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标题: 两道题,我看了解释也不懂,请指教 [打印本页]

作者: Louisa_xy    时间: 2003-1-17 00:20

1.(1)说不好为什么是 has...
  (2)C 用的是 different from
     should 应该。。
作者: 鹿鼎公    时间: 2003-1-17 00:53     标题: 两道题,我看了解释也不懂,请指教

第一题 When a married couple has their first mate. A) discovered that they are incompatible, they should divorce and marry someone quite different than B) discovered that they were incompatible, they should divorce and marry someone quite different than C) discovered that they are incompatible, they should divorce and marry someone quite different from D) discovered that they were incompatible, they should divorce and marry someone quite different from E) discovered that they were incompatible, they divorce and marry someone quite different from (C) is the correct answer. There are two problems with this sentence: (1) the use of the perfect tense, and (2) the use of 'different than' (which should be 'different from', the correct idiom). The time in the main clause, should divorce, is not in the past tense{为什么用现在时?}; hence, it does not qualify for past perfect in the subordinate clause. Note: a married couple (singular) becomes plural when they are viewed as individuals: they are (plural) incompatible. 我选D 第二题 Question # 10, your answer = E items these days because he or she realizes that frivolous gadgets are often cheaply made. A) The typical holiday shopper, although seduced by row upon row of novelty gifts, tend to purchase more practical B) As a typical holiday shopper, the tendency to purchase row upon row of novelty gifts is won over by the purchase of more practical C) Typically, the holiday shopper who is attracted to novelty gifts tends to remain practical with D) The typical holiday shopper, although seduced by row upon row of novelty gifts, tends to purchase more practical E) The typical holiday shopper, although seduced by row upon row of novelty gifts, tends to purchase the most practical (D) is the correct answer. In the original, the subject, shopper, does not agree with the verb, tend. Choice D corrects this error without making additional, unnecessary changes.{E为什么错了?} 我选E

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-1-17 0:53:02编辑过]

作者: tongxun    时间: 2003-1-17 01:40

作者: VICTOR_JZG    时间: 2003-1-17 11:47

第一题 When a married couple has their first mate. 此处when是否有"while"的嫌疑, 则,虚拟语气? should应该好解释了。 至于has discovered"已经发现", they are incompatible"他们并不适合(一种状态)",时态都没有问题. 欢迎讨论!
作者: CNCharles    时间: 2003-1-17 21:17

2,先排除123,因为只有4和5没有改变原句意思并且主谓一致,E用the most practical后面接了复数似为不妥,选 D

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