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标题: 几道LSAT逻辑 [打印本页]

作者: qihuaguo2    时间: 2002-8-11 14:10     标题: 几道LSAT逻辑

6. No senator spoke at the convention unless he or she was a Democrat. No Democrat both spoke at the convention and was a senator(理不清逻辑关系)
Which one of the following conclusions can be correctly drawn from the statements above?
(A) No one but senators spoke at the convention.
(B) No Democrat spoke at the convention.
(C) Only Democrats spoke at the convention.
(D) No senator spoke at the convention.
(E) Some Democrat senators spoke at the convention.
8. Neuroscientists are making progress in discovering more about the cause of Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease patients suffer from dementia and sever memory loss. Autopsies performed on such patients have revealed the presence of brain lesions caused by abnormal protein deposits. Similar deposits are also found in the brains of elderly patients who do not suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. It follows that everyone who lives long enough will eventually develop Alzheimer’s disease.
Which one of the following statements, if true, most seriously undermines the conclusion that everyone who lives long enough will eventually develop Alzheimer’s disease?(我选了c,答案d,不明白)
(A) The lesions found in the brains of non-Alzheimer’s disease patients are far less extensive than those found in the brains of Alzheimer’s disease patients.
(B) The developing brain produces a greater number of cells than it will ever use. The extra cells are later destroyed by what biologists call “programmed cell death.”
(C) The procedure that allows scientists to discover the presence of protein deposits during an autopsy is not yet refined enough to ensure detection of the lesions in all patients.
(D) Autopsies have shown that some people lack the chemical necessary for protein deposits to cause brain lesions.
(E) Though most Alzheimer’s disease patients develop the disease when they are in their late fifties to early seventies, the frequency of patients who develop the disease in their forties is on the rise.
17. The peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is that it robs the human race. It takes from posterity, as well as the existing generation, and from those who dissent from the opinion even more than from those who hold it. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth; if it is wrong, they lose what is almost as great a benefit: the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error.(
Which one of the following best expresses the conclusion presented in the argument?
(A) Silencing the expression of an opinion is robbing the human race.
(B) Silencing the expression of an opinion harms those who dissent more than those who agree.
(C) Anyone who agrees with an opinion would not want to silence its expression.
(D) Gaining a clearer perception and livelier impression of truth is a great benefit.
(E) The greatest benefit is the opportunity of exchanging truth for error.
20. Most discussions of the factors contributing to improvements in public health greatly underestimate the influence of the values held by individuals. This influence is indicated by the fact that the astonishing decline in mortality from infectious disease during the past century was primarily due to an improvement in living conditions. To a substantial degree, these improvements depended on the emphasis by and increasing share of the population on cleanliness, prudence, and moderation.(我选了e)
The main point of the passage is made primarily by
(A) analyzing existing data on medical practices and health outcomes
(B) presenting a set of related cause-and –effect assertions
(C) applying several general principles to a specific case
(D) presenting a general observation and supporting it with several specific examples
(E) refuting in detail a commonly accepted argument
23. The function of government is to satisfy the genuine wants of the masses, and government cannot satisfy those wants unless it is informed about what those wants are. Freedom of speech ensures that such information will reach the ears of government officials. Therefore, freedom of speech is indispensable for a healthy state.
Which one of the following, if true, would NOT undermine the conclusion of the argument?(我觉得c无关,答案d,不明白)
(A) People most often do not know what they genuinely want.
(B) Freedom of speech tends ultimately to undermine social order, and social order is a prerequisite for satisfying the wants of the masses.
(C) The proper function of government is not to satisfy wants, but to provide equality of opportunity.
(D) Freedom of speech is not sufficient for satisfying the wants of the masses: social order is necessary as well.
(E) Rulers already know what the people want.
24. An unbiased observer of everyday encounters in Western societies would surely not find many instances of unkindness by people under 65 toward people over 65. There are undoubtedly incidents of unkindness based on age, and these warrant reproof. However, the very fact that such reproof occurs and is generally accepted implies that our Western societies basically respect the elderly. The same conclusion can be drawn from a recent survey finding: 71 percent of the under 65 population agreed with the statement that “people over 65 receive too little respect from society”, while only 44percent of the over-65 population, the target of the alleged irreverence agreed with it.
The author concludes that Western societies basically respect the elderly partly because.
(A) people under 65 are just as kind to people over 65 as they are to people of their own age group
(B) survey data suggest that fewer people over 65 than under 65 get too little respect
(C) disrespect for the elderly does not go so far as to result in actual harm
(D) survey data suggest that people over 65 are more aware of incidents involving disrespect to the elderly than are people under 65
(E) incidents of unkindness to the elderly are neither common nor generally accepted in Western societies
作者: primefang    时间: 2002-8-11 17:09

Hi, hope next time u can divide the volume into smaller pieces, I think it’s too overwhelming: )

6        senator spoke ------à Democrat---------à not spoke and not senator

you can see, the answer is D rite?

8         原文其实是在架桥,从 protein deposits ―――》 brain lesion ―――》 Alzheimer’s disease, 所以,我只需拆桥就可,显然D是争取的

17        E ?
18        I think it’s B
23        Function-à satisfy wants--à informed ---à freedom speech
C 直接推翻了第一层关系,所以错,D 指出了必要条件
24  E  ?  I am not sure
作者: tongxun    时间: 2002-8-12 02:15

6、 No senator spoke at the convention unless he or she was a Democrat. No Democrat both spoke at the convention and was a senator
23、C) The proper function of government is not to satisfy wants, but to provide equality of opportunity.
(D) Freedom of speech is not sufficient for satisfying the wants of the masses: social order is necessary as well.
A) people under 65 are just as kind to people over 65 as they are to people of their own age group
(B) survey data suggest that fewer people over 65 than under 65 get too little respect
(C) disrespect for the elderly does not go so far as to result in actual harm
(D) survey data suggest that people over 65 are more aware of incidents involving disrespect to the elderly than are people under 65
(E) incidents of unkindness to the elderly are neither common nor generally accepted in Western societies
作者: qihuaguo2    时间: 2002-8-12 20:32

作者: marine91    时间: 2002-8-19 14:11

上面的第8题,d 项好像和桥没多少关系,题干确实说 protein deposits ―――》 brain lesion ―――》 Alzheimer’s disease,D 项是说有的人因为缺少化学物质,根本就不可能有protein deposits,所以也不可能老了后因此得Alzheimer,,我觉得关键是反击了那个结论中的everyone.

作者: primefang    时间: 2002-8-19 17:39

其实我们都对, D使得上文的逻辑推导关系不再成立,也就推翻了everyone一说

作者: marine91    时间: 2002-8-19 23:16


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