出去吃了一块饼干(还不如不吃,差点被噎死),然后匆匆跑回来。Verbal前4题语法,弄的我一头雾水不知ETS在考什么语法点,然后3道逻辑,竟然是评价和填空,还好阅读比较简单易懂,但选项超长不易排除,感觉题目风格迥异,和平时模考感觉不太一样:没有削弱题,有很多least, not 那种*着你每个选项都要看的逻辑,还碰道一道题干长的像逻辑的语法,第一眼一看我还以为BF的黑体字改成下划线了。前面越做越难,绝不亚于kaplan,逻辑题干都在6-10行,语法划线部分越来越长,可做了20几题就体力不支了,大脑缺氧,头皮发麻,我觉得地晃了两下,以为是地震了。这时已是午饭时间,屋外的工作人员聊天声不绝于耳,还放肆大笑,吵得我想动武,后人要对此有心理准备!后20题越做越想吐,但是没有碰到少于3行的语法和白痴题,自以为做的还可以。
就这样4个小时一眨眼就过来了,看到成绩时已经有点反应迟钝了,只觉得有一种上当的感觉,数学觉的做的不好,但竟然5*,语文觉得还可以,但却不好(被ETS骗了!)。让我感动的是妈妈来接我了,我问妈妈刚才是不是地震了,妈妈吓得以为我考出病来了。考完了不觉得轻松也不觉得是种解脱,对于成绩我没有太多感觉(可能是因为我不是要靠它出国)。回家的路上,我一直在回想这两个月的克G历程,我觉得最大的收获是对我意志和毅力的磨练,没想到我竟然坚持下来了,一天也没偷懒,天天都是直到净楼才回宿舍(害的舍友们担心我走火入魔了);也没想我能看完那么多的书,在此之前我从未完整看完过一本书(除了童话),总共10多本复习资料(OG,补充和刘振民还看了3遍),首图所有有关GMAT的书都被我洗劫一空。我的付出虽然不能从成绩上显现出来,但是英语水平上的提高是显而易见的:几个月前我用英文给在美国的一个哥哥写信,300多字写了整整一天,差点没被憋死,而现在半个小时能写400多字。从这个角度来看,真的是一分耕耘一分收获!我觉得就像龟兔赛跑一样,不管现在自己离目标有多遥远,不管前进的速度有多缓慢,只要始终前行,总有一天会到终点!明天对我来说又将是一个新的开始,我又订下了下一个目标——攻克CGA,也许实现这个目标要用几年的时间,但是有目标就会有动力,where there is a will, there is a way!
Last but not least, 要谢谢爸爸妈妈,姥姥姥爷,爷爷奶奶和我所有的朋友,特别要是无偿借给我笔记本电脑两个月的ERIC和姑姑、姑夫。我非常庆幸自己考入对外经济贸易大学,这里的学习氛围可以改变像我这种曾经很不用功的人。最后,还要祝愿我的两个经贸院同学明天杀G成功,为我报酬血恨!hd&jm加油啊!
机经作用不大,所有的文章都要自己重新来读。这部分主要靠的是实力。建议把LAST(逻辑部分), GRE PP2, GRE 真题(包括NO2, NO3)GMAT新东方的补充教材的阅读部分全部限时做完,临考前半月每天保证至少做6篇,在考前一天也要坚持,形成语感,这是解决GMAT VERBAL所有题目(包括语法和逻辑的关键)。模考成绩还是比较准的,如果你PRINSTON, 800SCORE的VERBAL成绩都在大于35这个水平上(不提PP3,是因为重题的出现已经使这个成绩被严重高估了),最后的考试成绩也不会低于这个水平,而且正式考试的时候神经也不会绷得太紧。
awa: 提前一个星期准备背两篇魔办足够。我的摩办昨天半夜还改过一次,还好背下来了。此外学会举适当的例子也非常重要,是在不行就编,常用方法:
1. a recent survey published on new york times show that…
2. there is an old chinese saying that….
3. shi chuanxiang, who used to be ordinary worker in one of china’s steel company, learned to design website after he was fired 5 years ago. and now he opens his own internet company in beijing with annual profit of more than 1 million rmb, about the same value as 100,000 us dollars. therefore he is regarded as china’s modern hero bla bla bla….今天我就瞎编的这个,大家以后可以随便换个名字或者换个行业。我觉得在例子上面凑字数远比在魔办上加口水话好的多。
3.25 上海机警,回报大家!
