1. Contact the applicants who have taken the interview with ivy to delve into the manners and the style of the interview ;
2. Try to prepare all the formal questions(no more than 20);you can navigate the different websites for this resource;
3. Be familiar with your own essays, resume and overall materials. Remember that all the questions will be related to your background, your future goal, your vision, your personality...who are you;
4. Think in depth of each question, since many quesions are asked in response to your answers;
5. Be logical, concise, clear, fluent, passionate, and confident;
6. Be yourself and more of yourself!作者: Abigale89 时间: 2003-3-10 17:44
考试是MBA生活中最刺激的事情。IVEY的考试通常有三种,4小时堂考,48小时报告和回家考试(TAKE HOME TEST)。考试全部开卷,只是要求的时间,地点略有不同。我在考试期间有严重的焦虑失眠症。记得一年级最后一周的五门考试期间,我的有效睡眠时间逐日递减,直到最后一天的运作考试时,我直等到伦敦的鸟儿开始在凌晨五点为我唱歌时,方才睡去。而刚刚休息了两个小时的脑袋,在早晨八点就开始运作。四个小时考试之后,自然只有手脚冰凉,四肢发颤,眼睛发直。写48小时报告的过程也非常有趣。五六个小组成员,领了考试案例,聚在同学家里。打开啤酒,可乐,要了比萨饼外卖,就开始了两个通宵的苦战。在交报告的前十分钟,最好不要站在教学楼前。因为随时都有风驰电掣的汽车疾停楼前,接着车里的同学立即蹦出车门,直奔楼立交报告的箱子,把自己小组的苦熬两昼夜的报告准时塞进箱子。