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标题: 逻辑高手看过来,LSAT??? [打印本页]

作者: bob    时间: 2003-2-7 11:56     标题: 逻辑高手看过来,LSAT???

4. Giselle: The government needs to ensure that the public consumes less petroleum. When things cost more, people buy and use less of them. Therefore, the government should raise the sales tax on gasoline, a major petroleum product.
Antoine: The government should not raise the sales tax on gasoline. Such an increase would be unfair to gasoline users. If taxes are to be increased, the increases should be applied in such a way that they spread the burden of providing the government with increased revenues among many people, not just the users of gasoline.
As a rebuttal of Giselle’s argument, Antoine’s response is ineffective because
(A) he ignores the fact that Giselle does not base her argument for raising the gasoline sales tax on the government’s need for increase revenues
(B) he fails to specify how many taxpayers there are who are not gasoline users
(C) his conclusion is based on an assertion regarding unfairness, and unfairness is a very subjective concept
(D) he mistakenly assumes that Giselle wants a sales tax increase only on gasoline
(E) he makes the implausible assumption that the burden of increasing government revenues can be more evenly distributed among the people through other means besides increasing the gasoline sales tax
答案是A,我选了C。答案A说Antoine忽视了Giselle并没有把增加政府收入作为提高汽油消费税的原因,但是,事实上,提高汽油消费税的确可以增加政府收入,那么客观上,增加消费税的确增加了消费者的负担,这当然可以作为Antoine说Such an increase would be unfair to gasoline users。为什么选A却是表明Antoine’s response is ineffective???

2. Garbage in this neighborhood probably will not be collected until Thursday this week. Garbage is usually collected here on Wednesdays, and the garbage collectors in this city are extremely reliable. However, Monday was a public holiday, and after a public holiday that falls on a Monday, garbage throughout the city is supposed to be collected one day later than usual.
The argument proceeds by
(A) treating several pieces of irrelevant evidence as though they provide support for the conclusion
(B) indirectly establishing that one thing is likely to occur by directly ruling out all of the alternative possibilities
(C) providing information that allows application of a general rule to a specific case
(D) generalizing about all actions of a certain kind on the basis of a description of one such action
(E) treating something that is probable as though it were inevitable

7. It is not correct that the people of the United States, relative to comparable countries, are the most lightly taxed. True, the United States has the lowest tax, as percent of gross domestic product, of the Western industrialized countries, but tax rates alone do not tell the whole story. People in the United States pay out of pocket for many goods and services provided from tax revenues elsewhere. Consider universal health care, which is an entitlement supported by tax revenues in every other Western industrialized country. United States government health-care expenditures are equivalent to about 5 percent of the gross domestic product, but private health-care expenditures represent another 7 percent. This 7 percent, then, amounts to a tax.
The argument concerning whether the people of the United States are the most lightly taxed is most vulnerable to which one of the following criticisms?
(A) It bases a comparison on percentages rather than on absolute numbers
(B) It unreasonably extends the application of a key term
(C) It uses negatively charged language instead of attempting to give a reason
(D) It generalizes from only a few instances
(E) It sets up a dichotomy between alternatives that are not exclusive
答案是B,我想问究竟B中的那个a key term指什么??

Each year, an official estimate of the stock of cod in the Grand Banks is announced. This estimate is obtained by averaging two separate estimates of how many cod are available, one based on the number of cod caught by research vessels during a once-yearly sampling of the area and the other on the average number of tons of cod caught by various commercial vessels per unit of fishing effort expended there in the past year ?a unit of fishing effort being one kilometer of net set out in the water for one hour. In previous decades, the two estimates usually agreed closely. However, for the last decade the estimate based on commercial tonnage has been increasing markedly, by about the same amount as the sampling based estimate has been decreasing.
18. If the statements in the passage are true, which one of the following is most strongly supported by them?
(A) Last year's official estimate was probably not much different from the official estimate ten years ago
(B) The number of commercial vessels fishing for cod in the Grand Banks has increased substantially over the past decade
(C) The sampling-based estimate is more accurate than the estimate based on commercial tonnage in that the data on which it relies is less likely to be inaccurate
(D) The once-yearly sampling by research vessels should be used as the sole basis for arriving at the official estimate of the stock of cod
(E) Twenty years ago, the overall stock of cod in the Grand Banks was officially estimated to be much larger than it is estimated to be today
答案是A ,但是没反应过来,求教。

25. Unless negotiations begin soon, the cease-fire will be violated by one of the two sides to the dispute. Negotiations will be held only if other countries have pressured the two sides to negotiate; an agreement will emerge only if other countries continue such pressure throughout the negotiations. But no negotiations will be held until international troops enforcing the cease-fire have demonstrated their ability to counter any aggression from either side, thus suppressing a major incentive for the two sides to resume fighting.
If the statements above are true, and if negotiations between the two sides do begin soon, at the time those negotiations begin each of the following must also be true EXCEPT:
(A) The cease-fire has not been violated by either of the two sides
(B) International troops enforcing the cease-fire have demonstrated that they can counter aggression from either of the two sides
(C) A major incentive for the two sides to resume hostilities has been suppressed
(D) Other countries have exerted pressure on the two sides to the dispute
(E) The negotiations'reaching an agreement depends in part on the actions of other countries.
答案是A,但是,既然问题中说negotiations between the two sides do begin soon,由于文章中说Unless negotiations begin soon, the cease-fire will be violated by one of the two sides to the dispute.,不是应该推出A是正确的吗?实在想不通。
作者: 卧室春竹    时间: 2003-2-7 16:08

我不是高人... 以下个人意见

1 本来G同学说政府提高TAX是为了减少汽油的消费 但是A同学认为提高TAX是为了增加税收 A本身的出发点和G就不同。

2 本来Garbage is usually collected here on Wednesdays 但是这次改在了THURSDAY 因为 Monday was a public holiday 也就是C所说得通常情况下的特例吧!

3 我就得KEY TERM 就是 the lowest tax 但是作者把 这个定义的范围扩展到了an entitlement supported by tax revenues

4 an official estimate 是two separate estimates 得平均值 然后 段落最后又说了 the estimate based on commercial tonnage has been increasing 并且the same amount as the sampling based estimate has been decreasing 所以 AN AFFICIAL ESTIMATE 整体不变...

5 我也觉得答案是A HOHO
作者: bob    时间: 2003-2-8 15:53


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