1973 june 25是friday, 告诉了其中某年是润年.问1979年 june
25 是星期几?
不是特别明白如果做此题。作者: tongxun 时间: 2003-2-4 22:25
there are 365 days a year
2190-1=2189, because there are 7 days a week
2189/7 .....5
Therefore, June 25,1979 is Thursday作者: steven.wei 时间: 2003-2-4 23:24
老大润年应该是多一天吧。是周六?作者: tongxun 时间: 2003-2-4 23:30
I am sorry! I am confused by the defination of 润年 now!作者: steven.wei 时间: 2003-2-4 23:36
u need not sorry at all. it is so late during this festival.i appreciate your and louisa_xy's help. and in this case Sat is the right answer?作者: tongxun 时间: 2003-2-5 00:00
I must recheck this question!作者: joywzy 时间: 2003-2-5 18:39
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