我也考到了这个题,题目的大致意思是:A set of N numbers with a symmetric distribution, the median is M,the standard distribution is P,68% of the numbers located within the median and one standard distribution, ask what percent of the numbers located within N-(m+p)?也就是说除了包括MEDIAN 和一倍方差之外的数占多少比例?
答案好象有16% 32% 64%
我选的是16%, 但是我的数学不是满分,所以可能作错了。请高手解释解题思路。作者: oddyuibe 时间: 2003-3-8 11:02
because 68% of the numbers located within the median and on standard distribution, the remaining percentage should be 32%, and distributed equally at the two sids. Thus for N-(m+P), it should be half of the remaining percentage, that is 16%.
大家看看,这么理解对吗?作者: linlin315 时间: 2003-3-10 11:51