3.由于我申请的是MSF(master of science in finance),GMAT的要求是否会降低?作者: speedlimit 时间: 2003-1-23 20:32
1.I am not familiar with UK, for US schools, 660 is a average level for schools beyond top 15-30.
2.no matter which one you require, ETS will send all the last 3 scores (if applicable, in you case, the two scores if you require on the test day, or after the second score is marked.), with the same charge, US$25/school.
3. no idea.作者: speedlimit 时间: 2003-1-23 20:38
supplement for the No.2 question. most schools either use the highest score or give you the right to choose which score you want them to consider.
by the way, the edition function on this forum doesn't work well.作者: samgxs 时间: 2003-1-27 11:16
去uk还可以,等成绩一起寄吧。作者: piloteer 时间: 2003-1-27 15:58
我觉得悬,先好后差,会让人怀疑你的能力,说是不看那是假的吧。看到后,多少总会有点想法,最好再考吧。反正今年时间也紧张了,认真博明年吧作者: lin 时间: 2003-1-28 09:27
as I know, some bschools look at the gmat scores separately. So they will take you higher scores in the three section: math, verbal, and awa. Don't worry, just check them out in their website.作者: sunsight 时间: 2003-1-29 17:51