AI #107,
The most effective way for managers to assign work is to divide complex tasks into their simpler component parts. This way, each worker completes a small portion of the task but contributes to the whole.
AA #55,
The Excelsior Company plans to introduce its own brand of coffee. Since coffee is an expensive food item, and since there are already many established brands of coffee, the best way to gain customers for the Excelsior brand is to do what Superior, the leading coffee company, did when it introduced the newest brand in its line of coffees: conduct a temporary sales promotion that offers free samples, price reductions, and discount coupons for the new brand.”
Math (仅供数学底子薄弱之学友参考)
1) problem solving (无怪题, 细心, 细心!!)
一个任务需a,b,c,d各部门协同完成,a有十种选择,b有十种选择,c有十种选择, d有二十种选择, 问:从a,b,c中选一种,d中选两种的方法共有几种。
正方体,边长为4,问底边中点到对面高的中点的连线的长度 (有图)
A(n+1)={An-1}*A(n-1), Given A1=1, A2=3, ask for A4.
(Note: A(n+1) means A 的第n+1项,{An-1} means A 的第n项减1)
平行四边形,Given area=18, side=6, ask for 平行四边形的内角度数。
1970年40%的家庭有computer, 1980年有computer 的家庭比1970年增加了百分之几,1980年总家庭数也增长了百分之几, ask for the percentage of 有computer 的家庭占总家庭数之比 in year 1980。
还有1-2 T 涉及百分比增加减少。[提醒:注意百分比增减对象!!]
还有一题,求出答案后,选择项中只给出近似答案。Ask: please select the closest answer.
2)DS(my weakness, 让ME颇头疼)
Have a straight line, Ask whether point x and point y on the same side of 原点0 ?
A)the distance from x to point 0 is equal to the distance from y to point 1.
B)The sum of the distance from x to point 0 and the distance from y to point 1 is less than 1.
X is a two digital number, ask what’s the tenth digit of 2X?
A)the tenth digit of X is 3.
B)The unit digit of 2X is 6.
此题题干丑长,大意如下:A department has only two kinds of professor, some focus on Accounting, others focus on Financing. Ask in this department, professor who are doing consulting job is what percent of professor who are not doing the consulting job.
A)Half of Accounting professor doing consulting job.
B)Given the ratio of (Finance professor who are doing consulting job) to (Accounting professor who are not doing consulting job). 记不太清,很长!大概如此。)
有二题让偶极痛苦,想献于xdjm们,可无论如何,搅尽脑汁,无法想起。When I could record them, I will talk to you guys about it.
For SC:
Focus on: 结构平行,单复一致,意思简洁, 无歧义!
Than 的比较用法,as much as 夹杂在长句中用法,
That 从句和 to do 之间选择,
To do 和 v+ing 之间选择,
Which 从句和 v+ing 之间选择,(修饰前整句)
In contrast to 在句首,逻辑主语一致的用法,
题选项中涉及:Such as,like
For CR: 有点绕!
A说:温室效应,greenhouse gas 二氧化碳不好。One type of gas M should be burned to decrease the greenhouse effect.
B说:NO, NO, if you burn gas M, M will release much 二氧化碳 into the air.
Ask, select one answer that will be best used to against the objection from B.
Answer: if M is not burned before releasing into air, M will block more heat…(long sentence, in a word: M will do more harm than 二氧化碳.)
For RC: (凭记忆写出,不准确!)
1) women education opportunity around the American Revolution time. (50 lines) (old JJ)
第一段, A认为是在American revolution 之后,共和党政府提倡妇女受教育,是因为妇女对孩子的教育影响巨大,而children is the key factors to decide the future of Republic government.
(第一题:why the leader of the Republic government what the women to get educated?)
第二段,prior to American revolution, B的研究是个Noble exception。 B’s research focus on the education opportunity for women and girls. B use the statistics on the newspaper, etc. to do the research.
(第二题:what’s the exception of B’s research?)
第三段, A的研究obscure了B的研究, 关于women education opportunity around the American Revolution time 的争论无定局: 到底是象A所说:是在American revolution 之后,共和党政府给了妇女受教育的机会。还是象B所说:prior to American revolution, the opportunity for women is already exist but get strengthened after American Revolution.
(第三题:what’s the research difference between A and B?)
((第四题:what’s the main idea of the whole passage?)
2.) Post-war Black union 的作用。(50 lines)
Black union一开始受到 White union 的排挤。然后Black union通过为Black union和White union的共同利益奋斗,获得了White union的认同。
3.) Inflation. (60 lines)
第一段:Could we decrease the inflation and avoid the recession in economics at the same time, the answer is “NO!” 接着有二种theory to explain the inflation. 然后举了European and United state control their inflation.
第二段:some country use the other method to decrease inflation—to control the wages of worker. The Author didn’t like this method, he think this method will do harm to the long-term interest of one country.
(有一题!ask if one country use the wages control method to decrease inflation, what will happening?)
4.) Ice sea 的形成原因研究。(50lines)
(生词贼多,没时间了, 记得也不清了!)
一种理论ice sea is developed three million years ago.
另一种理论 ice sea is melt down three million years ago, then mixed with something under the sea, etc. and in the end the ice sea are frozen again.