北美-3。25 感想
game over
AWA & Math
3.27 North America JJ
328-jj “法宝”
28日 上海 JJ和感想~~~~~~~
3.28 上海考试感想
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-3-31 22:57:36编辑过]
作者: maryland 时间: 2003-3-28 23:28
[转帖] RC: A new view of the origin of bird flight emerges
我3/26 参加考试...在rc题里发现了我一前读过文章...
Taking Wing
A new view of the origin of bird flight emerges
By Kate Wong
WINGING IT: Ground birds often seek out trees and other elevated spots for safety. Juveniles not yet capable of flight accomplish this by running up the inclines, flapping their wings to enhance traction. The way these birds employ their developing wings may demonstrate the process by which avian flight evolved.BOZEMAN, MONT.--It's not often that a presentation given to the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology elicits coos and clucks of sympathy. These are, after all, the scientists who study Tyrannosaurus rex and other fearsome beasts of the past. But that's exactly the reaction Kenneth Dial got when, at the group's annual meeting last October, he showed video footage of a fuzzy little partridge chick with its wings taped to its sides trying to climb a tree--only to tumble down into Dial's waiting hands. Unfettered, however, the chick flapped its tiny wings while climbing and steadily made its way up. After teasing the audience for its sentimental display, the University of Montana biologist returned to the matter at hand: explaining how this and other experiments involving ground-dwelling birds led him to hatch a new hypothesis regarding the origin of avian flight. Traditionally, scholars have advanced two theories for how bird flight evolved. One of these, dubbed the arboreal model, holds that it developed in a tree-dwelling ancestor that was built for gliding but started flapping to extend its air time. The other, known as the cursorial theory, posits that flight arose in small, bipedal terrestrial theropod dinosaurs that sped along the ground with arms outstretched and leaped into the air while pursuing prey or evading predators. Feathers on their forelimbs enhanced lift, thereby allowing the creatures to take wing. As the idea that birds descended from dinosaurs gained acceptance by all but a few paleontologists, so too did the cursorial hypothesis. But both the arboreal and the cursorial scenarios have explanatory gaps. As far as tree dwellers go, of the hundreds of nonavian gliding vertebrates around today, not one flaps its appendages. And why would natural selection have favored the development of little protowings in a theropod equipped with heavily muscled legs for running across the ground? Neither theory, Dial asserts, adequately addresses the step-by-step adaptations that led to fully developed flight mechanics. Dial's eureka moment came after learning that partridges and their fellow ground birds routinely abandon terra firma in favor of trees and other elevated spots for safety. Although these animals appear to fly up into trees, he found on closer inspection that in many cases they were actually running up--legs bent and body pitched toward the tree--while flapping their wings. Subsequent research revealed that wing flapping assists in this vertical running by sticking the bird to the side of the tree, much as a spoiler helps to press a race car to a track. Although the adult ground birds are generally perfectly capable of flying up trees, their preference for running may stem from a time early in life when they couldn't yet fly: before a baby ground bird has the ability to launch itself into the air, the only means it has for getting off the ground is vertical running. And as Dial's experiments show, when a juvenile is trying to evade a predator this way, the aid of even a partially formed wing can mean the difference between life and death. Perhaps a bird ancestor's protowing conferred the same benefit, he suggests, and therefore natural selection favored its development. Over time, wings evolved to the point of enabling not only vertical running but, when employed by an animal running across the ground, flight. So far Dial's model has ruffled few feathers. Living animals do not necessarily make good models of extinct ones, however. \\"Is that the way bird ancestors did it? Well, maybe, maybe not,\\" comments Kevin Padian of the University of California at Berkeley. \\"But [Dial] is showing that it's possible.\\" For his part, Dial is leaving it to the paleontologists to figure out whether his theory of the genesis of avian flight jibes with future fossil finds--or whether it's for the birds.
Feathered dinosaurs
Four wings good
Jan 23rd 2003
From The Economist print edition
Chinese scientists have found a four-winged, feathered dinosaur
IT IS not always the biggest dinosaurs, such as Tyrannosaurus rex, that are the most exciting. This week sees the announcement of a 77cm fossil dinosaur find that has, remarkably, four feathered wings. It was discovered by a group headed by Xu Xing of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and is described this week in the journal Nature.
Dr Xu's team found two fossils of a new species that they named Microraptor gui, in the Liaoning province of China, about 300 kilometres north-east of Beijing. Microraptor is a theropod dinosaur, and a close relative to the velociraptor that was made famous by the film “Jurassic Park”. Its feathers have an asymmetrical shape very similar to modern bird feathers. Dr Xu says that Microraptor's feathers would have allowed it to glide through the air.
Because the dinosaur's feathers go all the way down to the bottom of Microraptor's legs, the researchers believe that it did not live on land. Running would have been difficult for an animal that was dragging its leg feathers on the ground. And dirt-covered feathers would also have made flying impossible.
As no one has yet worked out a way in which hind wings could be used for flapping in flight (and it is certainly hard to imagine how a bird with four wings would actually fly) researchers think that Microraptor must have been a tree-dweller that could glide.
Dr Xu supposes that it, or a similar four-winged dinosaur, might be an intermediate stage between earlier theropods that could not fly at all and Archeopteryx, a theropod that is thought to have been able to fly and is also the earliest identified bird species. Archeopteryx, like modern birds, had only two wings; Dr Xu guesses that the rear wings atrophied as bird ancestors moved from gliding to fully-fledged flight.
This gives ammunition to adherents of the arboreal school of thought, who hold that powered flight developed from gliding. The competing school holds that flight evolved on the ground, as some sort of powered running. Last week, researchers reported that partridges could run up steep hills more easily if they flapped their wings. This provides an evolutionary advantage as an intermediate step to flight, supporting the running school of thought.
While Dr Xu's results seem to be a stroke in favour of the arboreal school, a note of caution is in order. The last time such a fossil find was announced, in the October 1999 issue of National Geographic, it turned out to be a falsified specimen—the head and body of a primitive bird had been glued to the legs and tail of a theropod. But since Dr Xu and his collaborators were those who uncovered the hoax, there is good reason to believe that some dinosaurs had feathers.
Chicken run
Jan 16th 2003
From The Economist print edition
Birds that don't fly may be using their wings to run uphill
HOW did the chicken cross the road? According to scientists, at least, it flapped to the other side. Kenneth Dial has been studying bird flight for almost 20 years, and has been intrigued by birds such as grouse and pheasants, which spend much of their time on the ground—despite having wings. On the face of things, that seems odd. Flying birds are hatched naked, coddled in the nest, but do not start proper aviation lessons until they have been plumped up to the size of their parents. Ground birds, though, are hatched with feathers, and must survive from the day they crack out of the shell.
Dr Dial wanted to find out if ground birds might be using their wings. In his flight lab at the University of Montana in Missoula, he and two assistants recorded the activity of chukar partridges using high-speed video. The results of his work are reported in this week's issue of Science.
The film, which captures movement at up to 1,000 frames per second, revealed something unobservable to the naked eye: the birds seemed to use their wings to help them run up steep slopes. He dubbed this “wing-assisted incline running”, or WAIR, and set out to quantify its usefulness. It seems that new hatchlings could run up slopes steeper than 45° if they beat their wings vigorously, and four-day-olds could scale 60° inclines. By the time the birds had reached 20 days, some could make sheer vertical ascents of more than five metres, and could even get round overhanging slopes of up to 105°.
It seemed that wings were a great help. But Dr Dial wanted to be sure, so he compared the accomplishments of normal partridges with birds that had their wing feathers clipped to half their normal surface area, and to even less fortunate fowl whose main flight feathers were entirely plucked. In the youngest, clipping and plucking feathers did not make much difference. But when the birds were four or five days old, the less feathered started to show their deficiencies. Plucked birds could never ascend more than a 60° incline. Clipped birds, meanwhile, could not get up 90° slopes.
Dr Dial reckons that the wings act rather like spoilers on a racing car, improving traction. Wing strokes press the animal towards the ramp and help the bird stick to the surface rather than slipping over it. To confirm this, Dr Dial measured the direction in which the birds were forced by their wings, by mounting accelerometers on each animal's torso. He found that the birds are, for a substantial part of the wingbeat cycle, forced into the incline. Rather than flapping from back to belly, their wings are moving more like limbs—reaching forward and scooping backward.
Up to this point, Dr Dial has not weighed in on the debate about the evolution of flight. Now he feels he must. There are two divided camps. On one side are the people who believe that the first proto-birds climbed into trees and that, as they glided down, they figured out how to flap. But Dr Dial argues that none of the gliders that currently share the earth with us—such as frogs, lizards and squirrels—actually bother to flap. “Gliding is perfectly functional in its own right,” counters Dr Dial. The second camp argues that bipedal dinosaurs with partial wings learnt to use them to fly.
Both camps are claiming victory, believing that support for their theory is found in Dr Dial's results. Dr Dial, though, thinks his data point to an avian third way: that wings are for more than flying (or gliding, for that matter). Chickens everywhere can rest happy in the knowledge that their wings are more than just beer snacks.
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